27 The Sydney Morning Herald, Tues, March 3, 1981 If LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES NOTICES -w H-TnMlh Supreme Court rHiw" mi wui Welee, Prebet DlrlitM "In tha iiiBrtma Court of ft aw louth Walw, Probata OlrliWn APTtll tal davt from tha Dl. Intended- dU- NOTICB Tin 14 days from public- SPORT SULILIARY tta. Anv eersan tHbutoi of Mcation of this optica on ppH-cation for tht frobata of tha Willi datad 13th JAuautt, 1979. clilm uoon the Ettattl nl inr i 1fl0. of LILL' Of NOA GWRNOOLtN wii-klNSON.
lit Of KOlfra, near i lit of Beach I Widow, will be syanay in tnt iie pi Tw 2VJ A jonnlnatan. S.sfit Ihardt CwaJ. pmt 14 Bradei S(2D 80. BcriC factltner Ronay) otvlra. 'Kavem Jav.
Olympic I McKICHNII Day' WALKER Day l.lii annlr-aM. l.sit Wait. WIOOW, PKNHQ wrto mi fat luiv. fflUlt Hi ISO, Wa Un (US) SS 71 3 by lisle Qiamr Kon. iy rOtvdilort or reotfred to send I Deed, Calypso.
Charm, Palaver Hartley ipmiew ,0 oertson. Sun, March Bi CronuMa-Stitherland Ratcllfla. B.44I H.rwooi Of Allt.1 HIIN Carlton, In tha SUt of Naw South Walti, who txcupation was Widow. dKaud, will ba mad by Clifford Barnard Vant. tha dacutor itamadln tht Win.
Creditor art raaulrod to, oand of hlf.fc.clln. jjoon mm ips (rucxapunuai jb. Indtti I Moxty (Marrlck 11) 40 ebb BRACEWELL IOW IhHtrl Leorgt, tneeaveur rwio. Mil pertkuars of Ms claim to the Ktcutor John Ronald Wllklnson Gordon Cwlnpwood Pennington llano. 1 1 UUK-B ndT 11.
QUI Oulc-a Rugby league i Garhardt. A Gotaaoo, troli 6 11.1S: TOTAL 4.S0 pmi let artdei Daraev B3 Gstely Reedy, Penrith Prr matta, Penrith Park, 4.30 em: tat gewset Ooldswortny I McCall Greyhounds Wentworth Pk 'J Aim ia am fmn tM stub' jack, Rett Goldstar Led, Ron-nationaI? fuTunir IStml irVUWfr 4th NICK SCAl! NATIONAL FUTURITY iSOaU Oth.r.1 3,71 Kin, foJIcTtora, 70 Pit Street. Solkftor, 28 1 rorast Road, Hurst villa. aWO. -Ctiy lAgantu COR ASSOCIATES.
THE AUSTfUllANI 4SI Yu (I4 I (32) SitaWd nlaa tw4.fi Nall Shaw I2li TrSoar 120) 4 up. Weak. nrH A.VryM (S) HIM 1 fleHOO.Ol notice, bmH- calendar Sydney within two (Ji months from th publl i B8. 1 fAOWLtlMll DeVT DON C. rcaro 4 McDonald, ihilcatlon Of 72 79 71.
S.B.I W-BK1 (Ja)fl nit 71. MVIWISLO PRO ASSOCIATE si I hit tlm tht Tom acratn, aya sms oaro. 12.20: A Merer. Solicitors, 68 nev. 20 00.
ngm e-i-io-i; eiinrir, RUN BATUROAV rtoborta-n; tar IrXJ, Retired, dCted, will bt MfMfl 1 bv 1 in Thmu Jav. Peethtrstont 10 KtlBhley HOll KIngiton Rovers' 21 Vortt Oldham Workington 7: Sal ford 12 Leigh Si Wakefield 111 Halifax Wldn 7 Castleford B. Audi 1f-B-S6. ChauhAfli I-0 MSl' mill APTER 14 Ion of thli i PRICIATIOht BSOmi PelU Leon-la. Ramdene poll" (V).
Classic ofiao. Spotted Mocaa. Clover is. Roriiet lannar. Oallv Beat.
only to tht claims of whlth at thai lima of dfitHbutlon thay hava 9 Nano, CKcuMxftffld In the eald Will. 1i 7.1B 1ST WOOOiTOCK SSOmt Before Tim Surging T'de Uinrlifio Marrw Tamraatt ffiunnlna A for Probata of the Will dated 5th end treoitors rMUireo iv Creditors required INDIA' won an oii ImilnB md ptrtlcurart of their eta. I OTool Poftway. R.Hefbart Jhnaon A uoon notlea. Probata wtl gramaoj ir Naw South Waiai on.Sth Dcctm- Ntvemoer, eoi ana ine Cadlrll iwaoactTvalv dated 29fin Mighty Silky.
Rh MlgW Wll- le rurw. Dtv 1i Leeds 22 Barrow 5. -Ot li- Pulham BlackooOt Rugby anion" Sailing BAttMIt tkOOUi AM, SUa Mat mrs 4 Miliar br. 190. INMAN tk lam Street Slrw rw Dald.
wn, vuniur itiem. Rochdale 34 Binton 16: Wlun On Tht Rampage Always A Show Gianiand Rati Partisan Attrt 7.10 INCOURAOf T22mt' Artlam Brimitont Joe Touch Of I Ihra Tnnllna Tola-a taarlait itord. hi ST. W7. 225 0.
O.K. Mren, ii LINGHAM r47w.bVsV."o'Wviwj Octoser, 1962 of JACQUILINjk MARGARET ROBINSON, latt of Lane Cove In the Estate of New South Walts. Occupational There- proctors for 11 wniienavtn 10. C2u Cot ford. tJTc' Mrillth.
Blot I .21. lonaa. S.3I: a lan. nn sortai. sj cute naw iji gpt6eCarfrol)T.
TIN .14 don from tM pub- K-M Swej, Marc IS-2SI P.iru ffe.nrfwlrkl Mark Brave Apache Comet Sheila's Way a itswoo Golf APTIM Id "davt roni tha Ei.M ems mnicv an bpum for Probate of: the Will Cricket CarrtertHirv Sankitown, Henson (Renowtckj Gl.n III, (Randwlck 00: Worthy. tor Mil IT Cjjrln Dmarj.A ll.OSt H-hnan. IlIlS: executrix named In the tald Will. Bubllcatraii of th a 'notict an pant, omi let oraoei Roberts. Creditors are rtqulreo to tend apolkatlon far Probata of tha John Manmi (Randwlck) Mit enga' doii Rest eugoTa baev.
Si 1ST NICK StALL NATION. AL FUTURITY SSOmt Tq 4l 6.S0 WENTWORTH PARK 72lmi La Which ima liiegaei a wmtm Turner, partlcuiara of their claims upon Mortley (2) 40. 6 1: Par (24) is. Ot. ili sthrldoa OUHHEVIBt SSI And.
-rtoruary 7. isbo. of ian GAENN HMNIMAN late Of -fritmar" Inlay In the Stato Of New South Wals, Farmer, will ba fmede bv Kathleen Dawn Moorse. Moore. 11.241 11.121 Iwlw t1An L-lru.
AV HILL CLASSIC at Or. ut. Mart-Is sotifTi svonav Dunhllt World la-foottr In Brisbane. Standing after two tteatsi Coler 7 nil pt. Chesty Bond 6 pis lost Westfleld'Shop.
plngton 1 3.7 pt lost. Yanooo 17.7 pis lost. PK Gutn 20 Pt lost. Parrya 24 pu lost KB 24.7 pts lost. Rank Xerox 28.7 pt lost, Lysaght Colorbond SO pta OTAGO INDIA at Carltorook.
NX nrr Lai itj Minn J. chell Coat (Manly) RMef Gould DIMrlrt, Qld) Brantfan 11,1 lackman. th Eastern Suburb. Red fern Oval, 6 pm; let JrTRdei Wekes OTAGO 1.t tanlnw ILNE A BERRY, Solicitors, it Street. Sydney (D.X.
122). Md loan. 1 2.04: Smith. J2.il: (18) Kuanoy (12) 47 cb. sen.
HI 2S6I AH.n (US) CS 62 ST III 1711 (US) 44 SS 70 Creditor are raoulrad la aand rooora.Ki lonrror ManiV' Warrlnoah North Brook ANY person having any claim comic snoofiro buck Novemoer Com On Bradlev Oert's Gal 3et Even Swanky Lady Rest Alpha Bunyarra Volatile Brew. a PATRON ISOmi Idea perticuJar of their clelma upon ANTHONY Moon Qld) Michael O'Connor (Toacherl-Northl, Qld) Chrl, Roctht Will dated January iobi or RAYMOND NBVILU HAIG lata ol Ma router, retired dacaastd, will bt made bv Junt Maria Carr, eKtcutrlx namad In tht said Will. Creditors art required (o sand particulars of thalr claim upon his Citato to PCTKR R. MURPHY 4 Solicitors, 3638 Sprint Street, Bond) liinMlm. Vc 2022.
I RUTHERFORD IrM vale Oval. pm: 1st radet 375i Stnnn (US) 72 :Tl.2irrik'W.3SI Stwlffi Whlttorl. T.00: Ballard, tots teal 7.241 ttllw BETH CRUTCH, late of Guilford, loral slnn I STHATHPIILDl 4St M'lrldl uocner neny bangnurai. Widow, who died on 11tS im Murrey gum, i BLAKBtY fhaitrl O'Mara US ITH II Playmate Taqulla Linen Society rrnnt (Llvarpaol 2S P) Wal.l imain Western Suburbs, lost. Steel ttoek 31 pts lost Nin HOSKIN Sha.trl APTER 14 day from public antbtf of thl rfotTc aoolketlei Nation Shaw WMaoo Ulmar.
August, ivb0, must terra pamcu, lara of thalr Claim, to the Executor. Paul Michael MePhea. CI, Romeo velvet jvoiiet net mix NoellH Anialee Sir Alwvn. 2ND NICK BCALI 77i Mlk, Oon.ld (US) 71 SS SS 7t; (US) 70 73 ,7 of lh Win dated Iw BLAIR and Aied DAWSON Vlpwanatrl D.X.86B Sydnty. Ttlaphont MCPHEE EL SHAW CO.
7: r. sail usi mm to 71. 7.32: Luxton Mctlrasar Mahay Smith. T.40I Bur-rowa. 7.4S: Mengen.
TM: or WALTS ST, THfiUAl BTIVIhii NATIONAL FUTURITY SlOmi (To 'iTkil 2nd WOODSTOCK Hanco*ck (US) 71 SS 73 Atv a set, AaTia 1A dava (ram tha) twrv frcxiciwrs, io Macquarie noao, terlrwtwAMd. utlt-hln two 9 ralon. CHARLES Taw of lacktown. wltt ni made anaain i BLAIR Blnny lhaitri LIE! and Chauhan I'Oya tuai 73 70s Pooley (US) 72 S3 MOmi Mia Rasiamatai, Dawn 72 HAGAR THE HORRIBLE I Alaandar, fkatlon of this notice, an apoJl cation for Probate ol By Dik Brovvrie dy ewtnetn Noia wt stavtni end Ronald llwyn Charltl Stevens dar months from publication of this notlot. After that tiro the 'Executor mav distribute the assets of th Estate having regard1 4f IxMutora of tha will.
Cradlt. oartlcu. ARO DAGOiTT. lata of Lane rtquiraa Tar of thalr alma uoon tha clafms MATTHKWSt DOOL1T THE OLAFS NOfMATtlAPPetlEP KB CAAAE MOVB -V9JR I LET'S I out Foe tove, oraaiKi. whi bo made by Miud Isabel OaMftt, lire'cutriK named In the said Will.
Creditor art rtoulred to send particulars of their claims lurMn MttttMt tA KlflZ DIARN Probata was grantecd In New South Wales on 4th December, I960. i-nfnbi' Road, aiaektewn. or GrCfT A I i i ilacktawn Of thlr City MMira THOMA. sham TrtlbV-Rfl, Comm Of land Ta! Alllaftt-e Haldtnai Ltd. Comm, ANV stsrion havlno anv claim fchwtpptat Detigate.
Miller I Structural C. Cooper, Norman WORKERS COMPtNSATIOfd HlfS PINNER cANBIRRA VOYASE ti-rv upon the estate of PAMELA ES full rMirti rt 1. lO.lfli Hrineii VInIti 13t CHuoeth A ASSOCIATES, Solictors, zzs Be, mo re Strtet. Burwood, .21 S4. COMMISSIOPS or iax; eruce Lvon ricMoing pl.
MarteBenrem services rt ano anor: Gam midge. Omkclvoto, IOi Onus and a nor. Alcoa ol Aust WIFE SEBVEP bm. 036 urwooo. rei.
THER NORTON last Ot MCajrains Hill In tht State of New South Wales, Cleaner who died on the iio. comm or Lena tax: nrma Insurance Ltdi Jangen: Harg rates, Trottlno Authofftv of NSW. sydnty, or D.x. yo 14 davt from tbt tub. cllxlAn of this notlea an aooll Hringt Croyt Edwards.
Master Allen, Ct JB, B.30: Mention: Eveltleh. Eveleloh: 1 liriMi rhiisMsn, (b-sa, t-lhiit-Lnn At' Fttata. Anv Parson sin -May, ir nwii two tlculars to the Administrators CeSim 'S Pull Bench: Ct 21C: Cwealth 9-30: Directions: Arrow In1 ihavlnq any claim uoon tht Estate of HELEN CLCMINIS. late of 10 -cattOn for Probito of. Iho.
Will Reg of WCC nd jurkovle and EARLE AUGUSTINE ana Ikj TKtisi AWFtJITH HOR. or Aust. crotntii Hospital er sari EouiESsnanr si ei fs rrxw-. anst i datad April o. in riion a Km nun slttiatarf In tha Com VKOS (AUni PL.
amenon inouiirie ri attow Insulation PL; Hkln. Atkinson: Wvndhem Estate PL. Dalgety CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT YiVI rvo CA A Florltt. who died on- 30th rnu rf.r.FAifir STKN. Solicitor 0Connov PL.
justice vranxi, ut oc. y.agi of 3S4 Ctiapei Road. Bandkitown juoga vviiiiams. lot juemeni; July, 1979. must aand particulars A of Auitrall of AllX; ANtJlH VAUNTINI CqkUDOC Aust ltd and anor; Splrou end Cross.
IOi W. B. F. Bohaall. Chlor-lrfa Btattarlaa John Thorn Pit.
in the state tlal (ph). Ttttrnr civil ansmavn or ms ciaim to nm (xblwiut. NKhcHas Protoa at 12 Railway Av.nn. M.5 2122. Aust Ltd.
Hrlng: Oled and Tu-bemakeri of Auat Ltd Qarrai sv 1 of NSW: Street, Turner and anor: ut'Viini I. Justke J. B. Sweeney, Ct 211 0.1 Armllc bv Frank Maauli QUEENS SQUARE InaMra Yalrtham. Ct 1QC.
0.30; and Levland Motor Co-Op Of Aust within 2 calendar months after Tower, York Street, Sydnev with; In 2 months from the date of b-fAiw Tha Admi Sharp. McGuIre; Wlnchcombe Carson PL, Harris: Sun ford, The In th Mid Will. Cr.nltori for an Inquiry Into an Election I ApellC under Section 437, Crimea RiiwvsKa ano seeei lis; Bouobeld and Marr and Sons the Llvostock Grain Producers worn oer: topou, war man. tnt 04 It or puDweauon ot ini notice. After that time tha said Executor mav dlttrlbuu the aiiets ol the EsUte havlno regard -slulr cHlm on thli Iittti UMITE A SONS nistrators will distribute the assets of the estate haying regarrl rrmxeri ri.
ana Mavriflli; Le Brl and British Palms Ltd; Yaohl and fno Maralatm. act, 1 vnu, i Murray, -is Stanton, J. A. Horvath. Justice Roden.
Ct 11C, 10: Wollongona call-over. Hrino: Attorney Gen of NSW In (inouttnai; assoc ot naw. 10.30: Scholefleld and anor. Justice McGregor. Ct 20D, 10: (Burwood).
Sollcltori.1 ltlmor the matter of Letter of Request; on 10 xne ciaima ut Z.L hkuJb ndvr ra. PfO- bakl and Buckingham Cleaner Strtet. Burwood. 2134 D-X: omy to tn claims oi wnitn has notke at tht time of distribution. Probate was granted In mikkw p.
a. u. luetic LAfkhart. Ct 20E. O.Sfli rMnnnrfiat Iiictlr-a Clattarv.
10; Trial foh)E Switzerland, In tht matter oil bate was granted Tn New South ui.i.. Tik ftrfrshar. 19B0. vrmicevic, Leignson ton-tractors PL and Can dec Ltd tas Leigh ton Candac Joint Venture. N.
J. Jackson. S. W. Butt.
F. Denny. 10.15: SewHI. McCarthy tYEORGE 3S4 THE WIZARD OF ID pierce, Travis, col sank, Kirx-wood: Glancleld. Dm PmthnnAtarv.
Ladle. Ct Jensen. By Parker and Hart tllo. Burwood. ACCOUNTS In tM CltlM Of MARY.
WEIL (also known IS MARY; BINSZTOK) lit 01 W00 -Uhro. Widow. Mo bun flljd In ni.t nf ih. Pnurt and art L. k.
n. sianery, dcp, ram. Cruz. Doa. Cam.
Tax: Chapel Road, Banxsiown. I Judge Ferrari, 10: Fltagerlad and Henry Hosp; Pascoe n.vw. on win otcemoer. isn. MOMSEN HEGARTY A EAGER.
Solicitors lor the Executor, 10th Floor, St. a me Centre. 111 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, N.S.W., 2000. AFTeai 14 Have from tha sub. luitlce Bt-aa.
10: B. SUc. Q. 7b, Listing ron jury: Guy D. M.
R. Comako Products PL: Kutc A Peglar, DXii4.l1 penMwwii, itid 1A Havs from tht pub nno pm Austin tas orange iMay iW. Nelson trlar(ph). DieiTI.T LgUKIa-KiaiinM urnve ntnn; ceoaiios ano Kirov PL taa Betta Elee Mtyfiare: Wit. thvt avallatlo lor Inipectlon.
The rorin Ncaoy mixeo til; Llvanat A. A fundi Limited lication of this notice an fPP'H cation for Admin istratlonpf jury, mar i i-itj (except 15 and 22) 9.30i Mcation of this notice an appli Nelson T. A Hunter Judge Hicks. Ct 1.1.0: (oh) Estate of STANI5LAW Yvyt.Ei-.. Dlrortlona; Neal.
Saden fen and Brd ol Fire Comm of NSW; Htaton end Govn I stores Deoti ndr and WoaI worth LtH i cation tor Letter or Aomini Trial: R. M. oooawin. commlnlem and hava obtalnad tar Thomas, wealth of Aust: uoupias Ltd: vomovsxi, Truck Repair PL; Drayton De. vlrluin T.
A Tnrihniitr Tweni ein fa.eniurv mos stration ot tne ttTate ot lillian MARGARET GEORGE, late of 70 tnu 1 purpoia an tjf.iri th tor juoge Rooson. it. at, iu; pn Inrlads) ramaAA-Smlth. Ct 3. Aria and Matters Elec Apolllnces PL! f.arf! and f.r.U Taramtra Cmlth A annrt Oltvar.
HAMltt Wo'lek. the widow of the deceased. Creditors are required to State of New South Wales whose PMG Irna API Credit Union Ltd Arcamone, The Norn Deft landa PL; TahnOus and Westlflhouse 10; (ph) Trial; W. A. Sulllven.
12: Trial: R. Carrion. '-unl dark of tha Court on "-tha Oav ot March. 1. aa.m.
Any parwn Intarejtad ljo. parxer ei wior, -vumt, Wllllanvi, O'Brien Glass Industries Ltd: Blvth j. R. A Eu-rundtree Stud P'L; Ledmort. AB nraKC ana sxgnai iausij PL: Maruncsak and PTC.
tenerai Motors HOiaens Lioi ro-rlrsnin ATI Auot Manufac inn 'Si, EVut. stodoart Solicitors. 95 Want-worth Street. Port Kembla. NSW occupation was Marriea woman, "eceased.
will be made by Alfred Howltt William George. Creditors ar required to send particulars of their claims upon her Estate to juoye Sinclair, v-x mt iu, tn juoge i Dion, zo: duty juagt Trial; G. Murray. n. jonn rrb ana u.
r. jotin rt-i in iuiiv nl rlinn. 229-231 turers Co; Smith, Cwealth ol Matters; TMB: 10: Hrlng: Liver- JitrkM vUle Vs.R1 0: (oh) Aust; Attaro, onupava uro a d.ll, Phlllpe. Industries Hotdlnss 250S, or their agents ouoiev Westoarth A Solicitors. 39 ulnK Place" Sydney.
NSW 2000. ors; Shaker, GOnpaives anor: 2000. D.X. 10O0, nesign Printing PL; Kevin Henry Trial: j. N.
Conroy; C. E. Vale. NAaNi ALLEN WILLIAMS, Solicitors, 64-66 The En trance Road. Tha Entrance.
2261. bP lid; tvoosTx r. uotninaun, uione B. M. A.
A J. A E. H. O'Brien Havrlson, anor: Burgess, Rubbo; soidatich, a a A i.iM (Mm thai Bub- Judne Wafxott. 10.11.
Alaw. DX 7308. Wytnfl. Phont 043) i Herman, v. nowen; nep-herd.
Deo. Cam. McG. Fiaaes r-icnoiion. wicnoisoni Rrun (Tlrra Crt nltrtlttlont PL: ASTER 14 days rrom ina puo-Icatlon of this notice an on.
ander djid Ashfleld Council; Too-1 Dep. Com. Casev. DeD. AFTER 1 OaVS TTOm IN DUD' WaterwOrth.
Eltx Steel Constmc- njy ana renroia ana ri, Sorwr and Dalrv Farman fA-rin I leaf I an of h1 notlco an aooll- inna oi MiiFtv Tho Tallanoandra MAY BMV1H lata 0( JUO0 ninnwi, ivs (ph) Trial; R. Dive. HOSPITAL ROAD Ct 17; Not sitting. Judfe Lincoln, Ct 18, 9.30: SenTencei G. A.
Rogers, K. P. udge Mulr, lOt Mention; M. J. E.
rlshr; S. E. Hefftrnan: A. G. Sentence: T.
J. Ktm-ball. Ltd and Lawrenson Dlecestlng! cation for probata of the Will Solfll "ay. 1I7 Of ALICE MYRTLE TIP- Com. Heyi C.
H. A G. Lombard Aust Ltd; vnolds B- J. A C. Lombard Aust Ltd; Alamed-dine, E.
Glass: Cummlngs, Mil's. Lupton, Hewett A Gray; Bradfleld oaiea ibtii peoruarv. ihti. oi nii rtrsjti, muns inosirm r'l; CurrtnntOA and Unluarcaf MacPheraon artei. r5.
th. Stata ot Naw South walai. rECIL ROY PARKER, lite of hall. Iffo AttracHons PL A anor Cules, New no. I and Industries' PL; AntaJ.
Woodhall Ltd: Se- ceased. Widow, will be med, by Sound Centre; Motley and Snape wlirb. mada by JamM nurni LaKC, in ine. iaie oi New South Walts, Retired Railways lrnBlavB r1ocacd. will ba made bastlao.
Remo Constructions PL: le nuntii ano Keivinaior aust. Ltd! MltJAuM and Straott Tea nerins, unvis c. j. R. J.
Moree: Timber and or, tit required to tend fartlcu- rrraam PL: rhldla- anrf CCB I tA Arnold, terra us ljo; ru. -'-ender A anori Schroder, Aust Horoware: soona-v. hkh p'l: APPEALS bv Patrkla Riches. Creditors are rtflulrcd to tand oartlrulart of ST PIPS iivrAWiartKilari ot thalr claim, I Athos, S. Ptaradellls; Bareltakls, By Neil Matterson i-4bs craorora 11 UOaSiai SniPPinu s-omm, a anor.
Mitchell A anor: Aldrldge. inuiman j.j sesnard, oapto Tim- thflr claims upon nls Estate to wo era. tii do a Poor i her tatata to "Hil Solicitors. 7S Ellta. ttFHi.
Svdnev. 2000. KKEUTTIEn PABBtRT, Coleman. 10; Liitav and Kascoe; umenofiyw, t- JL annr! Morris. Suthers.
Hansen A 'Brown; Brand drawn: T. D. Hailing. Mention: M. D.
Law: G. V. Der Klooster; Brelco PL (ph); Koudounas and i jd rrmctci niHnw, una 7530 (DX 5530. Ultadnllal APTER 14 days trom in. Martin Bright Steele Ltd: Watson.
j. ueves; h. c. KicKeni. a.
k. at raney Lowers pl lonner- UValhi VAfalLtan pit-; Tayior ana water Resources Comm: Taylor and laarkaa Ind nv tnair city Agtnts duncan Strahopoulos, tlcatlon ol this notlc. an cation for frobata of the Wl" da.ed 11V. Apr 1.1 962 WYl PL: ChattJngton and Klngsley Hnrvg: s. u.
twert; h. t. arruin; P. Gordon: L. G.
Coles: J. W. McNamee; M. R. McLachlan; L.
J. King. Mansom noiatnu. .7. Beriyn, Sunrock Scatfoldfng PL 4 ors: Merllalnen.
LP Constructions PL: Cenatlempo. Cenatlempos A.v. OL A mnofi Issa. justice Mieppara, ct zia, 10. 1 Trartt PrattlrjM rnmmlE.
(Zfi LARGE NVMt) rvuivon. Judoe Maronev. 1 0t Kurokaz. mat nanRi rtArcxur or soiicitore. oa Hunter Street, Sydney.
2000. DX ,292. Vvdnev). APTER 14 days from tie Publication of this notice an apotl- ratlAn tor lattr nt irlmnl. hw-dkaori WtdOW, Will DC 2' u.rtf tvecutor DISTRICT COURT CIVIL HOSPITAL RO J.met N' Klrby ltd: Grlflin-Gal- slon.
Allied Mills Industries PL and ort. Justice Morltng, Ct 20A, 10.15: Australian Broadcasting Tribunal. Robert lame Pariah r- THREVONLY CWTHlWTHnTl worries fyi'Xk 'flK SMflU- SS'e'-oEttffii rgh.r. Moonay! Huttninson. ray.
2000. Tal. 2J3 41 APTER 14 day, from public. Jtl" ot thl. nolle, an JpwFatlon ot mTa.S.
Kunabul In tha 'KrtVJf Mi south walaa. Mn-t -bar" ot tha Australian Navy. a niada by Douolai Campoan i Soon hla latata to Chief Judge, Ct 21, 10: Re-tva lurtament Ramford. Ham- Utntlon of the Estate of THEO mtn and Standard Tel and Cables PL: Carney and Brsanbles Ind Ltd; Nokay end Plessev Aust PL; Mlehal) and Roth mans of Pall Mall (Aust) Ltd) Laus and Tipping Bras PL; Sotowkz Vid Consolidated Merchandising Co Pt Li Mendonca and Weston Food john MURritibi (ate ot urcen den: At 10.30: Bond, Oeer and ano ors. roon.
Judge Goran, Ct 20, lOt PH: ioilcTtorrt Negisirar. t-i zun, 10: i nomas: Melsel Melsel L. Cullender ana ors: nicnr, wen roini, MCiirro uaronvr, ceaied, be 1 made bv Raymond John Murrell and Juliana Smf-thers. Creditors art required to send particulars of their claims upon his Estate to KREUTZER Cltv of Sydney; rr cxe. mcjvcowm hi.7k.ii whithv Corner trtu, ADtTva, Judge Thorley.
Ct 19, 10: Bruno and anor. Qulntone Productions, poda Pty Ltd. tea 1 es urns 11 iur.ni 1 1. RAilauarr anrt Viet Ltd: Ah riot. Servkt 'Station Sovrou, Aua Postal comm: Kusle, Gale; Mou- Hallm and Dept of Education of Aka wiide: Hodgess; Amoretto.
Tax of Costs: Fir 16, 2.15: Wood bridge: March. CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION COMMISSION QUEENS SQUARE Juatlee Williams. Ct 23E. 10: PARHtHtlT. SOI It HOT.
I Princes Hlaheav. Ulladulia. 2539 IV lA-AiiMTr In tha Istate of nsw; Dessaix ana waitons Lta; Campbell and Wool worths Ltd; Wtrt I VVTJKT I. HAM OK PHI1.LIP ST ItidAA RodariDlo. Ct 7.
4fl taeiTTELOT fDX 5530 UHadnlla). by their ntrras. oitmii. Deo prothonotary Qulnn, Ct 7Er9.30: MtMio.lnws. col es A Coy Ltd; cuccc ana iwjd struct, wt CiAnooalulAe and Klrrlblllt El ciiv Aoenia.
dunun hahhun Kemp, Thornwalte and Bretts l. AtiiftT RAMSAY -Hul Rttlrad, hava btan III" ftaolstry of tht Court and art rasnion Agents Solicitors. 4 Huntr Sarv Cluh: Mnairs and Avon Cot, Metal Industry Award re standard hnurt. t-Ant. of Wahroonga, will madt bvLawranc.
Frederick Kitchener one of the Executorsnamtd In the ia wiii Street, Sydney, 2000. (DX ZBZ, Developments Pft; kwu.j tvans; srioge, rod ins ana Grant, Thompson; Smith, Minks; nan Proailrlont Mi-Knll. Ct metkst Le Surf and Our Lady Queen of Peace School; Maroudat yonevi. ANV Mr-tort havlno anv claim 23 D. 10.30: Associated SS Co j.
ana j. w. Dicker pty Ltd, irrtosa tnialtat Swutamtt PL Ws- Igltal Systems, upon the Estatt of ROSS JAMES ana royatn insui rui urna, Cable Maker Aust PL; Drox- and Marine stewards Assoc PLj woodco*ck'. Engel and orj; Taylor Walker: Amalll nd inor, Maa-touk and anor: Smith. Todd.
IU15KI, nuirorra i.nenrng Boera; manning or vessel "tonos. i it. If ivaTarlr: 1(1 to- Tram, horton. latt or coram miii. In the State of Now South Wnls.
dek, tdicoonaie: ramny Resiaw-rantst Laskarldes: General Con fa rah. Professional Health Screen- Cr.Hltora ZmTiM port Offclers Federation end TAA Cleaner, who died en the 10th By O'Brien and Gerberg rstrt rtaanara A 1 Ada I K0KY kl.toVL.d Ynd Smith, CIO ins awrritv-p, Meoicnecx. unoe-fended: Aust Guarantee Corp Ltd. BenflHds Ptv Ltd and ors: Lano. Iiarrrnti prowuum.
Maraena. r. h. Miooiemaes MiRttl STEPHEN. May, 1S79, wtnn pariicnmri to tht Administrators, Earle Auauitln end Colleen Tr.f NSW: KlArtc.
i Contracting ana Hiring pl. to mm name: nnntf nrn it. 10.30i CSR Officers and Award Chrlsteffer: Cumberland Bus Co t4V4rt(l C. 5. CaaIt and i juoge rre TlSasen Minim, conatrucilons ire salaries ano overtime.
Engineers aod Coll Supplies Co fi-SI L. any wo" chTr. Morton, Cli GEORGE STEM, Solicitor, of Chi.o-1 Road. Bankstown. In the State PI Dai.
Royal south ynnj ou.run. moson vninsi. urvnTtni, i.ryrrT4ii foot? Pty Ltd: Holton Pty Ltd, Spall; Berkman Ptv Ltd, Bourke. Prlv. App: Raffaett, Builders COflim Mcnenxie, nrino nm tun in? North West Exports lip; jones eno wooiworrns lib nnd Hewker Do Hivlllend Aust h.vlno arty claim afi'-sald or hi SvHne Mfxrc tnNWAV.
MACCALI.IJU censino Board. Ltd and Meat Industry Employees Union re Introduction ol mutton boning, tnverell. CAN TASTP IT. l'sTwillia-mI Judge Tnomeson, 10: Vail and In Charrttierai Dohlneofi. lahn.l Am on B7I 1 A St.
Martls Tower. York Rhl Vanaos, Andrew, and anor: fanotor1 Wortlev. Beoki Jas rPr9.an line castie Bistros List. son; Musumecf, Gould: Stratton, Mreet. Sydney, within months tOtrm rYiEk-niaii.
nunti n- -a. aw Awardc tf waae f'SfffiS vmDino, inofnas: N.W imni mm data nuniitaf on norei IMIaI CONCILIATION COMMlBStON- arat.narra rpo MatT: nai. slab. lef. The Administrator will dis stone; Powell.
Noon. Pustetla: ting, Mt MirtiFiB Si-i- 109 PITT STREET rmm WrXlat Ma tribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to the claims inf whlth at that data' thev have Horton StreaL Port M.cauarle. ori i rerous mining, and Pulp and Paper Industry I Acceptaneo Corp, Adama A Sons! wiison. rorest. Am let: Gray Chahrouk; Cacclottl.
Holland: Bel' IflTv MwTl: Kovacevk. How larth; Green, Cawley. 10.301 Como. Aust United nt 'i. rrntnaT' wn nnnipn in Tas.
hletroDOlltan water 'Sewer- romrn Sweeney. Hrlng Rm lew South WalM rn 14th Oe-i est Ar Drainage Board: Hjon. cement) Street; Sydney, within lendTr "cmlhs "Mm WbtlcajrWn of and. Metal Workers and SMpwrrahts Union and Ort re frnper. firnnoc srsni.
HOUSE MACQUARIE ST. Foods A TWU re dismissal. Comm Cansdell; Gooford osptai: 12; Inspection hew osp. E'ees Gen. Admin.
Staff Awd. Central Sterilising Service Aust ft: Bvme. Blen- xncnor, in noarj, Rnnkstawn. OX .11211 Banki- hla noyca. RMIinr C.
-3 BI Ifl.J starr oiscounia. uriM Bm ton. IjAtl'. a). li-.
town. 10.IS; Fox Manufacturing Co and mirtiiuni Ross Etdar Rms jl r. bajlns rMJ'd only to th of whkh at that Comm Mills. No 7. PI and Amalgamated Metal workers! frfruary 1.
'y. Vubml 10.30: Mflrm Ci-Awn (Tech. Osterbrg-Olsen, Marcl Downing I Tetorloro, and time of dl'triouiinn wis oranted in few wnkln, Servls 7L: Rlchee. The Nim oefl Ward, Metropolitan FIA eiidl Offcers) Awd. R7 cTc7 ToVr-oljl-orO.
AFTEK T4 aavs rrom me pub-HVatlon of this notice an aooll cation for probat the Will (td McTh 20. 10PI n. ot MAR-JHRIC KATE late of "ra-qe. In the tatt. Now South Wales.
WHw. deceased. VMith WalM on th, 23rd October. Water Sewerage rain.8- Titan Manufacturing Ft Ktmbl re wiiwp, vrtMnic, tmon UTXOn: Morstln PL. Foy.
a Hall. JD: SuoerannuatlAn Fund Irlwiihu. Beilield BowTfng a' Rec. Clut Ltd. A AWU re dismissal, li Com.
aismissais. tmat H.S.W.. ANY oarKin tiwrtna "Y.Jl'iS 1900 aua 'BUbllC Trust Kordlak, Drake Pelant Feodmaster Store Coffs notice an application nirc rvr. arouinern tar COMMONWEALTH PUBLirc SERVICE ARBITRATOR 70 CASTLE REAGH ST. Deo Art) Booth, Fl 2.
10.30: Stirr. McLeod: ln. well Ltd. Riley: Gouskos. Karie: Hesiehurst.
Under Secretary of 27 nartrour a rop assu house Will DO OV Rnnin TVV the Extcutrlx named In te said wilt I ir; ara reanlrort to 7ur.y:T965 VWlLtiAM-XLEX. Hooinson, -v Butcher, unit thalr rlalme T2. must ABC Staff Assoc end abc re niiiipi, r. Air Trainmrj ptv. THE POTTS ANDF.R MARK late ot lit By Jim Russell th.
PUBLIC. nnnn her Estot Limited arid Chieftain Aviation rates or pay. Pall Mall Aust. Ltd. A BWII aanfl" parrKu.f rt t.
SlancoV Sampson: Caosanls. Public Transport Comm: Gllkes. Radlordi Grieve. Oiar anor: Romeo, Romw McGlrr. O'Harrs: Soos, Marr Oi Son, PL: PATON TATLDH.
OHtilpr. Oc Ancnn tiraat. iiranoe. 2a 00. M.
The Nom Df Staff Ad fOldi vajiiissnu iwiiiii.asrw in Comm Rlabv. No B. 10.1 Si away w'll bt made bv Patricia jln Marr. Creditors are required to wnd trtlcuta. of their ca ms sencl particulars of.
their Jelms1 FAMILY COURT 7585 ELIZABETH STREET Justice Oovey. Ct 1. Fl 7, 10: McLean, A Wavman. D.X. 3011.
Orange, by. their M.V..o;,m'.'" IV iwmp. Banastown Muni. 1 OfVOSEOTQ-IW 7 ON A JU TESreRWrV cini council twu tm aun iiu. Fl rs.
smyrnaos. Tne riom Der; Austral Document Exchange PL COMMERCIAL LIST AQontS. 5 MAW M'lJaHAlu PARTNERS. Sollcliors. 75-6S RtBLIC TRUST" ma? 11: tomp.
Wllioughby upon his estate MOORE. Soifeff-A-530 Street. Albury. DXS604. justice Hogan.
Ct 2. 7, Mentfon: Keefe. Hrlng: Kay. justke Yulll. Ct 3.
Fir Eiinbrth street. Sydney, zooo, D.X. 916. Sydney. juave vmcoin, g.90: Glover.
Davlet A aner. luHoa in 10: sifia At a4awa from DUbUt comm Mawivev. no 2. 11 v. junta vaioaie.
tin of thli notice an application Mention new Chemical Workers Mcation ol this notice an tppll-eatlon for Probate ol the Will "justice Tong. Ct 4, Fresh Matters: Ray: Ives: p'Nelil: Naoer or aiiwi. tor Probate of tht dated 24th IVT.ii mod by th. Astorga; Comm Varnunri. No 3.
11.1 KING STREET Judee Smith. Ct.3. 10- Rtek. date Aufluil- Z6, 1376, ot Brown; Donohoe: paie; Insurance Ttctran corp ti Raybos Aust, Pa A nor; Motion: Environmental nglnetr-i dm nnhr A Carrett PL. 10: UBUIC TRUSTI on rt Cent Cemp, Assoc Tin THOMAS vwin Rk: juni 197S Of MARGARET JANE! SPALDING late it Album.
Widow will be made by Marl, Webster. m.u rH to send ards trading as Ashgat Engineer- O'i 19. 11. R. ivaija' arm.
Het reo union anriitiT, u- smeiters pl ewiu 4. anor r.l...i.. Ui.rfcnn Canderson: Du Public I trujt Of. Manaoar. fudhc iruj ti ho made bv Mary urina Comoaflns Bank.
Fami smart a 11 on ihui, trarfdl 109 Moletworth Stroat, rn Warr: Carrltan; Grey. Men- tmrm their claims upon rnmniiim Rank. Bulk Ter ii. to -i oa-iku Muiarave: Brvant: UAARF. APPREMTireSMIP Ph: Llcastro, Neal.
I Judg Bell, Ct 1. 10: Prlv Ado: BlaekfArd Corn Aft Ira minals a Himnfi rr Xrli th. ouh. ItctEn ol hli. nolle.
"wj?" wm paiton; nrsm 741 HUNTER ST. NEWCASTH are requires a Keitn Harris vo national Computers (Aust) PL. ha Comm. -a ei. Comm Whasrlar in, aoiicitors.
ju ry. DX5S04. AFTER 14 day, from th. pub- cation X0 TURNER PREEMAN. Solicit F.sJhU"M.t?.T-riurr.y:'B.l!.m;: kers Ac Road (State) re amend judge coates, ct.
2. IOi Pa: Hay Comm of Tax. i-Mttv ludatK: Common Lawi iD.yrit 'uufSHIB lata of 'v-'0' riairoressers r.eorge: ryckl; snaw: Justke Cantor: Equltyi N.S.W., 2000, D.X. 1S2. Svdnev.
AfTfcR 14 days from the rtAi an aooll juage i-onms, ti. io: pit-an, Vest. Rf SlRV! MATTERS; 1 DA FORD ST. R.nnle; Bishop: Arndel): Lendles: Culverwell: Falson: Tall Beckett: cation for Probata, ol the Will dated November 1. 1 944.
of PHYLLIS EDITH BUROESS formerly of Cooma lata ol E.st iiSmftur watkar. Exeutor named Justice Neeonam. NOTICES 6F CALL OVER ALBURY SUPREME COURT SIT- cation tor Probat, of th. Will r.hn a. 1 Q7A.
OT Smallgoods Manufacturers (State) Bover: Bilhaglar: Ruten: Jones': Boronsxi Transport services riy. MAXWELL JOHN CREAM late of Maltlanci in m. sun WJIl. hi. i.ut to Messrs The Hit will be called over by Llddeil: R.tkovlc: Walters: a jciiKiiis, rticus, rit-iia, Davidson A ors, Golotkv A era; BUILDERS LICENSING BOARD GOLD6IRG byBrVan son of th deceased: Lionel Pavne JUST.
TC anam, supiitrn's, A TA Uirrh 11th .1981. IOC, Mnsice, wren. 99-Dl V.riANwVi ArHKKT. Solicit KllOfl, ll JIISIIC for sittings commencing on March bi wenrv airww. 'jrni Railway Employee be made by Kenneth Alfred cream, the, lutnr named In the said Will.
Creditors qu I red to send particulars of their HOtgate ann ernoii 5" tMr A ft Eft 14 day from pumic- Board Member: Mr U. Blgnell 30th. 1981. for 3 weeks, pre INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION SO PHILLIP STREET :i.r.r annllrmtlan justice 'Rott-lo'nw. Ct 7, Fir 3.
10: Fresh Matters: Bello: AIR HAWK and the FLYING DOCTOR By John Dixon Piobate of tha Will datad siding juoge win juu.e s-j, dham. Ct Session: Ct 5. 10: Hro: -1 Kr anow taustr nnng: iut Strangewoldoe. JURIES. wTeri Creditors are required to send o.rllculars of their rjilms upon nth Anrll.
197 of anop uases: sawlu. Appin: 7 to: i unnuit. l.t. or La- Supreme Ct Queens Sq: Panels WOLLONGONQ fit urinn- wiimn. Marr ant Zanab'rlt-Santlago: Hurley.
Hrlng: the Estate to W. J. EmBHia 0' DON YL CO I I'M NOT SURPRISED VjQJO TtHE 6 LA ST awu, Niw Brancn auDminsion, SDA, NSW, ApPln. Justke Cahlll. Ct- 7.
9.30i req in jury pool 'ilVmba. Widow, will made by ff, P0BL TRUSTtE. creditor, if! faaulrad to omku jr. ReaLtrar. In Fr, charaed.
Mention: Poulterers (Sta) Awd, Strt QMr.no,. Maltland. 2320, D.X. castle or their City, agents. TAYLOR KEARNEY A REED, 33 Bllah Street.
Sydney. 2000. O.X.i anor: Wilton. Young; Atkinson, Protiiskl; Bum, Marshtlst: Ate4j, Atell: Moody Jansse, Huliman, 10: Do Carno. 0,0 Reg Cunningham.
l.tlin SS Yonf. Fir 10. 9: Wylllo. Appin varn re raxes or pay. Justice Warion.
BHP N'rtle. B. Branch TV ettiti of 'DENIS VI. VIAN VlTZGERALD. late of Pen "it In the State of New South 10.30: Hrg: Steel Works E'ees 11: DudleyWllllams; 2.30: car- 6333.
Sydney. m. .4 4.v. frnm the nuh EQUITY fhisi iitrfaa lutflra Helham. Public Tru.t onica.
i B.itwall Str. Bankstown. T2ia'yVa) dava from th, pub- Jurors In ph req st 9.4S. Supreme Ct: Parramatta: Jurors In ph reg iat 9.45. Supreme Ct, urors In ph req at 9.4S.
District Taylor Sat Ct 1, Jurors In ph req at 9,45. Ct 2: Jurors In eh req at 9.43. Panel A and dls- ibhpj Awara Appin varn re mar-glna. luttlca Dav. it 3.
...0 Man. Deo Reg Johnston. Regulation llc.tlon of this notice an application, for, route ol the win died on th 15th day of March. 1976 mint sand to k.i? claims to tht. fiweutors Ct BA, 10: Magulre and anor, Tull.
9S Conf. V'Si i' tlon: Crown E'eea (Scl Officers. Ucatlon of thli nolle, PP for tha Probat, of th. Will 8th July. 1947 of THOMAS JUSIICe TVOOUin.
a.I lUi 3S CHARLES ST. PAR RAM ATT A OMR), Awrd. Appin New awd. Crown E'ees (Surveyors DMR) dateo April LINDSAY PLAYER lata of Tali- mnnr. dnceased.
wit be made byl Mvra Enid Fltigeraio. ano rrauoi Drlt'lh Franco Electric PL, Dow it. 3: jurors in pn req at y.a3. 14; panel a ana i mm im aw a. Appin new awa.
io: Mention Tachrs rCAuntrv SrhoolS so'ns: SoJUltoTs. 344 High Street Penrith, on oi 11.3a. tt 4: jurors in on 1 9.45. Piinela A anrf 1 Heuinaiu j.m.h c.c.u.u. named Tn the said Will.
Creditors ara renulred to lend particulars urhlrr tL: Clark. and Colleoes. Deot of Educ and Thompson: Hnnt' Mamrhak; 1,0.30: W- t. ano m.k. uepr ot iccn ano runner couti of their claim upon his Estate to Charged.
Queens Sq, Ct 16t Jurors In twn at O.aa. Peinal A rtlitharoad. Awn. annin naw asva. i ronprn peterie Smith Ttf and 6 Daaiad will ba made by, Waltr Davl, (th, othar Exacutor namad, therein Kevin Raymond 55 sees (Admin tiericai omcers Uncnltal OH 1 T- Hnt alt, aaiariaai nwn.
as. noi nnsr CALLrWtLL ra-niir, aviim- ors. Hum Highway, Tahmoor, N.S.W., 2S73. Atrrrtn 1,1 diva from ouh He o7V wRkh at Vat dit. 'jinry had tlnsa.
Jurora In eh rafl at B.4S. t.sai a BBtriine wioi; awd. Juitlre Macken. Ct 2. 10: lLasr A.
to oartlcular. of tmlr claim. Kolier'mler: Donaldson; Gosling: atlon of this notke an application! Judgment: SRA and Plumber and uisxrics it, twin peneis mrtQ JWStlCe POWeiT. -X mv. iu: avn; drews.
The Attorney-General of NSJustk Kearney, Ct 12C, 10; Sclbhoras, Carolan. Justice McLelland, Ct 12B. 10j Hanlmex PL, J. Master Cohen, Ct 7D 0: Estate of Snltori MlrhfHIs and Co PfL; Let- d.v of June. 1977 S.
LAM-; Pearce. 10i For further men.mn: 1 Odon jnia as. w. HUGHlS, PERKINS ruuf Straee. Mac- for Probate 01 the win oa tea ue uamneri ees union ana ors-ro not reo.
jurors aiscnargeo, A pre-recorded Informstlon ROCK A SON. Solicitors. MCKae; nswn loo oi claims. lint lea ddv. Ct 8.
0.30: FOMI asvllla. 2447. By thalr. Sydney Hoggin: IMP axrewl.iK ValofThnne Straen -AnbWT ibisj ar pur.ni Lake. Retired 5eaman, will be service ooerates tor an jui between pm and 9.30 am 232 5766.
Mention: Cote, Armour board 21 5534 made by th public i iRUaitti Home improvements pl ano or H.nRdiellll.m.;Hns"n'S; ird Floor. SS Martin PUC Sy- raser aust, i nr nsiniTvs Centre P'L. Ddinl.trsr Navlll. Ct. 7 A.
4.30l APTER 14 days from the Vlsnotlce an ano tlon for Probate of th Will justice Bauer, -t. Mention: WB and GA Our helm. partlclars of thalr elal upor the t-n 1 Atirn. nc o.rwn o. m.
sprell: Tucker: Slater: Ravaslnl; Swanton: Ware: Kingston. 10: a'Csert d.tM 'ranch. Manager, Pu Trust Ol- rr. UanrrMlr Jilit HutldlnU.I Aoulla P'L. Mboit pL; Little, Little A anor; Smith, Keatlnq A anor: $tevo, Horowltt Ireland.
10: Hrg: Dj and A JA Morris. Roedmaster Hauls PrL. Justke Qiynn: Ct 1, 11: Como Conf: Health Com and NSW Cnr. Ktlra Street and Market! Hr ng: Barnes. Justlc, Gibson, Ct 10 HrrngrWoods.
9931 AND SOLUTION TO 9930 State ol New South Wales who.e cVuili IY NOON. late. of Kendall. Nurses- assoc re suoSMOisea perk at anor; EOCKt, DTnannc aiei Ho'dlnos P'L: Birch wood Stud, i.nAila. KAirrl A anAr.
MuAdu occupation waa rai I AFTER 14 days from the puo-llatlon of this notice an appli JUSIICe oanBT. -M ennan: O'Donnell. I usi ice Gee. Ct 4, 10: Hrlnfi mad by HirordMervyr) KroWer the Executor named in th Will. lir Oi iwoone nomi urina Pill Gore.
Rundlt A OTsi Gre- cation for. the. Probate ol the ing Koyai Newcastle nom LAND AND ENVIRONMENT COURT QUEENS SQUARE Justice Crlpps, Ct 28, 10: Hrirwi! Wallasac Advartlatna taw tot R. H. EVIRETTi Branch Cannon, ueut than Finance lis, jacoco pji.
rrrva a anor. Northoolnt Prooer. urr.ir-.r-,ty-L e'artleulars- ef their claims unon OUEENS SO ties Ltd; Endkott, NorthPoint! ILIRT OF APPEAL WH, oateo na uecOToer, ioo of KETHLEEN GRIFFITHS, late ol Beecroft. In the Stat of New South' -Wales, Widow. Oecased, will be made by Rhonda Travis.
Creditors art required to send Wt- Ct 12: 10.15: Fleming, the Estatt to: PETER FRIEND-LIE Bj AP. BUR A Sollciters, gg Pter Street Wagga, froR'les' VS: WeHri (Autt) PL. WlllOvflhJjy MC (2 matters). Justice PetfMn. Ct 10 UsllAr "'aTtiii 14 dava from tha tion of this Mtict n.opplle' Investmenu PLl.wrmey, roner: Nonmont P'L A ors.
Gosoel Telephone (069) J733. AFTER 14 days from tht pub Hrlng: Water Resources Comm dated ano on, am auk ena ors. MAY Transport MVWI particulars or -aitair her EsUte to. J. W.
BEGG, BLACK MORI A Solkltors. I If at lOTi OT ini. riw.w, 'iStf-Hr StrnTMt. af andwlck. Wan icatlon for proi Assessor Devles, Ct 1, Estate PL; Curt.
A nor. Swl- io tviirtin Place. Sydney, sai 2'nd October, 1979 of by, John Widow, will be fnad presiaenss wwnt i. tf Payroll Tax. General Fir A Lift Ass.
Corp. Ltd. Short Brooks Kanimo: Brol. Annii-Brown; pttre Salts Registrar Ct 5. ill .18: Mox-ham, Mtitderson.
1.30: Carter, Hanson. nM: Ke iv. Mawson Ret sup to: rtnrtot weaun irHmg eanx (OX. 699, syontvi. LTNIl.
pv5. AFTER 14 CUyS from puniic- and OT UM. VU MITOTO, Senior Assessor Bfgnotd Assessor Domlcell, Ct 3. Hrlng; Llgora Lefet PL. Pnillips ti anor, Dirn-rr, ACROSS 1 Stockings given to a biblical writer.
(5) 4 Pilgrim craft could turn into a bloomer! (9) 9 Cavalryman might use violence thus. (7) 10 Church revenue gives money set-back. (7) 11 Additional way of showing flexibility of the body, and of the mind. (12) 13 Used spades to put at on ol this notice an Pf'kation for tht Prooatt ol tht Jryllldateu 29th 197S, of MARY ANblSON, 1st Of Rand Claarella; Letoia PL, tors nameo inln" rs. rwaf ludae.
Justice Negle, Ct Assessor Hanson, Ct 4. 10: Court TP, 10.30. Splandld All-in Dlllinniun siro ExecutOr namod thrln WHr 1 day, Jrwn SA. io: Hring: NicrtoSs riice. Hrlng: Ebalo Alexandria) P.L I.Ktlr- Lea.
Ct Wales. Widow. Deceased will be Nt-n ii-Biit mi- ipvtid hot an Liquor uppty pti-. Deo Rfg. Irwin, Fl B.
10.18: Johnson, Creditors are required to send' made by Un Andison, the Mu- Dlstrlrt Rugby League Football JUSTire I noil, ti ivdi i truo Ltd, cosrora Estate to; GRAY A PERKINS. sram Pdwilllrad tA Send Ausnu. Rat ow. In tht Stati ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Int'tlro farmkhaat. Ct 11 D.
particulars of their claims upon -n 14 Martin Pice. svo-nev S.W. 2000. (DX.4J1). Justice Let, Ct 10A.
9.30: itiMinr n'daii. rtanrWit nr. 10: Hr'ng Allopl. i lrr Larklns. Ct 9C.
10t Mention- HolMS. Comm of Land r.Olli.1 ot nwrnaei. s'irm-'i iTneu.i LTAN i i V1U A flees, B.30: Sweetnam, Tweed South Waits, whose ttori was Nurstryman. dtttased, will be rnadVby iSV.0 Creditors art reOulrtd to send 4 It's the diminutive Fraser, at least! (7) 5 Longed to. Mr; Kelly twelve (7) 6 Listen to how.
-Anne Ardle has changed! (4.2.3) 7 Stirs the stew, then adds water. 4) 8 Makes a new joint, but order less as a result (9) 12 Nautically, such incidental information may be red or green. (10) 13 A condition just like an American exposition. (5,4) 14 Not such a young drop, obviously! (5,4) 17 Steps down about some indications. (7) 18 Homes for the English rooks.
(7) 20 Provide meals in the Dacca terminal. (5) Tax; Camden Prk Estate PL and snow transport round the hut. (9) 15 Who was banished to a former French Island? (J) 16 Change at noon? (5) 17 Note makers? (9) 19 Result of cutting through the angry part. (5-7) 23 Tolerating a big din, somehow. (7) 24 Use the talc to fasten one's shoe? (7) 25 Gets compensation connected with clothing.
(9) 26 The football pea is decaying. (5) DOWN 1 Putt away the skins. (J) 2 Such terse correspondence is above pitch. 3 Is a skin sore simmering thus? (5) Highway. Hrlng: Efeturk.
Glencors. 5C! lis JN and 5M strouo, rtSFf Tweed set i z.sot no Kempe, bridge Foundation, Com ol Land1 jusure Toionsm, HrtW Dl Santo. Zaciiha P'l. I. rt 10a.
ID! i taart leu tars of the ciaim tXsSati to HARDINGS. Solicit. AFtan i- oa. a notice an appll. L'thgow.
aentirman, wrw own ia: raDTiJB inr, rsonif Waker, Comm of Taxation; Heved Assessor Flti-Henry, On sit. Hrlng: Mathews, Cober Mines 6th June. 19DO. musx seno particulars his claim to the Execu ramm of Tax: Skandlai D.X. 6502.
or. their p-i Motors (Wholesale) P'L. Comm JUSITCe ctlon torrrob.te ol JhO.WIII dated 23rd february, 1962 of GEORGE LAMPERT GATENBY. 1st- ol Stratton Street. Ed-loworth whose.
occupetn wa. tor. CO tW Rvlsione. 2649. AS.M,,, HARDINGS Xt' George Street, Sydney, PiHjH pr, BliSHfliiESEMlES I7nr thus tstithln 2 CM- PL, Comm of Tax: Salmardl Hunters Hill MCl On site 2: IiKtlf Rndan.
Ct 11C. 10: lenaar monim Trom wwiiiw' HriM): sal. CiG Ltd. rithsi Pt BO. IOi rock, Corp' Affairs Comm of Asseisor Riding, ori Site.
B.30: natlc. an apell this notice. -TTeT Retired oenerai n.no. Kt" the Executor may dtstrmuie atlorr for Rrobeti NtWV Car-ma, niomcign Fom' siManotaxos, Ryoe ml; on site. Oil, snsb-lrdt tMataa PfL.
Camhh i 2.30: Donald. Lane COVO MC iol th 7S. Ol tO' ,.7. KEITH pabILow lata at wind assets of the Estate having regard only to the claims of which at the time Ol distribution they hv Hrlno; Biovsky, Sydnsv Dyer 4nd Bfa-hers PL. Maer Snaro.
Ct TC, 10: iitftgmentt Michael. Seymour. 10: lent ion "Oavey, CarAurv r-lrl Will. Creditors are reoulred to nd of their claim, hi. Estate to! THOMAS.
of Land Tax; OSL Oevofopm nt. Assessor CrNelte. 323 Comm Land Tixt Lien Nominees Caitlereaeh St t.JOi Llrlmo PL. Taxi Ore-1 Sydney CC, will bt Turnbull miuil (ir pL, t-omm or una UAnui A SORK. notice.
Probate was Bremen New South Walt on 19th and Dorothy Marnm. tli. nthtm Turnou rJwgV Sre. Ctulrlndl. Xl fr thrVg SiT COOK 'ON SollcltO'S, from th pub rnuui, 3' ndurred lication of this notice an app st Ion for Probst of the Will dated 22nd October.
1974. of sdld pattjcl.r, Ami, 14 day, tram tM pub- licatloo of th tVbs Probate Of th Yrm Solution, and naw punle. tomorrow. 21 Daft, like a fruit-cake? 22 Sort of soK-hsarted? (5) (4) LIIZOB THEOCHARI. latt Ot iaf.Adr.1 rw ttroot.
Marrekv e. PAINS ROSS 7 Burnt 10147: MARINE ACE are based em Shipping details latest informal I tost Cleaner. Deceased, wilt be made tha anon avaiiaoe ai 10 Pyrmont Pat 27 811: MEL BOURNE EXPRESS White Seab cnr. Poorge end p.aoi, trom to. ui press time, mi Mariiim 7 Wloo Wllhel ltslTl VENTURE star 4 Damns Hpr Ken 17 6)01.
OEPARTURO YESTEROAYI COHIOLIDATEO VENTURE wm: are required to send particulars ooi MAt.iuun a uieov mi tlUnlf 2211 rMc Hjgnway. L1I1IIS Hlndmarsf. txecutr Ix named In ttt said will. ooara provieat rvt.vavj inwmr tlon on 2 0591. w.l4hiu.
Plai and daaar, 27 301 li On I AL CASTLE 41 Darllne Mbr Pat 276611: PALEKV 7 Pvrmant Oaal 17R051- SIA of their claim ufM Estate niuirimc ANfif LOft i 11 .1 1 rtTTflTZT a ai II KM IS I eS all 1 AWreTm Va-J sS I 5 1138 AND SOLUTION TO 1137 dated April 20, 1974. 01 HER- jture times art at tht Heads. E-j Solicitors. 249 King St, 2042. Ph, SIB 4544 (OX.
1124. Creditors are reou re naPrt 7.12a: JOHN HUNTER It.lS.: SEAWAY PRINCE 4 050, EXPSCTEO DSPARTURSa pecteo arrival ana sepanvrv iimn art as int wnan. raaav. WAV PRINCE 7 Darling Hot UBS 2 0236; SHUN OH 7 Vloo MC-Arthur 274461: SPRIGHTLl 7A Sydney Cove PT CSIRO 211 3400: SIGRID 3 Walsh Btau 239 1022; TASMAN VSNTURI 24 Pvrmtnt istat to: BEHJAFIELb 1 KO-ClATES, Suite 8. Level 8.
Chats- Teased, will mede by Seitrlee Irene Stringer. Executrla named in th. KltlW Creditor, re-lulred to send ptrtlcul.r, of their WfLtlNRTON 1 COLUMBUS RI.M cut uoon the Eitata of siiau 4AVSir. lata a 27 M. 20 2, SS: TASMAN 1 VENTURE 24 ariin -v-nTi rtrmyn.
nwii DOWN 1 Author of the Iliad. (5) 2 Of a dull or ordinary tcuims upon the Estate to ARRIVALS 8.42. 2.M CAN. BEP.P.A 1.040, EXPECTED APPIVALS MM.Vl McMc 232 1022: TERUSHIQ MARU 6 Pvrmont Burns v. J.
PAIl 1 Kable Streets ma 2 0547: WAIGANI EXPRESS 4N tBUMBAWi Wlndsoi claim OHItNIAL L.aiua as u.r AFTER T4 oy from ma pub- send partki'lers of hts. 4 Married wm, Ives, nature. (10) 2 Glebe Glebe! be made act 4 a ifi.Sk. JT11T1: AMCd .2 wontan "Becaawd. wllf the E.ec (5) 3 Sailing craft.
for the prooate en Arnneim. Dudley SllberMien at SI Pitt Street. Sydney, wlthlrrbr I a i .4 win 'Kurne Btu 239 ID? a-i oj: irw (-AriBarwiA wwvm 4 Celebrated, pre-emi- EXPLORER 1. Brttnerson giom asset i. BrothersoniGiete 233 412, vice.
(9) 12 Star of film Student Prince. (5. 5) 13 Temple on the Acropolis, in Athens. (9) 14 Having a good memory. (9) 17 Conveyed.
(7) 18 Diminished in price, etc. (7) 20 Glowing coal. (5) 21 Aperture in deck of ship. (5) 22 List of food. (4) 15 Vacuous.
(5) 16 Ridicule. (5) 17 Imaginary feast from the Arabian Nights. (9) 19 Fit and well. (2.4.6) 23 Having a requirement (7) 24 Inner group of Government ministers. (7) i 25 Feeling III.
(9) 26 Household pest. (5) IUIM IM PART -1 Dock ANL 232 0444: tHtM. ACROSS 1 Unconventional rebel against society. (5) .4 Strictly (9) 9 Concerned with the healing arts. (7) 10 Dangerous rock on the Rhine.
(7) 11 It supplied the key to solving hieroglyphics. (7.5) 13 Represented a person or scene. (9) XmO w-ntor iratnuu it.ji,, publication of this notkt. After; tut time the Executor may dis lit, of Hurstvllle. In th.
State .1 ff L. wt. wKai. occupa TRANS WEGA Bulk LlauM BerthJ ACT a 3 BrAtharifin Dock her Estate to- BENJAFlELD AttnriATtt eajlr)iwt Cut it act MAKUVi tribute the assets of the EiUte ACTA 290 0234: AL TAHA 21 tion was Widow, deceased, will be rn.dd by John Sydney Treseder, vrmont Born. 11 PvrmArtt Pat 37 6811: AN fit" Level B.
Chatswood Plata. Chats OUTWARD OVERSEAS suct.Ar, aaAiLS AUSTRALIA tBrotheron Dock LOGISTIC ribtntinn It nottr PrOhate wood, ivrlrtu 0Od. 27 SlOt, MELBOURNE TRADE Pull air and surlsc. mall, lire. N.S.W.
2067.. (bX.662. Kytlney). Tete. 41 1 5533.
City S. D. RATHER A nent. (7) 5 Of the same family. (7) 6 Oppress.
(9) 7 Great river. (4) 8 Patrons, those who seek professional ad 31 WIL- was Oranted In New South WJs tlM 1 eiimhm TmI IH 10SE ,3 Brethersen Dock ANL 232 0444. Aii.nl,: Agents: nW ROI ar. puoiisnm aacn mwi-t. tvecutor In the will.
fc Creditor, required to of thTr llms upon Estate to KELVIN J. BATON, 1 iSolfcltor. 2S1 forast.Roed, HurM- 2220. City Aotnts: HALBalmalh Heth King Ins lists later than on. week CnllrttAra 30 Hunter Street.
Svd, 0B ine rroruary. 1101. rtitaai tpra lT'h Sahrutr. 1081 ITOMORROWl pE abc munairj in 1 ney. zooo, tOK.BO, ivanwi, BELL.
CAOOGAN. COUSTON A .41 Hhr Pat 27 6611; Teji. 231 100. na Hhr ,90 ar.iThurtdav Is and. Mar.
12. COOK 2S Pyrmont Sotranj pariii gfncos, proctors tor tne executor, St Pitt Street. Sydney. N.S.W.. 2000.
DON L. BIAHU "tl'Jnrt." 65 York Street. Srd-ner, 2000. SEA. MABGUt RITE VENTURE 11 Wloo1 All Inquiries plrOM 230 70S 27 JU.Ii; nU'p.
vir.ir-w a ai, i tt dA.i l.lW"-" -AAA.