The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

11 18 THE-SYDNi fi 1 1 ASCOT 1 ACCEPTANCES. TURF NOTES. GOLF.1 i WEATHER. VUAIN t-i awl i aa aftMIVaftlX lea? M. WMatattti.

aa im tjsjA flaMata Thafa. fraaa Champion r6f Clpioni; THE RfjLD" MAP. arauoaitm. Friday. Aseet eeccptsnees for Wsdnssday sre: Raeendon Handicap.

8lf. Plrat dlvteton fnoeeil! Pstey Stars. 6-13: Jtogarsh. 813: Wonderful, toe. 1 6-6: fceoa mlllss.

I lavly Dileua. 6-4; tn 8-7: Ittftns. l-t-'kluup. 7-3: Cold Marsh. 7: Hushls San.

Mascot, Marsboa Queen ai.r Valntak. 7. 1 Assbciateis1 AUSTRALIAN BEATS ROYAL SYDNEY. jKjr-- rrauea I -eaMoa tola a (sax. a.

xtei ar oi at Uaa aaav. oil i CmTUaa a 4Vv al yaiaam. reaaa eriov. FAREWELL AT TATTIRSALL'S CLUB. Members ot Tattersairs Club held unoke concert last evening la hpnour of Messrs.

A. J. Matthews, W. McDonald (owners), and M. Poison (miner), ot Winooka, at which there was a very large attendance.

The chairman, Mr. W. Hill, to a brief speech, wished the meets nod luck In their venture, which would UDhold the traditions of Aus Hi IM MWIUl MBflgt fflaf tMI thAMaalM aahan Iom coinpatitiofj, rtsvlta wtra R. Skina Vte- second diviaioa (13-361: Rom. Love, ti White Maati, Ti i aowaaal guaatiTUd aaanta.

ftaroa. a. 1M4 tons. Caatals McJtaa. from Ttrwrie-ttlie.

via porta. g.SO ftjnBawar? Aalth. UU agents. Maiigota. S9bt ftma.

niglila pooaldeen. freta lavaneee ports and fcoeanoa. iM ftjn. Varna. lavaneee ports and fcoeanaae, T.14 ftjn.

I Sail, a-a: neeoye. 7.12: sssreiinga. 7-1: cdiiw. 7-8- Sua Bronte. 7-7; Night Lova.

7-5; True law, riu. Wura alM V. tmulL 7. Park i w. vVamtr (ajhftoidiJiV yrftKiu sta ha TjaattM arrar bis eawesaJ Aeeat Plrat evleksn IllSOi: Vel-h.

a- lSiL B-ia- fjuallt a-7. Curtlaa. a-a: rhllp and Ltd- aganu. genr UriS, Oaanaka. rtn tw tv aaamta.

tralian sportsmanship, and his remarks weia Biinnnrt A In Ueutl O. MarloW. J. R. Lee.

eh MlchM tmUrmy tu Ita (Ml of tv 298- 1 Tsneer CiavaCl'S: Oold Unttii, 69; CorndBle. vwiiim mi. w. wao utxiraai Jl M. A.

Jald (Hurauillal t7. a. air lOraaauat aarM treaa Ci 1- aJoKIChaUwoodi laratatt froa Prat, aa Csmmma (Oltvi 1 K. m. Paal a.rl JS; Mahar iDaawlir) rorSaU frwm Sampala: Bullock (Randw'ek) forfeit from nva ttejM wiyeinaif Pf amin'iiait.

uia gov. by four matchM to thno. Th Autraltui rept. awnUtiTM thtM tollowtd thdrfr Nccal WMm inltul laaat r't BrTrnUraV lilra. w'alte kftholth 7-7: F.

McOiath. J. H. O'Dea, and O. Ball.

snot ciss.6: eeld Ooln The concert programme was Provided by Mc" I Si Man, l.uii anil hU nrchflim. DOfl JUlUO Merr Lyons and his orchestra, Don Julian fT" Bay at saw nt Una ks tha Bute ana 6 yaar, wbtai aw aa.sH hawa 2' of setiiameiit. 86 Mr. NanBr8 fMrk 8 -ea of tba Ownell lor a. ana.

nsaafeU (Bar Oaranja 4 Uw i DtrecAue ot rhroatloa (MF (urator af Uae Taehf la a. A. K. ranfoM), rrm i prealdent of Mas t-v af: i Wataa (Mr. R.

W. illohtnini sketches). P. Bvenett (baritone) iWaaarleri orfSf from Oarttt Itaaambslljl Rarrlaaa Ih7 Lalaa giaaitail hawnnd their MDsMiUtlOtU. 4 aecona aivieion ii.otit naewrn.

"on. aaaaai wvee, aunaaa e.i s- uwreir a. a.ia a.m., rWer. 6J3 bjbu from a-: Queanbeysn. S-7: Mlaa Umartak.

6-6: In. A. oaietttar faatiut tht dtfMt of th lltU hampton, Wm Joan Mammond. Was W. Bf4nrt alona.

In tho analali wtth Klllara Mtaa tlydnaf Jonoi bad plrar, B-4 JR. KU awnlltbL Ukon. I-it- saanacSni i-iu; TMItl i a- auaas nayaai iloa IKIUaiu a7 R. oralg ISfarma. i torMk frcie ClMltMhaei.

,4 laoraiB. ativotHft Vina. 7.8 raoodna. 7 Tamare. eeauei waflaaeea.

a 9 rraaa Lae meeaasr 6as vseMeed; BeaUaa. ft DB7SP i (J rots. May 18.,, gwsaatjai 1.6 Vm? Jataaud Mr. Penaelalher at tha 90u: but yaatai. ay aha woa from Miss Hammond, i up and 4-AUbeasTi Miss Hammond aol rallakls wlta her sauna.

Mlaa daey Joaae plarad eaeeaHoai- with plarad aaajeaeuav Tlaia DOmiU'a atf-alV tUIB afkllLaaa tammlmmaVtIR Tnira oirtaion l.aoii vicar tea. B-iw! ml orlMM Sa Thaaa. a -S c.aauaa. a-3: aoV uraaaa a( tha aociatii v. Warotr JaM.

Kcti, PiiM M-hav. wan. las OaviaM elao bad a handaoaaa ylctorr. baat wan. Mlaa OaauM Richard White and the girls, Ritchie Brothers and the blind pianist, Maggie Foster, and Bobbie Watson.

The three-year-old gelding The Dawn Petrol has been sold privately at a high figure to Mr. T. D. Oove, telegraphs our Melbourne representative. The South Orafton Jockey Club will bold three meetings Instead of two during the forthcoming July racing carnival, the dates being July 13, S5.

and SS. The South Orafton Cup meeting, will be held on July 2S and 36, and th. nriu mtmev will be 265. This Is tne aio lna Mrs. cure noamaoo.

ana Nra. rawcan lltni form asalnst Mrs. Slack. Ike eia Ura cniva tMllnl form lira, alacat. taa anaraia waa avvni kl I 7 he enrwa aa( as 18.1.

a Te aa a Blent a ha DarV-Un Mh mma h.laa a nrt a Ttaa otaae artnnar tar caeo tana a-awn nM, aeon, Alogle. 7-10; Sabean. Tali: kogaruh, 7-7: Prince KeancL 7-7; Carsuldt. V-6; MaetaV Men. 7-8: tac? DrakcT7-3: Prlacaas Phyllis.

7-UlBaoeB, Asest Plata. Ill a.l8- Pal) Poeee, Mere CyUcne. 6-10; Oeklen-Lt-al-e. 6-8: Green Tlaw, 6-8: Prince Conceit. 1-1; BUuUong.

Ouwn of tne Air. I Tslcddla. Danlora. 7-lJ: M. Olate.

7-U; WMt- Aaatratlaa was atrs. Mil lll, wka dolealad Mts. MoclaUoo ur. w. lUaUt UIU4 AM rSt rUaT, to prtacBt ocrttAcatca W.

JUWaruar iCatra-MlTtaB t-homvlott. ltt Md Sf in uie oiner ro. 1 rraaai anavm hes eert ill a. a 4, 63 asa. Ceidare.

tl a-liiauaa. a a pm, Caladon. a Christina. Psser. s.

10.13 Thmih a 1 ftWIalB. UlN eontortaeis via ever a waakaaad Manlr team. The luuatr. f-T. Kunata.

t-T: cott. 7-11: Brewa, an rat of I 2 4.0 1. roraia. only toccata lor Manly was sewsd ay Bare, ttccaaa for Manly was salnad ay waiMiiaap, -k kM. aaa a and B.

a. I tea. a. aMifr. CaUaatia.

uia tha KauhsVMVtaa oNee tkrpr. aa aka an-w-ooB'a mim. aUwlt iha aUth Aih6atwTiariiiaiav. rlf. th frhih hu hail thraa (Uva dutiztC 1 VaBtt.

t-10; Blmaoa. l-iff; The ISe. I grade matches teaeoad round' had It: LXaTi t-b; hji Mm. oavnan. Ainum Lam.

i-v; Brian. -v; nvuna, nmA9rmi i-, 1-1 'I It- win Been BostBoaea iram aaay iv. InV7' me auiy wiiaF-Tje. i enter, rr tjJl by tba Taal nniHinct hn hu been narchaaed law e4) pre er 7 -0 oc am earn sima as a ma Ma iBaa orape, 7-t; rnvamii. 7-7: arise aea.

v-ei a sna. Twasab; a-M rear, aye eaa. Rarlpiocat 7-a. aHHTTBLD 184 TtaTrOBa 186. alatear.

Phvsd at Ash! w.ltar Handlean lm. wirat dhrlalon fS.fll: PlU- laeM. W. 1 1. nrifl I rraTaaTrmiTi Mar 61 Mr.

O. Jacques, wm do his future ndng In the East Messrs. Wm. Inglls and Bon will hold a sale maval avJuar Auatrallan. at ItOM Bar: Mlaa Hamilton, abulias.

tea, l-To: Ttlitan. Bay of Islands. Bobba- Abrai th. Bonaufant, Bovty. rarmtrs najamooa ikb.i kmi Miaa r.

nronvr ona Irraltea ao, s-13: Tyrtum. S-1I; Mlsa Tin Bacua. a-7: cotar. I Oraunde. R.MJ.

for Jndoaj. porta, (Be. ay uia auiof isuo references to oat endeavour, hv such men a tcr. Harknaas. whaaa cotnlon.

6UJea HIV WIUjajBHwy apaaaaa i ai, am -3; Brtu'taai atar. 7-li; Paan, Crow! lUlllna. 7-; Laillda, 1-f; Man- uu. tacruueai aducatlaii raj. lounaao -OB avtra.

qiiti awwinasa mm io Miaa imimm, a "B- tllM ntaM haat Upas lHKlal. 1 UD' ln. OOOdtll CMUebaak. tar tVaodon. Tib' ataol' ewai-t wbart aiaba tslaadti- 1L a-ssi aUss Msra.

J.M.i (or tokohsms, via. porta I'dtTtahm n.ttl! Bart Lelaaatir. -T! tr. loai to Un. Molrficfcla.

1 down; Mr. SUek loat to Mra. raweatt. and Ifra, Sowlt Uw Watt. ZL Johnaon.

Cleat. Hoad VUteeU hoii. Dannlne. tdwarda. Bate.

Balnea (fltedoei! 15 O. emllton, Ireland. Williams. 0. Abr.m 18 purway.

Htaas. Whltaheaa. eneea IBaS wood) 17 1 Teewjnne, rakr lee fan Praoeieeo rPatoR Peat tax. -siararnasa saM Tiraa aitrnTurn snr br limrtrm palled Maratlsw iwUrarrrent ha hast ao etaaVah.ttaaavi hatKaal -of UoBaaa Jnreo tease. 8-4: arhltseme.

Bba. S-U; Baabv. Balloda. (-4; SaUahury. Malaatlo Brldsa.

7-15; The Locker. 7-12: Marls Stuart, 7-9: (now Lass, viucvk. a anaj bj. AttitralUa waa tnv matehaa to ttoaa. ntlathtr KlUara jara Htav, aaitara: aara.

Ciaillllii. a. ooieawyn. 7-v; was jonnnie, 7-7. River HandleaB Br Pint dlvarloa 141; Joan en.

Te aara ahatt ai lisbat af eh waster aaewm. it will ba aartlead that a aeries deea and anersstle soutbsra alaturbanoss follow one another in rapid succession ever th, aouthera parts of the continent, with very low BeeoBMtrie valuas mar the eeean ereaa. RalaUvalv high preeear. vravalls ever tba Interior obacarttvi jrraat IK.) LYem-vi Ura. bau Mra.

Miaa Trttwan i I. Ts O. rra oaai aaiaa uoKia. aa 4 aw Raatt Wt Mra. Colin Campbell, PhTiai'-SiCalSf-foJicu'' ''irualul 7-S: Tolaaala.

7-J; carllght, Manhon, 7. maueooa in an avert wiaer neia. mere, were men in all tart of tha' Oouiraortwaalth who admired him tremsoaopalffanat evarett of bloodstock at their Newmarket "aoies, Randwlck, on June 12. Owners wishing to offer horses should forward particulars to the auctioneers aa soon aa possible. The three-year-old colt Acrobat, a brother to Bold Boy, by Braaen (Imp.) from Aviation, and previously raced by the Bmlttiden combination, has been sold by Messrs.

William Inglls and Son, to Mr. A. B. Bettington, of Coolie. Merrlwa, for stud purposes.

Our Adelaide representative telegraphs that Kidaldes has been withdrawn from the Park-side Handicap, run at the meeting of the Adelaide Racing Club to-day. Included In the many events tor which entries close on June are the Western rrhv nf 760. and the Karrakatta mui ra Sna Mra. Lynch. 4 and.

McCulloek beMl lmnd hut lln Duaoburr Molr. aa Bpinu, 3 ana mtb. hDt sol Btua. v-Pi -(. ijiiij toat to Mra.

Brown. 4 and Mlaa Hlpalti boat districts of Weatern Auatralla alao raeordad anaUtw uaefuf rain. Although th, nreaant typa of coatrol is net favourable for appiailabU tiS I the far west and northern duuicu ol eooS Wales, It Is Indlest vs of continued ihimrv perlof In southern dUtrlcts and about the flee alopas aad fteouent showers sre eirpacted aloas rnon of tbe bell durlns the coming weak IslU will probably catena si tlmti'li tier ,2 trlets. Cold weaurry winds will be general Uod, mW soutnara bS2 Ocean Poreeaat. Strong nortb-wastarly to m.

erlywlnds to galea snd rough acaa oiar all witS aouth of the continent, end atrons esusllv noru! westerly winds aad rising aaaa avw tbi 'iSaaS 6mTi eane the continent, with th rssloa ol hatheat arasaure about the trople, This distribution fsvours sttons waaterly aad rough weather ever all southern water-, and cold, steady, showery weather tn tbe aouthcrn arcaa ai the continent. WHS tbe aaassae of ssch trouih of low pressure the sprcsd af rats Mra. fa retail aaaT 1. 777V1 is; Wlntold. 8-3; Laarane.

7-1 Lady Keith, 7-U: Iaalon. 7-8: Masanna, 7-7: Precious Oaai, 74; Dear Maid. 7-1; Beather. 7: Safety Pos. 1.

Third division (4.50): Oarlam. 8-3; Wall Soon. 8-13; BUI Brew. 8-11: Jackie Csetaa. 8-8: Phm- aaaaMUl.

aweta utar woa an Maicaao oa. Ho. OIUDB. mmt nrvTRima. te SUBURBS.1 -J 66 aroour si a.m.

austv.s, Wsba ffrTfULaTATW-iPnaraoaar, isyi Rtaabaa. aa ai far Raanaasoa Raven Mmura. s. lac Claraaoa lurai; ajalaum. s.

tor -Maseuarla. I jrsr wrabaaeTvla- ISiaueiUS 088. at wharf. Pyratoatl. 11 a.m.

Vanla. tabs, lea Riamina -rlllsst Polat harfl, alaht. aramonda, sa 7-is; aoan aaaraa i-ia; uroen waia. i-a; 7-7: Tiara. 7-7: Roval Craat.

11 Thalia. r.hin"'"'."'."r. arvaiar ana aunng tne paa, noura general tight te medcrste raas ooeurrcd hi Aua. trail, aautb of the tropic, with a timely and useful 'all. over the wheat areaa al Hew South Walea and Victoria.

South Australia and the soath-assum ItoyaJ Srteoy 1 Kocarah. at Rom Bay: Mra. Staaoy (BiTloaT to Mra. Kay (B.I. at tha 19th; Mlaa Mama loat to Mra.

Ran, at? Mth: Miai Mlaa 7-1; Asperslea, Nettle, 7: Wona, 7. MOS MAN'S FINANCES. Metthev. Lul.nd Tee, Txike Craylord. Wchorlaat TTIna.mlV atitai "The financial vXMrttori k4 ttW Munldnallty Oraham boot Mra.

Poach 3 and Mlaa Hill beat Plate, 750. run In December, and the Sires' iretershami AaUFTBIJl a Of Mosman can fenarally ba-descrlbed aa MaTTXOROLOOlCAL RXPORTn. Mrs. Oolvln. 0 and Miss Roaa beat Mra.

rnmnaa Sand Mlaa Has wall loot to Mra. Tnompeon, 1 own; Mrs. Nlxson beat Mlsa O'SuIltvan. 0 and 4, ijirgvaaTATf Qwyeir, a ror rieweasue. 1' TXSSaXS OanM.

a froa Part Kamai isle. -6 wharf. TO-DAY'S SPORTING FIXTURES. Bound," says taa auditor (Mr. Ivo W.

Kerr). In a report to ttw mdnrolnal council. "Trie com Produce Stakes, of eoo, to oa run as aw, RICHMOND RACES. CBiBiiaanaeslth waathse Sanaa, mdar. I Averaaa i-r.

K.itn.. far 7. rwvai uyanev woa rovr matcnea n- "W- tfemsaiem. If) 4ln UBft glm. Owydlr Rlvsr: Binrar, m-' ma year, however, la vital as retards tha coun- Tieilillen.

Pl'atta. Plndlar. Ta 4737 poW Barling Harbour, 1.. Kra. Morgan inaw.) boat Mra.

Muroocn BBai aatwea WaltaM haal Url etwtnt 1 UP etl'a Orasnaaa. II It -can abasia -from tbe Average for 74 years, from January 1 be tbe end of May. 3344 aolaia. urna, ina rni iua.n. a wn.n., Colonial Suiar Reaalnl Ltd-- a rente.

Lodte. Vlneent, Blanch. Bill Poison. Ruaaall. Bodsens.

Jamaa 17 Murray. Allen. Hamilton "untcr Rlyer: singleton. Jit ilia, iiE Lachlan Rlrer: Porbss. sin (37It ouTlTConSobt Hi, 4ft ein lasfii: Buaba ong.

nt lib (Miti! futon, 3ft bin I3trti: BooUgal. low. Msetatna River: BogaablUe, gft I20ftl: Vtmao. aft VOOTBALL. wtlithta tor Richmond raeei i en Tiaedrare: Maiden HaaJleap, Wfwen.

vanra. anar. rraaa aoa -aasaaa. (Ballaaa Point aftaraaon. -Chambers aad Awa, irom aanuary isaj, to qaia, sjo paanM.

Total foe aorraanondlna narlnd ai 1413 ROfbr Tmlon: Randwlck Mortham flulMiTba. at Mlaa Barring beat Mrs. McDonald, 0 and 0: Mra. Ritchie loot to Mra. Hore, 3 and 2: Mra.

Olynn beat Mra. Olbeon. and 3. Mra. Hughoa beat Mlaa w.

Parry, ft and Mra. Barnea loat to Mia. Jones. uioriHAnoT ea nviDoac 4. Plaved at Lal.hh.rrit J1' HoDaland." 6-10; I--IT 0e fty.

North Sydney Oval: Manly St. aorta. Manly Oval; Eastern Suburba weatorn Suburba, Conoord potnta. BarosMter At 6 a m. 39.S3S, al 3 6.BS.

66634, at a p.m as.837 laches. Pibbon. 8-9; Little Fasr. 7J-; bene Csrwrne. e-, Olbeon, Poa.

Wataon. rount 16 Thompson, Bate. Henley. Barnes ana Aeon. a.

from Heweaatl, (Klng-atreet wharf), about 4IH. lln: Teeum.arsn Vila urai; uoiversuy urummoyna, urummoyno oval. Rucbv Leavaue! At the ftvdna Crli-kct CirrwtnA A.ratiaraiura. Al a.m. an, ai a.m.

ea.a, aa Biuinnoee. Rolfe. Allen, Bobaon 64 aroaton, en sin (33ftl. 3ln: BarhanC Sft itf urrumb deae Rlv.r. 'm77.

1" t.1 p.m.. 07.1 degrcea; maximum 80J, minimum S3. Mlsa Lehane (B loat to Mra. Stamp Taylor a.m. CMnuo.

aaauM. Nsakuta, a. from SualsT ibrultt-atrset Wharf) evening. Union S.S. co aseata.

riM UfflfOIV City Firsts Country Pints, 3 p.m.; City Seconds Oountrv Seconde. 1.48 n.m. Prauldant'a Oun uu.i, aiutcnoury, UW.D in t.m. 6L at 3 p.m. 83, at 8 ammioitr.

At 3 and Mra. Bmart lost to airs, nyaney viuuc. Ula. tVlaa leMt Ula Hltlt at 19th n.Ol. S3 nav cant.

Packer, Raynaf. Walker. Berowari ts: copious. 8-3: First CavaJl.r OresnUlo. a.

Talman. 8: St. Trans, Maalsst. Airier, from Brisbane 11 wharf, Pyr- wino. oreateat velocity si muss par nour, aa 13.35 n.m..

from at 8 a.m.. 6 mllea. from pairs, wei wmi. i manu. about a a.m.

wast. ABHTOTLD i 76 BOBB BAT 67. Plaved at A.hfl.M competition: CaiiWrbury-Bankstown Southam Dlstrlcta. at the Sydney Cricket around, 13.30 p.m.: Manly-War weatero Districts, Sydney Sport Oround. 9 p.m.

Association Rules. state Laaffue: New Zealand Northern Dtatrieta. Neweaatla. 3 p.m. Southern So dersen.

Ltd. i 7-12: Silent oold. 7-12: Ounstar, 7-lJ. i MW; at 3 p.m., 17 miles, from WNW; st 6 p.m., Mra. Huasoo oeai ra.

duu, up; loat to Mrs. Miller. 1 down; the remaining match 5i "srren RUer: Anilecoot ratepayers cash to tba extent or at least una years rat levies, the future should have BtUe worry for the council, aasumtna. of eouraa, that tha ejorat ot tba dsprasaliwi has rasas sd." The report ajnoaada to atata that an uiaieu enoa by tha ratepayers upon lower municipal ehsrgee waa mat by extandini concessions of 6796 on their general and loan rate. That amount represented the difference between the figure for 161 and r3." In 1911 tha ordinary lnoome was 16,947 in ISM It was 66,67.

Tha drop of nj00 called for a strict curtailment of azpendlture. The call did no co unheeded. Outsolnrs decreased by 34,764, from 64 6S4 to 60.100. Tha only way of substantially oacmalnal thaaa out. totnta was by curtailment ol.

tha expenditure on publla works, which decreased from In 1631 to 36.086. a fall of 11665, Other sayings wen effected by reduced In io muss, vrrrw. waa won by Mrs. MeBryoo ia.i. a ana lady' callsroL BAROMBTBRS AT 8 A.M.

Oraaalek Paulks.witherdla, Perrler. la Barnea, Ttlddell. Boerdman, Robeoa BlrreU. Burt. Platte.

Rlehardaon '61 PcfJi "elek. Bopklnaan Phtlpotts, Davidson. OemmeU. aa Asoanlus. from am Dan a ino, wo.ri, rjr-eiont).

about 8 ta. OJlctirlat, Watt, and Sanderson, agents. Cathay. R.M.Bi frees Brlebane (He, 30 wharf. Pyrmont), about 7J0 aa- Mtndonala, Mlaa.

8-8: Oraat Ejpectatlotia B-: Mlaa Pompadour. M-JPstile Olft. sreb on, 8-3: Treler, 8-8: All Phaat. 8-8: Malt Las. 8-4.

ecuon: ursnviua woooona. as Clyae (Trait ooo tivbw riaij; mi. AusLraun woa six mawoM Tha Lakes a bye. ABOOITD DIVISION. Met tare otadesvlne-Rvde.

Arllnvton Pirfc. Dulwlch v.aaaaaats wvis atv.avij uwusvj, wi lu vuaA aiv.sjrei, genu Kaperanoe M.7g, Buela M.7f. Btraaky Bay 29.6, aldcLaide Itobe 39. it), Malbourna 28.41.

Wllaon'a Promontory 29.38. Oabo Ialand 29.30, Jar-via Bar 47. Newcastle M.82. Port Uaoqnarle Hi ten an. Monte, Brldsa.

Paul r- 16 and Com agent aa -ava. Awaalmlaa aV. lVBlTlatta! MlU litus. 8-4: oraien area. Third dlTlllon: Honeymen, -7jMlas Bfere.

awj: lootacro. 8-7: Tie" a V- iSJrl! e-5: Golden Mew. 5: siunatar f-5 Bora Shootacre, lee. 8-3: oaiosie. i Hllli Annandale-Latehhardt Canterbury.

Ibroa Park, latlehbardt; Oorrimal St. Oeorta, OorrlBiaL Sydney and District League First division: Oladea- from Brisbane me. wharf, bja. w. o.

Deeehag and Ca, City ef Delhi, a Pyrraautr. about 7 aajuiKivKviijU no uauacaa. A4. Shield eama. at Marriekvttl.

Inn Oorry (P. beat Mra. Lloyd (AI, and Miss PhUOpa1 toat to Mtaa Williamson. 3 and Mra. 1.

uisa nmsanii and ft! Mlaa A. "iii cone, nne, aaa calm: Rlebjasoi smooth: SSSS SS' "ee aljht; RaSbulaa 8W. light, ana sea smooth: Art MeeeuiS? 3S.B9, ourenoa neaaa a.aa, naoana aa.Ta, auca-baaapioa IBM Mack ay 2g.U. CooUown M.tU. nlna R.4 AlflllC.

8-4: Tiuvnra unuercune ocoinsn, uiaaesvuie si Oroand: CanterburT WaaUm Snbnrha. UeHi wharf. DerUng Wings, 8-3: Railway, Hardy. Ballantyne. Roeban.

Bcutte IT WeatheMer. Hyde. HuretTplekerine Z- Duntoo. Khardan. Harrla.

Baanall BT Mason. 1. R. OartreU. Brachar.

atrhuai rannoge, him suvwh Oorry beat Mra. aar. aea amoothi Newcastle, wl about 7, aja. Parte, Reaerve, Belmera: Rockdale Scottish OranvlUa. loat to Mra.

Wbatmora. ft down; Mlaa Lyne lost nUPjSRATURBB. (For tha 34 bo ura ended at a.m-1 Canberra, maximum 57 decrees, minimum 43 da- Moorefleld Raceoourae; Auburn Annapdale-Leicto- Richmond Hlthwclent a. ICW O'Cls-e. 8-5: Vallar.

4-3: Opwtune. Early CaU. 8-7: Paitlcclo. 8-7: Chleftan. 6-5: BeUe Trelij.

8-5. (O aTalTS. KM ej, aweaaea, awawew (Be. if whart afaraoema Oroae. Bartle.

Renwlek. J. Oartrell .16 sush hwTw fresh. Ona. cloudy, aea alight; KlsmsT maeS.t.' iSSS'-Jf Croothaven mdT oarai.

a a urn. Australian Rnloaf WaTWtewn Mnrrth Hvrlrfv Jeasas PatrtaS Darling Barbear). abiul a a.av wwMa. vanai Sarasw, s-wsiii, vs, usiwui, rv ausibius, 47, 1 Brisbane. 71, Vli MalXairae.

03. if; aytinay. 7, terest on loans am lease nea expenaiture on parka fend aardens. Fixed loana had bean re and Ltd- TaTlt1. a.

tTVaaTtM. At VIUra' SSlu WanKeS (K.) Brsklnavlila Oval: Eaatam Suburtaa North Shore. OHAT6WOOD 64 PRATTBI PAU T7, Bhlald fuu aft fh.inM. iA 0a, aTaODa if 0av.IA. duced from 336,696 at tha and ot 1631 to lost to Mlaa Qowlog (at, at 19th; Mlsa McDonald Trumper Park; Sydney St.

Oeorga. Wtotworth toiar, cunitjy, aea amootn; Jervla Bar Hsa. otoud3r- Bateman'a BayTW moderate, daar. aea sliaht; un i.7bV Dtmboola. from.

Tssmanlsn' ports (PyTtnont Bridge wharfy about a-aa. Mlboorn aVS. Oa, New Boarth Walea (for Um 34 hour ended at ATHLETICS. ana -Newton lojT t. Mra Beattv.

at ltlh: Mrs. Harper lost to Mra. Bird. Ja.i; allgSfltT uuaui-. moderate, cloud-.

Ooulbum. Mribaafraa (Pheaarte-wharf), about 7 a.aa, Huddart. aaanta. weeern umaiom. airanaia la rawai.

Renley. Stlrllne. Praaer. 67 Ridley Orel. Cos.

Bolton IS Hall. Blackle. Tonne. Holt 13 Manslee. Bensted.

Merlin. Psrmere S3 Laity. Medcall. Rodeere. O.

Oartrell 14 J. Smith. Bonanfont Bovey. Woroaworth 86 3 and 8: Miss Wslker beat Mlaa smltn. 4 ana Katoomba, s.

from Melbourne (rto- 4 wharf. rlna 2d, Byroek Cobar 15, CoUaranaorl 4, Kua baling 17. Vuitoo IS. Husigerford g. Louth 4.

Uenindla New Booth Amatenr Athletic Aaaodatlon Combined Datwalttaa. Sydney Dntwttty OvaL 1.U p.m. Eastern Suburba elub. four mllea eroaanmtry Mlse Barenna loat to mas en i no amount aua oy aunary raia- i vers for rates and Interest was 30,144, an crease on the yetr, In 1961 t)ut-standlni rates and Interest increased by 10,706. Had a similar position arisen In 1933 the eounoll's flnancaa would have been seriously Impaired: lone, before thai Tear was vaniirg naraaiuri.

a B-aa. muiwraiui, UcBacham. Ltdu aenb. gTMceaglel 13. Mount Bop 18, rlymagae 18.

Tlboo- FOR VTW BOOTH WALKS AT PH. Mostly nae, in the north-weal and north gtaJSgJl JT "loiSfi with further ahoweri. chiefly on south central ilopeeand tablelands; Mattered ahowtr. Palmist Hill! The Lakes IT At PennenJ Hills: Miss Donee IFH.l best Mrs. Tbompaoa (TX.l.

1 ourr aa, i upa a wsnsanng an, wsntwortn aa, KBNSIHOTON 70 MAaVOHB 16. aiaA .1 SM.InMi ar a. Monterey. A.M.B, from Mslbaarae. IPo.

wbart r. aaa vuxviar vnutyi. aoous Marth.wMiam Mala. I- 1 .1, i Walking C1ub. aaven mllea' walk handicap, Paie-wood; Randwkk-Kenstnirton dub.

three mllea han- MOrStOCS. O-a: juwjrian.kti.a. Z.L- s-t- p.f;.,rVouhnaM Prince Yamba. 8-10: Lady Dutehlave-5: The Pledae. 7-10: Ladv Pattv.

7-10: Clatlnn. 7-V Novice Slx -Plrat dlvlalon: Uyfan. Pns Pride. 8-8: Moralorlum 8-8: MaJtarPajhlon. 8-5.

Burdett. 8-3: Porestrv. 8-3: Lady Jmg, Baajlnii: 8-3: Cormac, -J: "arj. AwlrsUona. St.

Oallen. i-U: Deral Moo8e. 7- Wllarea. 7- 11: Mlia Pompadour. 7-10: a.7-Second Tray.

8-7; Baby Tc 6-7: Emaciations 6-7: Bondl Lad, s-7: rairoie, 8- OlfS: Off, 8-7! Jn, Lmd. 8-6 Firms Tor. 8-6: Bnaka Era. 6-6: Mlrnetar, 8-5. Mlaa Illord.

8-4: Woorooma. 8-4; Sir Brad. 6-4. Obro. 8-4: Counterlumner, 6-4.

a.i-,.. Maiden Welter Si.JStSK,' e-ll- Bamarans. 6-10: Wlnvsle. 8-10: Ptame Klnf. SheMll 8: Love Bird 6-7Unotono a-J Braren Olrl.

8-3; Jimmy Archer. 8-3: Piling Ballet, 8-2: Cooltre. 8-3. ana 1: aare. annmr aw vo Mlaa fcyon last to Mrs.

Thane. 6 and 6: Mrs. Beet Braddock beat junction 7. Oarah 17, Mill la 3, Mores 7, Hsrrsbrl aicap, rwrjanoKUHi Macecourse: Mtiin syancv eiuo. Marina a from Lora mowo end wot rant yaisnas Co.

10 wharf, Walsh Bay), aiernlng. brans, Phllp, and Ltd. ageata. Mra. Hoelseher.

3 and 1: Mre. Davrla leet to Mlaa guur Hintja iuu race, annaQoaie, wesvern dudutds club, four mUaa handicap, OanUrbury Park Raee- Ooldbere. Preel Walker. Hart a6 Lawler. Hodesoa.

Morrison. Honavflald i Slddans Kerney (Victoria). Blanch, Mow- MeDoaald. tnjpresVu'johnston'ttt! 16 Joyce. BrtshtweU Murray looulburn).

Penny 66 1 Vincent. Apnlerotb. Howarth, Plaid -r. 16 niiuj. aa, waigni wm waa sv.

Ocntral Weatern Plalna. aoe.D Oat 36 points. Condoboua 30 Coonambie 3. Olltandra 11. Oirll-smbons 6, Oulsrsambons 16, Marromlne Never- ei.n,i.B5T,?.CAi?r Solomon.

4 and Mlaa oarrin leei aaia. op ncrouooa uom nntoans in, ji rye- BASEBALL. ur, niynean lo. peak onambona a Tot- enti, about 7 a.m. Blrt and agents.

Romoba, a from Brlabead (Ho7g wharf Wool- wrient. a ana i. The Lakaa won Bve matebee to two. Bonnie Doon 1- a bye. nvTBn nrnaina FlPatt aHat TrlrhhaiPelt UmrtHsaaTwHtlalj (jaeTBn.

abeufr 8 a.m. Auatralia-ltaUa Un. loomoolao), aaenu. v. aTangie ZJ.

xranoio si, Tuuemore 13, 39. Warren 3g, Talgogrln 37. W.l.rn atl.n.. r.Bnowliulp. .1 tn "PSJ'iSS JS TO-DAY.

vrvai; reieranam-wess wavariey, waveriey uvai: PARRAMATTA 46 BDRWOOO 66. Plaved at Parramatta. bmhiii. at u.nlv- Mra. TTlomsen (M.

rultUaUeet wharf) Taiune, about 7 a.m Cdolah 16, Coonabarabran 8, Cudal 30. Dubbo 3s! vieorie tjoroon, saiity uvai; irtiPllWiTB Mosman, Bankstown OvaL 3.20 p.m. Ddon 8.B. Co. sbfjOe, agansa.

beat Mrs. Dunn 1R.1. 3 and I- Mrs. Tsreett beat Mra. Raamey.

4 and 3: Mrs. Boreham beal Mra. Plnnlneton, 7 and Mrs. Morris beat Mlaa Camp- wroaoaa, i cugowra ao, Faroes aa, along 37, Parkae 48. We llnatea 8L BOWLS.

Trevllllan. MeCaualand. Moray. Pye a Irvine, Whlteheed. Bert.

Rlehardaon as Kail, Turnbull, Brown, Orlma 16 Singleton. Stevenson, Qlbaon. Thomas 87 Mason, wtlaon. Oeddea Harvev 16 OTKRBBA VBBBBLB'Hf PORT.v t.Lbol.t'sOMft0 "0Ut. do nortty W.1U'.

fresh, to strong, sauallv north. Third and fourth mimda. ahamfriaa a Aenugt, BJULS, belt. 8 and 4: Mrs. onapman loat to aara.

miac ZrJLjl I-. in- un Wletchar Blvertna Ardlatban 16 polnu. Sara Han 10. Bar-rlgan 30. Cergelllgo 17, Cerrathwl 34, Consrge 33.

Coolamoa34, Oorowa 33. Culcalrn 44. Darlington IE-CONVICl Adniinlstered Poison to Foster' I AUCKLAND, Friday. Nurse Kspeth TCeriv aged 46, waa found guilty of admin laterlns; veronal poison 'to her foster-child, Betty Kerr with Intent to Injure her, thagaby endangering hex Ufa, Tha Judge lleferred aentenoe, i. This tha third trial, the Juries In two previous trials having failed to agree.

There fjaiiarat, s. RO. 6 pious, 10 a-nu aad uo p.m. No. ft wharf.

Darling Bai lo. 7 wharf. Oleba Island. 8 and Miss ifarsbaU bsat Mrs. Holmes.

7 and Hlssa, Douslaas. Whltfleld. Bporway waateriy wlnda. 28 to 33 mllea an hour. BOXINO.

CocnllcEmnk a rfi MAMLT 43 DaTXWBT 31. a. a. b-. -K I.

mi. It M. 33 roint 3S. Den (Uq Bin 4a. Orlmth 39, Orong Oreng 30.

Bay .33, Bcnlv 33. Blllston 3. Howlong 36. Jerllderlc 40. Lea ton 33, Lockhsrt 34, Maud.

1 Mo. ma 40. PORICASTS. Olenmonr. aa a Athat Lsslehhartft Medium! tTarald WavaTpa fhw.

Cammeray PymbU At Cammeray: MUa McKee uoni ana cloudr. with acme furth showsrs. but chiefly light end In aouli wauuaina, bsu mttudi xoung uanoi isix rounosi, Ben Sbadv Larrv For an fffMr raundat. naraoaera w. an.

HOCB JO, imwai 33. Urana 33. Wasra 3tfl Whliton 9. Rawnsley. Abbott.

Aberdeen. Scottar Duflrea. Bewell. Richolas. Lee Price.

White. R. Pertraaoa. fcrlveaer Lovedee. Kloher.

Ruahton. Lister 10.1 beat Mrs. Bills (P.I. 7 ana mrauiara omnn beat Mra. Do.

I Ins. 3 snd Mra. Carnegie loot 13 16 ,16 Rlvarlna anil Um. ll, a. Newtown: Harry Vaughan Art Bolla, Lea Jscksoa Mortk-waat Stopea Aablord 39 polnu.

Barraba Kama Mara, JlU, BeTV wharf, Walsh Bap. Ormonde. R.M Wo. 7 whsrr. WooUooaaoolae, Peahawur.

a Ho. 31 whsrfT Pyrmont takr. pnlptt Point wharf. Waikawa, s. Me.

8 wbart. Uarboarr. CLXARAlVCTfiS 1-ifav aa. 1. 111 iiiliiii ail nnur, hp to Mre.

Bertley. st Slav Mrs. oerr oea, aara J. T. Hill, 6 and 4: Miss Holt loat to Mrs.

Surteat 1 ran auiiiTn rounaii North Svdney: Frank Snelson Mitchell Tim Lister Bobbr Lee (six rounds. "Titer' Donnellv MAMLT 47 CUAT8W0OD 17, Plaved at Chatawood MALLAWA PICNIC RACES. MORBB. prldey. The following welehts have been declared for Mallawa Picnic Race Club's raeetlna to ae held on Wedneaday, May 31: A Narba Maiden Plate (w t.aX Mi Marrvme.

9-13: Kitty WelU, 8: Marrrme Ml. wriiare. Ml: Black Jerry. Ml: Oeldea waves. cVrr.n'wndn.MlonW Bo, MjT: Oar 10: Mlstv Moon.

10: Lady Thrlit. 10: Awine. 10. With lurlher rain, particularly a bout the Oentral Dtsttlcu Cold and cloudy, wunlr. with further useful falla.

I down; Mlaa J. Duncan loat to aara. eyati. Dalungrs Ti Oravceend 16, Manilla 43. Bun Pellamaoawa 15, Quirtndl 14, Bomerton 7, worth 14, Wartslda ai Warrla creak 33.

Tai M. C. Rettore. 88H tons. Captain Sim, for Melbearne.

were witnesses ror tne crown. 1 Tha case aroused tn tense Interest, and a Price, Aberdeen. Coy. Lindsay Maae. Planer.

Bowell. Medcalf Webb. Kllllck. R. Percuaon.

Setter Cl'f Mre. Hill IM. 34 16 33 6 afafiUth-natArM IUaT7mitl sadh aMlnta AltM-a beat Mlaa McLean (LJt.t, 2 and Mlaa Warden rrnld detntrnstration at tha ewrraliialon of the Cameron, rranets. Moruey. snenoiaa Land.

"0 riaina Weather tmrnly sb-niUiS ai'om "mh" scsttersd sho.ers. cbitlly and TBbWands. Purther thcvtri aathsr mostly fine, vitj loot to Mra. aloaklna, 2 down: Miaa uarianu d-bb( rort ueruson. B94S tons.

Lrvemool and London, a nlul.tnn. 1 Port DcnJean. a 6643 tone. ml end London, via Gladstone, trial was promptly suppressed. 3d, Bannedman Burrlnjuck Dam 56.

Burrowa 31. Oooaamundra 90. Orenfell 16, Oundagal 43. Holbrook 10. Junea 3Y.

Koorawatha S4, Maradens 22. MoranearTFll 33 Mtimiml-iiirrBh AA Tmrrnftm nm CLUB OOMPaTrrTIOltS. Port Alms. warrsa 1361. reterenam Mciren oonaisaeney: Withers, attth: Mrs.

Allen beat Mra. Maclnnes, Bowen. Tovmsvllls, Brlabane. Nawcartls, snd Sydney. W.M aai ln.rl.HI.

102. H. Carpenter (scr.l, 88, ana aara. waiia oeaa aars. rwii.

Tamora 30. Tumbarumba 66. Tumut 48. Wyalong wisdsi aouth Caul anil T-Kl -I. troohv: Newton.

31. Poerler. as. Mlaa Buckley loat to Mlaa Maclnnes, at 19th. 1IMMIIHUI, ma.

via Brisbane. Kobe, end Nagsya. 7Q1, Inn a. fteid. 13, J.

Strathrteld. Oock ot tha walk: vraikoualtu, Mortharn Tahl)arula ArmlHal id tsnlnta nmt- Mosman woo rour mmiciiiu vw muj, Royal Sydney a bye. u. Miner, u. SfiS UWe'ends ana laolatad, on ths coaet.

snow on ths hlslrlanda and loxa darra SI. Deepwatwr 32, Kmmavltle 60, Olen Innea tij, diiui. Lrun.utii. ana iintb. Oomllaharik.

aa a Women's oteaman TTonnr-oana, iva, aew 6146 tons. Captain orris, for iifer" ijreeweii, -wiioman- Keeeie oeorge Bveruden. Billy Scarle 8ld Oeorga, alack Shaw Joe Barrv (four rounds). Parramatta: Jack McDonald Frank Hartman (10 roundel, Oeorge DarreU Tommy Kelly (six rounds). AX Brennan Jack Davis, Tarry Keller Herb Roes (four rounds).

CYCLING. HAW, Gyeltsta' TJnlon: Amateur Club's senior ad miles open road race, "round the 1.30 p.m.; also Junior as miles open race, 9 p.m. League Clubs: Ash 11 eld District Club, 30 mllea, Liverpool -road (White's Corner). 3 p.m.; Lldcombe-Aubnrn Club, 15 mllea, local eouraa; Parramatta Club, 30 mllea. Parramatta; Northern Suburbs Club, 38 mllea, French's Forest.

Entries close for 04 mllea open race. King's Birthday (June GOLF. Tntatrehrb matches: A grade, Pyrable Australian, New South Waiee Bonnie Doon. Klllara a bvet 4u, uujra are, inveieu a. Aenicrnaia uraua wo.

son. 84; Morrlaon, 103, Oarrett. gi. London. Ma

TTTMTnR AMPIONSHTPS. aoually north-vta It Winds tA bTm 1st fr -ai a. Ctntraf Vablelanda. Bathurrt 29 nolnta. Black.

yee Wendy. 10-7: Bcho Tat, 10-7: Lady Thrift. 10-5: MerrVmore. Ortollo. 10: WeBarajlJ: Awlne.

10: Black Jerry. 10: Marralta. 10; Msrryme. rrittM nnif nnion'a lunior championship 1 1 1 Dewar; Cup i WON BYMY ANDY. Th.

following veaasla were deered at the Mel esstls Cuatoms Rouss yesterday; Kalingo, Mew Plymouth, WeUlneton, end Pleton: Aeon, toe Pert Pine, via Sydney and Part Kembls. RAINFALL IN CYTUV tvtapva 49. Qnlgong 86. Hill Bad 23. Katoomba 1.

Llth- LAWN TENNIS. endd at 9 a.m.. Oueanalanrl Aanrtu t-nn. Ais. w.

n. meeting will be neio on tne unaa tanor ojuir v. tho Australian Ooli Olub neat Monday, Tuesday, and Wedneaday. Th- Avantta ara; Junior ehamDlonshlp, 3d holes, 'VndahrleJa'TflSt Me.tor. 8-12: Jeanorma.

8-13: TOlnalva, 8-ia Wintan 3. Inr-r(. a vT 7 OltlafrTOM'S BAXLINeV Tan TMbp i CharftvuTe gow ii, Mount vieioria Muagee 2J. ma. Oranga 61, Rock lay 42.

Ryiatone 17, Tar alga 31. Southern Teblalanda. -Adaminaby 37 pomta. Ara-luen Bendeek Park I. Berridale 9.

Bombala 7, Bonang 3. Braidwood SO, Buncenoore 40. Canberra 32. Charlotta Paaa 66. Cooma 3.

(CrookweU U. KASTTJRM SOBtntBS ASSOCIATfOW. Tfhe A.IV.S.N. Interststs nasysngsr vesssl Orrals- stroke, schoolgirls' ehamplonxhin. 3d holea stroke; H.k mm i hAitta- "Oalf In Australia" Cup.

Tha Near Booth Walea Oo ursine Association's ten win Ball at noon to-osy xor rremantle. Tha draw for tba wamaa's oompatluon on 1ssa- threa-dav maetlne waa concluded at the Woodstock ports, from lima si, sal wharf. anfdoaun. RaaBv H11L In threatening weatbar. with "s-T-norsnata 70 polnta.

Echuea 40, Mtl. A iT'i 16. Wilson's Promontory 43. 0,6. Island 13.

PUnders island 33. R'Oart 4 polnta. Brunl 35. Cape 801(6 IB holea Itroce nanaieap; iDnrsoiTiBa. atroke handtoap; and stroke competition.

On Mon- aaalll Ka nlmwiitt kliri Ott TUSSdaV aay is: Tnmn Vwillia. ST. Ilia, uwn, ana uo agents-l 9-ll: kcho Tet. Ml. a caia oreexa.

yeaieraay, wnan uia avewar uyp, tne MeMlehan Cop. Aoeeenmodation Maiden Stakee. and grade. Pennant HUls Manly, Concord, Boae- Delegate 6. Delllcknoia 3, Ooulbum 12, Dunning ajtndabvne 12.

-Klandra 70, Koaetusko 00. ehelaga 26, Ntmltyballa Quaanbayan 33. Toav- LWrttT TsUst Sat 1 TfYjnn ipwin auTwwTM7 and Wednesday the championship and handicap even a in conjunction. Play each day wm atari TB7JR8DAT ISLAND (loaanu-j-asaed: Mar 36, Randwlck, SasUourts anshaci Bsbsas bye. A Reaeive.

IMvuaon 1: Orsaabaaa- 1 triawatha Kit Kat U. Oeogee L. A.aa a. Becatt 1. DlvUlon 3: Oakland Bit Kat Blawataa D- at is a-m.

Clarebing. 12-3: Bonny Maator. JeaaerBa, n-3. Mantran. 10-7: Chryalore.

ROM i Dive. Oallaiit Croas. w-5: Billy Venture. 0J: Merrvmw Alwatloo. Welfare.

Awlnf. Morma'i I Lad. Black Jarry. Lady Thrlrr, Wee Wendy, BUtty Wells. Bono ii jaiiraue rowiers Bay 8.

streaky a-lde 30. Robe 137. Caps coaaaoiauam eiasiu or ima wmtn wm iMrwmm Cm and staomrosodatlon Stakee wars Mr. j. w.

Nicholas dog. My Andy, baoked to vta tbe largaat amount at the eall of the card om tha enening beat Chatham ta tha daatding BRISBANE 1810m). Art? May KaroolaT from Cairns. jaorth Coast BaniM pomta. Baatlnga.

floater, end MannWg.Dtriman 13 potnu. Ooaford t. aferrya 1 la toe Merrlwa B. VMUULI SOPraOODS OLDB, ihvj, nvvnaBii Lfuu( neat. Club oompetlUona.

GREYHOUND RACING. Meeting as Harold Park, 0 p.m. WN TENNIS. Men'a grade eoaapeuUona, diatrJct baioourt oom. petltlona.

WaaUrn lniir.ll. i r- Loch Mane. Coogee IT. wyons 1. Grade Section Division 1: Merrrrete Members of the Wholesale softgeoda Oolf Club aanrrarunai sa.

Mwawatiarooa sTNoaw -s. Uatrorvillt3in. Bailer 1 DolnLa. Bariarood L. Oeraldton 70.

Perth 13. York 3. Kellerberrln 1. Cape play for tne cnaries rsrwroa o.imv to-morrow. Members must hit off before hnah 1 Sr1na 1 Wtnrtajptr J.

nstwcastlb (BTral. Arr: May 38. Kallngo, a. 6.63 s.m. from, Raw aalaaor Abarsea, a.

1.37 Bunter. 8.46 s.m-,' Aeon, T14 ajau 8.36 from Sydney: Ballanibi, a. 4-ia from Dalian. bL Sao: Mav 88. aviambaa.

Rocklalah Wonga Oreeabanb Leewonga U. The Olen, Ranowa bye. DtvlsM 8: WpM. IL Roaebery, Boo Accord 1 Turoa IX, aroulee Bonrao soe tsfwar aj wiawr wm ui odas-on favourite In every course, and in the final event, after Chatham bad made the early running. My Andy outpaced ijla opponent to tha game, and Sooth Coast.

Ataman's Bay borate. Beta 4. io a.aa. Bodalla Bowrai 10 canaew craocnaven j. MUlvR BOATING.

aarvrat. ntartme WUPTATiatfl. L. ifemesia i unoan s. OradV SMtlon 3.

DlTlaloa Ardaa I. umsra iva a two itniitiiB niv. Plain' Doa, -Andy, Chatham, and Bla? Bluey Australian Motor TaBhl Saiuilrant Mimhwi' Uan Witt la Maiarra B. Metoa 4. Bobartaon 10.

iva. bfHitidu.e UmImI Truiea Zmoloverv Aa. Heatings "i.c7a ainaiai narpoor. a.ia p.m. uiennvw a.

majg-TiTassti I. (VbcvsM u. bva. Dlrlak Olanvlew I. Memvaie n.

remained for the third, ties of ths Dewsr Cup. Mr Andy bed three langtha lead from Plain Don aoelatlon has decided to hold a golf competition for Button roran io, j. "AorldTHVth- H.ndljap. Bey. U-t: Clarebons.

13-2: 117: Beany Meator. Jeanormi; Val Smlthj ll-Ji MBBtrap. "v''f Bird. 10-9: OaUant Croaa. Jose Dive, Cnmlore.

10-5 Billy venture. 10-3: wnir lgggr Echo Yet. Alteration, Crlollo. Merryrnore. Wallara.

Norma'a Lad. Awlne. Black Jerry, jrraba. Marry-me, Lady Thrltt, Kitty Welle. Mlatr Moon, 10.

JOCKEYS FOB CANTERBURY. Following are tne probable. riders for Canterbury Ooavasnjash, la, tor Port kenj: YS1 a-aL, rrassr, s. iuAruj7'r-xAiJS'(eaoii. Are Mat ta.

fc lalsb I Yi Woodlands membere ox tne aasoeiauon as oowra uu Deepwacer Motor Boat Club: Members races. Upper Banks town. St. Decree Motor SMt Cltm a and a mlMtm hnll- i eciipa. iaiaoo z.

cnu*tnciB Cross 1. Cane Leeuwln 13. "Psoual S3 points. Roumn (Mew Caledonia, 80. AcVraOMOMlOAl, MEMORANDA POR MAT 17.

Sydney Obssrvstory, Prldar. Latitude, Sides Sim 41s longitude. Uldag 13m 33fl 1: msenetle vsrlstlon, Bdeg 10m 1. 1 Sua rues 6.49, sou 4.87: Moon, Vie a.m.. p.m.! Mercury, 6.40 a.m, 4.

is p.m.; Venus. 7J4 tn, 8.39 p.ta.: Msrs. 13.49 p.m, 13.10 11 8a nt liL2a "-m-: Balurn, 10-1 aja. J- at fart rnlaon et 10.1 am. (helstl in an catenae wnatnam ana ma oiu.7 wara taaathar arlv.

hut tha farmer cnltnaeed his i 1, tastcourU Vatlty n. Wonga Maree n. Roeklelgtt Booth Hand-nona Division 3: RotvUetgh XL Bkey, 1. Olanona 1. nivtBlon 1: Reekielsh IL Skey.

TT 1 June lO. sntriea wm aioae itimw Bbnoerlna ara the helehta above nmmer level of wlek a rival and had a alx lengtha' lead st the escapes. Ik. i.i.J aiuH faaaat aase 6w InVtel raatf wrrlstT'l stb. ninn UATTIH eaps, Xogarsh Bay, Sana Sood, 3 p.m.

woranora River Motor Boat Club: aUembers1 raoao, Bronte Ardcn XL. Heatings Cease X-. The Tn the Tea Tradea annual goll match at Manly at a.m. on rnoMji vmmvrw9 win l9VT. shown In narentheaeal.

and ahowlnn the rtsa or fall MORULA HIAXaB 80. Berma- lln les aoorea weTO: MOTORING. oaring tbe previous noura: Barwon wun ii. s. s.3o p.m., rroai Sydney.

Dap: Msy 38. Isnes. a 11J0 a.m. for Svdner. I CUP Warns, uo-noie witoxv nranui.

j. n. aa ot m- a. iAva. 21.

73: K. NOW Soutll WalM Uvht ftar ffluh ttMUlmm Mavl Sou Randwlck. Aloha vjson Accord Cooges IL Basteourts Ctovcny TH, bye. ni.iainn WfM.ll.n I Wraulaa 11 WahhrattB Park to-day: I IO Us, aft tun W1U, Ww a vym- 3ft loin Cart Vons, Hurdle Race. -Kerlist, jo.

raw arenebtl. low (12); Waigatt (Bar won) faorti. ttiSLrhara wtwi CsaadtVwa. low t. I.

low (i2fti: Waigatt (Barwon), (32ft. Bokhara River Ooodooga, low avw aJMHI, aWanJV tJtU (lOftl. Oui- BKRMAutn south (lTpmi. Dau: ssap 3a. oe-irgo 11.48 a.m..

for slbra, OABO laasml Pauuaai saa iac rw. mm. af riaxn ai 1 V7- TV M. Hentv. MOTOR CYCLINQ.

Black; Barvlua. Douslaa: goa Blear: Brenda, low. Darling Rivevt rewarrina, g7 7 Other. i 13. SO, Three having nuttariiia vaiL Ollaa: ooooUtaaoL Markham; Waatom nnhurrw UntAP nla miiii mu j.Meta an eia 41 Ha UHUfai, otu.

Son rises 8.46, 10.1 am, l. pm. Itlgh water at Fort Denlson st 10.81 am. Oielgl, 3ft4lnl. 10.46 p.m.

(height, 4ft lllnl. Pull moon. June 6, st p.n- 425ftt Boutk. gft 4lli eintf ltn; Loath, Tiioa. 2ft oin isgfti: witcannla.

lit Mr. Herald Baaer, sales supermtanoent ot ateeerv. John XTanrer and Sons, entertained at luncheon a warty lacladlog OoL Belert, Cel. Bennatt. CM.

Manchester. LleuLCommsnder Commander DiAoatin, Csntaln Bundy, Messrs. H. A. Solomon, P.

o. frnderwaod, rf chambere, L. P. PUs-HUL H. C.

Periaat. j. Oatarls, A. J. Cooper.

A. B. Wsllls, B. litwrsncs. 6.

BaOey. p. Cewdroy, O. L. Ruthvsn, f.

ABos. T. Joynton Smith. W. J.

Bsnneft. R. W. Stusrs. J.

Little, Ketghery. i. Cadeu. Bataenan. patren of the K.a.W.

Rational CoaiaLng AaaoclaUon, and J. P. DEWAR 'CUP CONnX-IATTOlf'. tTTARM. for doga beaten ta the Stat round of the Cus: wtaaer A.

tied lor nrai aiaca, north. 7 in ein (mid in dam Baiatia. ft. Proat: Prloc Carol. Abraoama; un la (30ftt; Mentntfle.

3ft 6ln (23ftlrooncarta, lft SCULLINO. Aaaulth L. Bulomo Msroubrs, XL. Olcnona SL Roalyn. Dlrltlon 3: Bondl 171.

Wynctta J. oiovaily n. Dalmar Jensens Beoewn XL, Oumnuts bye. Reserve, Section 6. Dtvtejoo Atquith O.

Klamet Msroubrs WsralUn n. Waona Linden Maroubret bye. Dlvlalon 1: Clovelty sorinsneld. TUlera Bret Oleavlew, Wynette IL aooal ii. The oiea IV.

bye. vw lavsnfa a euni wnavntot wi mtm i-nini Walfear and VfRll Oiin ttrmk rtt tatrplM plaved, tai A. Olbeon winning the Morning Round (four-ball best br-a. L'td and F. Iaonaley tied with O.

V. Jwisssd L. porbaa. tho former pair winning the In tha eggragte tha marchanU beat tba Importers. OladeavlUe eouraa, Parramatta River, 3 p.m.

ParramatLaY Ulvat Roillllna amisla- afWatavsmaaaBP aawaal heavy boat handicaps. Parramatta Blver. Area race dapaajy- atraiaag asnjek, Bd Hwr, frm. oa WUUaaa Meainhac, ijoOBW fBTwnVAfrf iftC Montertty. A.U1.

froaa Baa Praaelaea Mnl-A THE MAILS. BLOB MOTJ11TAXBB AKlfUAL OOLP MHnTrHl. oraae. section an.uiion uut Moone L. Marguerite T.

Boomerang Skey Tf. -1. SMmri, ro bM nivlalcai Advance burn, W. Aldrldge, jiaH.vl-. Wart.

Maiden Huraery Handicap. Mral Bm1! msp Jlnka. Mortimer: MaltwlntR W. Raai: Wondtoua. J.

Slmpaon- Adulator. B. Bartlai Ma4aia Oalr. RemoHi: fcatalan. B.

Wol-b; Bum. D. Mtntfoot: High Form. Raynolda: Prlnco Tamoa, Ooot, Dnme Bamplon. J.

Tyter; Harolo Oraea. O. Camp-be-ll; Lovarsall. J. Stewart.

Second dJTlrton: Oolden Moa. O. Robinaon; Tha Irishman, B. Oriffltha; Blua Heather. D.

Ughtfoot: Oay JParat, Coutta; Aua-tralia ratr. A. Thomaa; iHMphateJ. Wnch: Bun-hart C. rtndlay: WinbaU.

Troay: Mayonnalao. B. Brltt: Shot. B. BcyMlda.

A. W. T.l.l Make. W4t a4ertaftfe VgWHiVhtrntCr. J.

ROWING. Sydney Rowing Club: Deloltte Cup raoea, first Tha tmree data annual meeting of ha B.fl!p. lalOe: alllara. a. from Wiatan.

a. fra Waona III Alvta Oerdeala O- SUtravUle Pkat reaadi Pare Phigand Trouaars, both drawa; Ann, 6 on. heat Tertian Lad. 3: Ring Dell. on.Wf Ketv! Plei.

4: aTeM.nsAon. Beau a lean Haw Tork. Dep: May 2d. Oonlborn. fog Mw- Oolf Assoelatlonwhlch embrace.

tdnM iir-jr Ascot IL, St. Mark-a II. bra. auiu. i rul.fnn 1 clma.

XT. RIFLE SHOOTING. COMBINED UNIVERSITIES DEFEATED. i A rifle arstnttrnT team rnraaantlne Maw SMS svissibwuu, lor DTosaj.

waiunga. a I or led RlnedoaB and continent af aTarepe (Itpactslly endorsacll, vis Prea-satls. Sues, Alexandria, aad Brindtsl. (Uttsrtl 3 p.ta. (Hobaons WOTin reus vo rwrvianjea.

7 TrT' WRESTLINa. beat BrUlvam. evatK Oaedeea. 6 on, beat Harraklin. tt rrt at.rmartta TI Moana Tx.

Hooart: coiae, for aydnm Malera. a' for Aa- lies louiaoaaaa enammoiianiiR, tmnum. rwt eru tor Q. Phillips country champion i Lelchhardt: Tarn Lurich Walter Browning (atx laldc: Oonab. a.

la InniMi Irnn aTvaaV a (aneclalr ndoraad). via Ptrat alaal' el PerdlU. TlnUra n. bye. Dlvlaton aVBconweeng Oooaee LurUna Woodlands IL.

Ooogre Mate 1st Ut. r' r-w-a-w Besa Ana, a bye; JUpg teat WAsTSSTkin-'--" Pooutsp's Bert, ittsrsl M. (Stooaona Bayl. andufaadl. I3vaeL laantla.

Chtna. Mawtm: Cbrta Rlatls Barb May (atx rounds). IM (latv sttt- May M. Esragt, Mtaort raw III. Arsea xne uien ore.

A nm a- a 1 rrranaal 11 Simpson: The Ammonite. T. Mortlmorrhrlmlnater. nwoo u.a Brlabane-ILatteral 3 B-Bs, IBamo Mam I. tag Dais, riMlillaa and hla stater.

Miss Phllllpe, who waa country champion tor 1M1. but weabeaten mat yaara meeUng tn Sydney. They aleo won Uw, mmVd totvaomea ehamjSonahta year. Dr. Cutler (Royal Sydney) and R.

Wlthycomba (Kll-iVraT eaViied 06 the 1B3J championship: while Tim Anrn. the youthful Leura player, wot the B.M. champtanabip by aate atroke. after playing an additional Bine holes wtth the well-known eoun- Oanntnf. Second divUlon: Prtooeca Olory.

C-W1n-dred: Aichmel. N. McLachlan; AUerlata. S. Cjacjc- caanss: Mr.

o. AUtlas.siwjJAl. bd by Beaufort (Imp.l Mats 6-3 IT jTHerdcssthys (yl.C.A.I bd Ring BASEBALL. Matra villa IO. vVarwbra Maree Oakland, Blvoll TL St MarTa nvtsMa 6t OardenTa I.

Buloaa n. Ascet Claremanl, Lautcldene B. Bayvlew Wanda cars Beee- Corlo, s. for Reweaatle, via Warsaw i JS'BfVZ ert Bets. tMfl Hv Jk.

Anablsss, h. Ann, in, Japan, via Brtsbesaa- (Utters) ,3 DJS. (xsjrs JsaTaTuaer. BiagsBere, and Pen eng. vta vrtaasaitla.

(lautril 3 PJB. (Oenuurl. MsltsT via Pr etnas lis. (Lettaral. JB.

(Hobeans Wales yaatarday defeated the Oomblned Austrstka Dnlvan-altuar team by 103 polnu st ths Ansae Rasga, UvsrpooL The weather conditions ware elfflnn. There vats vanabl, brssss and ths light vu vs-ecrula. Under thaaa conditions the espsrlenoa at the older Mew South Walea teem was a vaUssb neli: rrlefe, J. Bimpaon: Brown urram. i.

wtim, atwicon RavnMtfi Third dlvlalon: ODDOrtunO. Dall bv Dail gjreenn Watch Peggy, 8-4. O. Oulnane: Baleiv. B.

Bartle: Sprtoflani, A. Hua-ter: Knotash. N. OUlan; Soma Boy. 8.

Cncknall: KXTRA COriBOLATIOM STARRS, lor does bcatea la theeeammodetlon and Wrench Makes; TEAMS FOR HOLIDAY OAMES. I ACTCTtXAKD duiml. Dap: May Rabsul Itartasrst 1 A.m. ITjtaaTlBbankl. vauwii T.i.iul ate Calma.

(Paraalsl IS B-BW ere Uaver. U. LnCmwaa irartwuu waatha? 'eoidltlon. were ter from Meal, the meet- The Mew Booth Wales Baieban Asaoelatlon will Tarook. D.

Llshtfoot: Taberan. T. Barry; ny autn. A ataami. Tha.

a v-vet r4la rt D.Trtf.llia Orede, BaUoa 4, Drrlsloa 1: Pleem acovieea Hemcale It Lurflne XL, Klatnet IL JTTie otaa South Randwlck bye. Dlvlalon 8: Bayvlew Rlvoll L. Hoaafern TL Laursldeae rerndaje Aloha Orolloa B. bye. TTarruaaon.

of th Moertian-Rautral Bay Bow Pirateinaf Nimble Belt. even. Wt aattachus. 6-4 en: Orern Apple. 8 on.

beet Wurssl. 4: Wedding i-. Hadrian, both drawn: Inana. 3 on. Plylni 'Handicap.

Orpah. r. Plnnaran. lub. inn.mnrai, lnr tha Mtth with IBS iMlnta.

T. fc (letters) i a-m. (Wandanat. Tasmsnis. via Bobartv (Uttsrt) am.

(taa Vna beat haUassan eeorea tn the three asaior iL TOOCH BT wntntaea. ff-ha ,.11.. i Le day Breraton (Sydney) was ths most ce-t-latcot A bold a gala day at Petersham Oval aw June (Klng'a Birthday), whan tha principal attraction will be a representative gams between New South Wales and The Reat. Tha selectors (Messrs. T.

Bury, 0. R. Lambert, and Turner I have announced tha follow in tPavma: br wirsUss to-aay: and Mick Slmmong leuRiTMBW roBTjiusa siwooiatiOw. face. C.

Wlndrcd; N1.P, J. Donmn: rotyoorna. a Thomas; Truaalfn, J. Slmpaon; Easter Time, O. SrnhlH; Precious Gift.

H. Zansky; Dalmatic. 8. Weiss: Tactician. E.

Brltt. ranlarhiire 'UsnrllKsn Rrinfllt 'i! Thomaa! AU- TassBanla, vU MalVmm end Brtrrila -(Parcela) 110 (latter.) i p.ta. (Oonah). aril al. mall, 7 SlA.

fnlaved at Katoomoa. 30 floiea atroaei Juae, in ornnay: awsante. Bsrvabees, Rasulu la tha weasen'a aaainwit-aa aa member of. tha Combined Australian Uuvcntlter team and stored 180 pnlnta. A Tha conditions of the match were: Teams ef let maa, each to fire 10 shots with twe optional stgnttrs at ths 300, 600, 700, and 900 yards ranges.

Jeo. Oansal VSr.V'Vr-4 lAnw'iU b6l Jfhnil Belt, 8-3: Ipana. Deciding course: Mr, A. Armlvjfs IN.C.A.I bk Orsen Apple, by Black Brtu---Opiifualon. 8-3.

beat Mr. a. Atklna's (N.C.A.i bk Ipana, by 8hady 71. 14148; O. Dlekaon, Ti.

73-; aoian uruisor. miss, comonn, ITrslg--ok. Plaetis. Inn area. Iron Cnae, Kamo Aeallebenk.

I iKlllara). 71, 7 147: a. Phllllpa, 7. jra cssenalsnd. western snd southern lines.

8 p.m.: trallan Robinson; Aftncourt, P. Wallea; M.aaaa, aaaicnai atarama, aionowal. 14g: J. Otddea. 74, 7t 153; Dr.

cutler moae 7g. So 183. Plftaen olube vera represented tj tha New South Wales. Pitcher, m. Tlodalt fWaver-leyi: catcher.

W. Lawrenca 'St. Oeorge flrat base. K. Turn (Marrtekvillei: aaoond base.

A. Bmmerlek i St. oeorge); third baae. J. Robison (Waverleyi; abort stop.

V. Goodwin (Patersham-Weatai; left field, C. niera (Waverleyi centra field, H. Kennett (Mar- Maw aanitai Walaa- a. VMretuuea (Meewsa Mormoa.

Mimdalla, Rsrkunds. Rallore, Niagara. Oreassy. IMbon. fort- Varaa Mies Annls.

3 on. vtnav wwh, a Victoria. 4 m. and 6 pm. South Australia.

4 p.m. and 6 aja, Weatern AasUtJlavls7Srclsl B-BU, (let Ura) La Metta L. 4-40. 4-44; Weona Bellbtook. 5-43, 3-361 La Molt.

XL ATa'-? it wmamt XT. 1-31, 7-47; Ben Aceoro m. Bom Aaeacg L. 8-1. 8.48: Lena Oove a rrt moo, 1-18, T-47.

jMi" 30 competitor. aMaTetfwMSiTHtH ttilmwA at WMltWOrth McanCKaJI CO. (36 tusltt'wlaaer S10. runner-up rouraomes tvnai Nsaual Bayl. 300 yards.

43, 600 ysrds 47, 701 yards 47, 800 ysros 48, total. 183; A. Maaoa Cca-f Khartoum. D. LitM foot; Merflo Bniano.

usui- Campsie Handicap. Cylanta. t. Lithttoot: Bphl-altes. A.

Hunter; Oananclal. B. Henry; Nash. O. Browne; BabUi.

J. Pike; La Vlaen. O. Wlndred; ouch it. b.

Brltt: Prince Pqmbal. J. (VSulllvaa: he One J. Now land; Juliet Olaaa, B. Cook.

Palla. 3S holea stroke). R. J. Wlthyeombe andDr.

CutJgr. bR Wl03: phllUpa and H. Daah Vtret round: Pootllght flasket. 10 on. beat Celons, Byron Vfr.

(PareelsT 11 JO ass, Oct ten) p.ta. ii. so, w. aj, av, ie-i; a. nuvenma iiuimuu-i.

48. 48. 48. 161: R. O.

Wrnoe ncrviiiei: ana nam nam. a. mcoiii (Lrfiennaroii. The Hit. Ptteher.

1L. Delanev tMarrlekvtlla) norm oyaney umnn ma rr1. aaaai-T i-eter. o-a on, IU.U-. aa.

JL tlannlaan a fN.O.A.1 atteUndie. 5 With Brisbane: slJstar. Aiwaalni. fiathav at aatoomna). 48.

43. 44. 46. 1S1: J. O.

67-aaruse SOn ACOOTO ll. WIea, -bw, wwawsvai mtrhetr. H. BtotM Peteraham-WaaU) first base. I.

Lambert (Lelchhardti: second baae, A. Mould Delhi. Clan Maenab, grid an, arooU, Macamba, Winaiet 0-40, a-jo. 2 0.1-ada. DtTUIan 1: Mundah J.

sdah t. Sydney), 46. 43. 48. 4.

181: 0. S. Martcou. (Mosmstt-neutral Bay). 48.

46. 44. 48, 179; P. JW j. Master Peter.

bys7sehelr oar Bridal Wreeta. a beat Mr. T. av Dene lion's iBathuriti. bd PooUlsKt hashes, by Kathar 81.

80-107: H. Maher and Snaunda KJrffJ R. Chapman (Blaekheath. 83. 851 88: P.

-mde and T. Ada (Leura), g7. 84-171. Porty compel -tore. Downey and Bather won the vice-president's nichteaair Rlvsev (tettere) IS ass.

(Wlmbtn). BJmal-ettere) 10 Sjn. (Ultaana. MOrfDAT. tTemsrtyfPereehrt 10 a.m.

fAMer). m.K.M at. M.H am. (Waveriey): third base, c. oranam mteranam vaati hn4 atnn Mould iWaverlevi! left field.

0-48, 3-38; Coral Lynn It. Palma. Palms. Warwtek, 6-4L 6-34: 6-4C 8-31. in.

Oove. 1-JS. 7-46; With Rockhamrjaeo: MiMaVi; COONAMBLsS aAMATEUB RACES. OOONAMBLB FrldaV. wimoieoon nonn Bvanvy umirr.

Instrlet. (Byeneyl, 47. 4J. 44, 48, itb: n. w.

r'i'--, 1 (Ooulbum Railway Ambalaneel. 43, 44. 48. 43 H. w.

Mason (Mosman-lfeutral Bay). 44, 47. 41. Kf a Kemo (Petersham-Wests) centre field. T.

Waters fPetersham-Westa); and right field. M. Paryman Division 1: Chstswewd aU I X7BWAR 1410' Bmlt: wasaer, 47: furmee- Newbury Coral Xjmn L. 6-46, 8-30; frvaiBi; ap -f tvae aaaa a. aa-w R.

Sanderson fPetmham -Wests). O. tmohy i30 holea hanaicapi. B.U. ChamplOMhlp Mixed Pooraomea (played at Laura, 3d holea stroke i-O.

Phllllpe and Ml Phinipt (Katoomba). 83. 73186: hn Jud nd Th opening day of the Ooonamble Jubilee raeae drew a large atundanoe. Including the Oovarnor, Sir Philip Game, who presented tha gun to the Nundab IL. 3.3S, 14ew Saaland (Bluff, tTuawdaa, and Irivereergtn enly).

vis MelbournagaltaTa) 4 PJS. (Can- Tvunnania. via MefbvtnM' an- Bemle. (Iettera) bast Plain Oea, 17; at. una tweeiern siinrw, Rana.

totals: 300 ysrds, 484 800. ysrdA 441. ysi-JsT 443: 806 yards. 48. Jul MfWlt IJjJ Tnira ues; aar anoy.

nvs in. cntatnarn. a ea. oei -tarcooia, i-iuviaprar, With l-harada Island: gaittinaaa. fttni King Bebert.

Batkhala. tVlolM. I With DarwM: tTate Ifttitiai -With Wyndham: Fort Jaboee Haadleap. I Ml, 8-43: Chatawood L.V Alw.n 3-77. Ranelagh TnlssMe, (8-6.

MalBury Ida. 6-38, 1-38. Marks (Waeerlevi. J. Langthaw (Lcichhardt).

P. Oonaan (Waveriey). v-v- M.aaasln eml.1 hit art mt IB aV ah by Andy My Jap. 7-8 on. bsat 6874-11 all tA sBaUBIaa----l BraratAfi 4ft.

stg. 43. 45. 180; F. owner oi tne winner oi mi Results: winner of the Deciding course: A al.

and. B. M. Creer end 87. 86173: Mra.

Webb 'Leura. wan taut aissiam-etsfsalsn- A oraae. Divieion 1: in. u.T.nna Mr. J.

n. parpenterw i e. a Stan Aacerd. 1-31. Ouanda Handicap.

St. Mr. Pranels. 6 Toe 4-34. 4-07! Wtstoe with rth stnehtaea.

fWoeMa. "Waii twiaetavlah. wiwiaa nan he a-B. by Plytae IWnepa pri oomblned eeeond grade team will meet a aide representing the third trade. At noon will be a game to be arranged by the women's eaaeela-tlon.

to be followed at 1.50 by a aaatob between the rt aiai. a aeurnei: 48. 4. 17jj 'rMdll SrJ- anvimoai miui Mrs, aan-iui -i Und and Mrs. ftojley (tllheowl.

68. 87 173: ll. Plnley snd atlas im. (lAheewl. 86 66-174 Slaty eompatltora.

Page Ads anal Mlaa Pertaa Brlstisns snd tjtmora (by str mam. a.m.-1 Oua-niiand Western aad ssvnharn nnse-11 AOOO-SMODATIOSI MAIDSIB attO; Oaataw, Oerato, Ba.tanara, Rotanata Maraal, Kjrbra, unwi. aaUavisa. Mteuw BoUanda Otraata. OUra.

nm. ea. aa. a i. 41.

na: at Vane, by Top Oallant 10 fair, (jumfenl. 1: Jlldu. 8-10 (Mr. O. Hetaebarnl.

6: Sycawln. 10 (Mr. A. WIMI. Olher etertera: 1.

r.ihAlm. ahllllna C.nlh.K Uullv. Baf. 171; B. B.

Smith TasmaQia). tt- runner-up soiw isa nwi a. -w. a Third llsr CHtsen Araln. Jonba.t sembrga ether p-ai.

ar 4.48 8.SS. and 6 PA. second grade and City Houses. Tvirti a bbs-vvt a riiUM Alwvn T-3U 4-34: Outlook Weatoe 3-33, 4-44: Swaba The Beach 3-33. 6-44.

Dlvlalon 3: Oreenbank ChaUwood. 6-46. 0-36: Sallabury Johns. i-44. 1-63: m.

rsale- CorlUa, J-tt. S-41: AshUIgh S-34. 6a9; SMbnT, aiit.ra.ila 3-97. B-38. DlvllWa 4: UM lailvaixedar.

Tai Jin Marti, Waatidofeland. With ftneraaegiMagiAdb. l' with Adelaide: Corlu. Oorlo, kgrtlgs. Mareeba.

1 r.iwm Waxitrallav. tine: 7-4 on Bycewla. 8 Top Vane. 7 liajj. 10 Waalaen Hn rmrB AaTMrlaYtlOn and Western 7.

IB7; v. o. Benowaen iat. 19 184: D. Rain W'W'illlS' A.

L. cooper JAaiaidsK uaoi wSdhlS" wV7vT. 3.48 iihiirba ohurehee Union win olay two repreaanUtlve i ueeMing air. v. a.

bd Mataaa-Mlad. bS ataau; JaUadDaYOtlon. others. Won by a leneth and a hall. Time.

W.r'plna R.niUaan.Mr. f. WUllSfea 6 HI sOtaia: W4, a.1, via. uaiiaiM WT.n-jm matches at Riverside Park. Dolwlch Hill on Klng'a Birthday The first game wlU commenoe at aoon With Melbaunw.

AateiBMMx111111-- 2lm im, Pilac. onijeii JNmVoola, Ooul- Cove Chlltern, 3-34, S-je: Braealds WTtina, 3 en beet Mr. n. Bmitns (n.u.aui en wiw Aesln. br Balanla Olaa Q.iib.

Btaa ninnanra-aw i ROWING. University Boat Race. i TTWTtnrnniTT TKAMS. Bal Jove, by TortaBs Lady Kan. iMr.

M. Ktnnyi. end Mr. R. Planer's br 1iBVbJ toward.

Oatsd tondon AprU 37 am. ana the main nature is iidn 0i WRBNCR BISCUtT STiKS, S331 Hmlt: winner 3-37, s-ea Kltmont vureenoana MlUens LmHtuevllle-ltee*tswood, 6-3 6-46; Oref-a. vaMiAa. B.M. a-aa.

"22,' lnon 1410. ruaner-np tsio. third dog S3. Third ties: Ths Reel Terror. 6 en.

best Oladya. 6: aaiawui rrairia n. heat. 1: Flislnelee. 8-10 (Mr trulnli Oulnlani Other starter: Speerdrop.

Bettlna: 6 Bald 7. 11. a, Jrjaajay Plain. 9: ptzzinelee. Bal Jove, won bv twe leaatns.

"d-eeurie. ea'rjen'' m.oja.1 The Bed Terror; by Beaufort Tim. lm 25, i 4eae Pwttja fta fjair mnbsnii'a Ba. daa Mabar'a TOajnoa-Jcwrmrrri. Tinxl v.

laT-a-ajoai, aaay s8t Jubll.e Cup. SI Mr. O. fa Palklaef'e eb a lints. ranay fvas.1, a-a.

aees. sar, Aaaak. beat Bsyvtew Ranslsah, 7-41, 1-13: TT a.3B S-3A: nx. Johna Or lUalto 3-3. Rife Aelstlor proposing Shooting, esld thsl during tha veete lra -Mis -JJ Sydney Tynlvertlty SVoaMhsd a record wb J-bellev was eneqaalWd by anl era th-a eTubta New South Wslss.

Duilna thus IJW BILLIARDS. LINDRtJV INMAN. Canearaas. by Oroya. pride inaaj Blue uraaa.

(M.OJL) 4 Manitoba, Andfa jOboloa Jfdf MELBOURNE CREWS MISFORTUNE 10-13 Ola rU.I.Inn TT 1-7 oo. aiw na lUonaio, 10-a (Mr. O. Mclaehernl I ali.t..l 4- At ta-den: -Ssaabl. BJU-sM Port Adalalda.

BraeaTde. S-lS. 6-44: lorn. Bay I North Srdney MIAODATlOlf COftBOLATlOW gFTAKX tot doaw 77 on Australian aerta (Oraaaa lenarsse) Apra 3. 'oiher awrtera: 'Boae Mall.

Bleb Mark. Boeed N.wfam I.MI 7 Clan' asun mi, week left ta eoniBlet, training ape- tea tne arsa rewao gg in cmibw. aha. Leodaa Mr 6.

3-Jb, g-Mr Wattle IL The Baaefc, rjxxzr tM'Micb be.wir7 Bioa Uadrom and Mat- aT4a-ehl-Iasndon ale assUs (pes Moldavia) are saa 6 Caneera'i, Rosemsu. 8 otbers. Won by ratlons. tha 6vs Auatrsllad Tjnlvavatty ereaa ere making tha mast af the ss4oerrM weatberconditlona 11 fa. tha Oxford and eaeaid tlaei one Bsaende.

lVon-Wsa vaag an. ipar ijrssonaai, eaa. xi.y rA.lJrA?TS rrVeatr.U 11 i trniVBBStTY WOMBJTB TBKUm, unanmuti. Mte. tr1Mi a obeesat 8 avcinmg air, -(t sawarriaw a.

awn 4 an Raw. SfSaisna pnrta iiati au-w nm. tag 8f-a a sua I (Pim tmBUI M.I Cambridge awe, a tbreaarHe eouraa. on the Repcsn River neat SBtarday. TM couras will be the asm.

aa ased by tba 6MU Association for Ita champlonahlp raees, snd sbm for the King a Cup P. M. Brawn's 4R.X-- SMavsnae, hearne lamaa. at Uw TM.OJL reams li; UnOrum domlnaud the play. toO afternoon waa, 40.

and liiljeevealns 68. IJeet Oearee be bad ea far preeband. It waa apraaieal that bo baeaaine more at bla feesta tbMJMe 6ret Impartaat matob, aa4 was beeaeilat. seeas-tomed tStbestrenirth of the table, the fsatneaa MahlA bothered Am eonalderebly as the eartler eirnveta iln thess a-oauJ match Itb. VsiicMt Rau Shleldl is in.

dated Vancouver May 34, dstst waa eoBeladTM at Kevong to-day, wttew, MeTboume defeataa adetalda, and tharafora raaal-teal the giem ay Anaan-ar aaeepy ntaa tsmas, Mrdner AprU 331: RarkSaTaia, aVMJV. trass Oeesesba award. trass aaa ptaaaesnn du Birtsy Jan. 3: rone Jv nr. inin, iii cairn nan TIarlnoaa.

du. Sydney lerantp. Totals: Melbourne. ioeaat ae (lait a(Toni7 pi.T 117 game varaitv face haa beeii rowed aver a three-mile 7. ft Jbvssasal.

due ataalavivJ ate Sea 1. I 1 I S-ril BBBJ BU i I il ntrv. vniift ti antirtnmmnr) lit-nr-wjlrt nrTSafclrft.T7aS Mv TTrvfrr' r. -SiilBaas M.rir(...- Rf? Jour leneths. Time, la iva Wlneadee Hendlesp.

4tMr. O. MaetaTs ColnrsV by Boore colncMeat. 16-1 (Mr. AOama-balll.

1: triform. 10 IMr. A. Wlldl, Partition. 8-7 IMr.

L. Andersonl. 3. Only, steiters. Bet.

tins: 2 on Colnrak. Irlfana. 6 Ponltlaa. Woa by ale leneths. Time.

SJts. Ounnawarrs Bendlcan. 6f. Mr. A.

OampMII'a eh -salwrn. bv Blihlanel Band ejramlll (Mr. A. Campbell). 1: BarchloneUa 6-10 Mr.

O. McEacharni. T. rllmbua. 8-7 (Mr.

L. Oulnlsnl 3. Other atattera: Indus. Trsttlre. Artfna Bn.lla.

Bet-tine: 1 on Selwyn, 3 aarehlonette, 8 others, Woa bv twe toattbs. Tkae. Im 18a. BBCOrlD DAT. Riverside Handicap, 6f Mr.

J. L. mackamlth'a a Olaneoar, by Hlenland Band Plewer quern, 11 (Mr a. fiamnballl. .1.

BerebloSMttte. 10 IMr. Pranclao. June IS: etastng June.a, per Mskura. due Saa Praneisee June 30; cleelna June S3.

BMas BlaM.taaa siXTl I Bill Miu.l "III. 7.n Undrum beaaa early wltk a aloely comnuea areas sATTiitls lalsr ran jtf lor lalims wver Mtbact nt. Cole. m. 9 tne crew.

Amerieaa wa ai. net On cff tSa. 'peip. jB i Thaaa war at aetneeaisora ta saw sangn-r uvea wwra rrwm aano-ara. I bees) billow ta a taatee ewBdent, aM ha had Bag SSiairsi sag Tinsisvn eaty -rut 7 lia-(nH wk-end.

wbleb he asea ble faveariu eanaen aaaS sal eaaae at toped tba table Twlee i he m-jpSLt ass'fTaai rrl-Tarncri and seven .1 tlMss eeeanfataal the eoarte with full 9 return la sseiaearne iBrmeateieiy. mar at this stage ef the naming Is a sertous 1(1 ll.tll S71 in Uia racs. Bntrlee efeas So-oav with Mr. 1 Vi h-, wim ts It 5 Hl-h'-M B' leet seattlon, but rase nod it wito cjavr otaca. At 163a dlfBeult screw slmort felled bun.

and st anal m-A telawt lit aw rlw kttfel fall aafM. uiebHBl tot a ee-acn, a.M at tha dtnnsr a wopny wa. at the I-aaaa I. eg S7.B.W, tanasasaama. 1 IM.IHl.VI.

tOP'SCOrar 11 Ml hi Tai has saaans e-aaaata vaeMaw uaaai a. aaa. ak wuiiaiaaau. naaa. 87 WoooWa-i arstnclee' mate.

maiaa combe-Auburn Club, b. haaa, brauahl BBS. tasetBewra-aii H-rtJ -iHj-f k' tTwrsat I Tr-rrjw Im tVntrT BTTta-Se bovaag toaMtrewM waVcontlnuW en weanedy night at AlalBaa reaid, Mcaatharnl. 8. Depar.

6-6 (Mr. Oulnlsnl. 3. Other ataiter: Rosamalt. Battlna: 8-4 on Dtner.

6-4 aaneour, 4 terchbmeua, 6 esbsrs. Won K- I.n.lh Tim. 1 Ml lata. far that eleb't 84 at Has even reed raas, 1 be rea Mvj7sa I. the eenewit twrreas be ran an nse 6.

The eearas wi be frees twl M-66C--MW. cW fiwaats san aad of eh. Mf7rt, I ttst," the vacant. Ko. J.ssst- icf a.

In nBinm.m ec ENGLAND. I rs making headway. Hla beet aflawte) were S7, ea, "infiws esitW'wB'WsaflBliM break of 14 bj ta reamSaei. vta tha twwBtare eeasv aaa via 4DaaapelHewn aael Uvnapct I aate, faes must accomDanr nomination loraat, 'CRICKET We lbl (11-, Kls Ore Handicap. 41.

Mr. B. Plahef, br areewln, by Baldwin lady Savj6 JMo, SJuln-lan). li fipllclt, 6-7 (Mr. Wrlht)7 JI Jllda.

10 (Mr. O. MrBaenerni. 1 Orner avartera: Miss Tne srew at me iwvwaw aiai. w--a '--i ver yeateKay.

dual va eaailWl that mhIiI utiu aaw. Int. aoad aoCBbtoatlon. The ill v' to gg at the otntmaf the enlngeeasioo, wwen Hftl ssatbett SMr. A Ju MdarM 1 14 Hi.

sa sin steed at PHI tap BBj BL aaBj estea saa anaawei Ba the eatratf V. nloSeaVerablrt. Ut sw aisaaB isuev, -J- Maury, aiy aninina. waiimw; an win. 3 Miss LeaWrne.

JuoW, 6 athers. -I purine tne e-aaj -rr; I Bnaal, a puo srs wieaTO 10. tSer sli tar 3.1. by fsej a Irnein. Time, aaaa.

(main. iimf, ft amn BV an ET It may o'erAop as raw ever the abaut SA settled praaldant'e Handicap. 6f Mr. WlBmoils' eh Denar. hv Dfmltrtua Far.

ft (Ml. a. Meerel, rjar-Byenen, The eounrlLaf Ih, Uagna at Itaw aoiratTsTatial Wheelmen met eerjrer.v at the slub, W. J. Booth, end Home (hen.

teeretervl b. aottMV-M staaaf A slel mjetlng ths oaaa-ord Ota. a. taseler thas saTMtwasa) ts-ssaus raweebasa ttt laswls law Ban i i iai.J lJll. 1 t-" eajgiw with tha ffwli rbllMpal.

61 Irtfa risalnflee, 8-10 (Mr, if is wi I TBIUMPB BTOKT9 pit -11 (Mr. A. Wlldl. 3. Only atartava.

Batuna la CmaltaJraia ai tSlnS- llenvirf. dawn tn 33. aael named wlik a mrni Msg eaua st sseat U. 'Tba bait was aasvtat wew ba-twWa thV atrtjaara, and the lotai.wsa well dtaia- linin wUiiBti il aa-ri 1 bn- 6-3 on Depar. 1 athers.

an mw aaw wnin. taib'-tsaweja nTT-aTi? fee 87. smss s- as (to faOfvttrMi tf a break ef lit made wn w.Jk. i.i. a see.

48 a taraiaei. lMsJaiowaaiFB ttbi t.m tajitjw. ntaaif slraasty. rawing 3. ana en a aanwrna.

nai A Sanaa em tJll Mltiaaaaa a Siturday eh canaereaa. by orbye rnda-iaa Oraae, uwi 11 B.MM TSBB. sa fm aavta. toeing boM ebayiaa bsIsbbis wetsc kwrwaea tbe atnkesi -Tlii Tin lii faaaiBaliiid araw at easeble ef rtraina Mvaawi'A I aate aasaw jkM. had areesete Ita aaacJl saaei taii-aTiaaa Juajsw and Air 7 was diBSlig oswata 4kg pswa lies, i Mr.

wee re-tleetad ea. ea te no oroae aow an anflalahed I laaiirwi at jo wwen snat waa aauea. htirch. who kiab tats. la A BM-a bam a gat sway st 4(T bat The rata waa Jisssil ta 33 afese a aaartef (Mr.

o. McKacnerni, naa ai, Walklnai. 3: Hlmbus. 6-10 IMr. tjulnlaal.

3. only starters. B.ttma: 6-6 wnaeraes. Minibus, 4 Bisti Mack. Wan etirhi lecurtha.

Inl ISa. re forU. eejnea which reeeni: i eaiti 1 Maw BebrMea. aaa gnfpk fg rrew Jfj. wew.

anga djwet -es J-mnti new vme Ban areettaal rMsee -art aimai Wa-mrnan rnyrm ta alter wan gBMSi'aasaeat'Wws wwdi4 8Baeal. b4sb itevrl6 vam i 1 Il-I tntwnrht Xmtrmie6fie-ATilt. i I. riiajfjertoOW, Hay-'6 eaa Bami atf Um raash waaauds abaaaaaaaS the orsaniwa. Brnbv Hendleap.

a WTJJ Jlldu. by 'MfjO: McKacherni Bal Jove. Kwttyl Mlaa La.holme. 6-7 (Mr. SJuinMal, S.

Other starters: apeedersrt. Te Araia. Mulrry. forlltloa. B.tun,: 8-4 on Bel Jove.

Jllda, Mlaa Uo-holme. SpeaderafL 6 be a leasia. tap ai. bsbiiis vnnB. -rne ai 1 end era, aevtee aaisBjls, the eeorea et the eleea jMf JeJIsht were! eji I il knset sat a weald be.

aM attar aw as arrwnap. The baaje was 'uauTsaetleal ttjit Ttigsi'lT'TrrfllaTis away awaaaB wna as laaatmnarr nnaxtp. Tune, 1st 648..

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


Is The Sydney Morning Herald liberal or conservative? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

What is the purpose of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Herald is proudly committed to fearless, independent and accurate journalism as Australia's number one news brand, whilst generating high-quality and informed opinions and debates to help readers make up their own minds.

Is it The Sydney Morning Herald or Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The newspaper is published in compact print form from Monday to Saturday as The Sydney Morning Herald and on Sunday as its sister newspaper, The Sun-Herald and digitally as an online site and app, seven days a week.

What is the Melbourne equivalent of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

Herald Sun holds the title of Australia's most-read newspaper. It primarily serves Melbourne and the state of Victoria. The newspaper was established in 1990 with the merger of the afternoon daily The Herald and the morning daily The Sun News-Pictorial.

What is the most reliable newspaper in Australia? ›

Australian Financial Review is the country's most trusted newspaper brand, study finds.

Who is The Sydney Morning Herald audience? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald has maintained its position as Australia's most-read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.2 million, according to figures released by Roy Morgan on Monday.

What politics is the Herald? ›

The Herald (Glasgow)
Front page for 11 January 2020
PublisherHerald & Times Group
EditorCatherine Salmond
Political alignmentDevolutionist
14 more rows

What is the slogan of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

Tagline / Call to Action:

Independent. Always.

What is the main newspaper in Sydney? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the most-read newspaper in Australia, with over eight million readers as of 2021.

Is The Age the same as Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The newspaper shares some articles with its sister newspaper the Sydney Morning Herald. The Age is considered a newspaper of record for Australia, and has variously been known for its investigative reporting, with its journalists having won dozens of Walkley Awards, Australia's most prestigious journalism prize.

Who owns the Herald? ›

The Herald & Times Group is owned by Newsquest, one of the UK's biggest newspaper and website publishers.

Who created The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Herald, founded by three English emigrants—William McGarvie, Alfred Ward Stephens, and Frederick Stokes—was first issued as a weekly in 1831 and became a daily in 1840.

How big is The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the country's most read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.3 million Australians, according to the latest Total News readership figures released by Roy Morgan.

Who owns the Herald in Australia? ›

The Herald Sun is a conservative daily tabloid newspaper based in Melbourne, Australia, published by The Herald and Weekly Times, a subsidiary of News Corp Australia, itself a subsidiary of the Murdoch owned News Corp.

Where is The Sydney Morning Herald headquarters? ›

In person. Drop documents in unsigned envelopes between 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday, at our street address at 1 Denison Street, North Sydney, with attention to a specific journalist or to the Herald investigations team. Include in the package your Signal, WhatsApp or Protonmail address for return communication.

What political party does the Herald support? ›

The Herald declares in every edition that it does not endorse any political party.

What are the conservative newspapers in Australia? ›

Two national newspapers in Australia, The Australian and The Australian Financial Review, take a conservative stance.

What political leaning is the daily star? ›

Daily Star (United Kingdom)
TypeDaily newspaper
PublisherReach plc
EditorJon Clark (paper), Andrew Gilpin (online)
Founded2 November 1978
Political alignmentLabour (historical) Politically neutral (current)
7 more rows

Is Boston Herald Democrat or Republican? ›

Boston Herald
Cover from February 3, 2013
EditorJoe Dwinell
Political alignmentConservative
Headquarters100 Grossman Dr. 4th Floor Braintree, Massachusetts 02184 United States
9 more rows


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.