Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2024)

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Htgsti for Salt 1341 Horn for Safe 134 Homsm far Salt 134 Syburbon Country for £ofe 139 Honms for Salt 134 Moults for Solo 134 36 Richmond Fr! Jan 25 1952 for Safe 134 COLORED: East 12th Street: 5 rooma and bath a vary comfortable home for a small down payment and balance monthly Call Mr Ladd at 7-1969 or 2-6166 Everett Naw Realtor 25 Honti for Solo 134 3 A1RMOUNT 8 -room both: cheap for auiek h1 CL IrArvlUe 2-5187 3-2451' 86 FAIRMOUNT BUNGALOW First offering of this lovely 6-room home You will like the Urge bright kitchen beautiful floors new wall paper and well-kept appearance of the entire premises automatic heat garage large double lot nice shrub-fiery Owner transferred Will sell for onyl S72BO or 97000 finished Call Leslie Van Lite X-4741 Ruck- tt Richardson exclusive scents 85 Fairmount Section rw Beautiful condition: fully do-tached 6 rooms and modern bath cabinet in kitchen new automatic water heater Price only $6500 term Call Georgs rks Dirks or Alvin Talley 2-4741 Rucker A Richardson Realtors Exclusive Agents 25 FOREST HILL (Westover) 8-bed- room hotnea $15500 to $16800 -T Call A Hamilton Hamilton Jr Martin Inc Realtors 83-4611- 31 'FOREST HILL 4831 New Kent Ave 4-bedroom frame hot-water oil beet basem*nt Will consider trade Dill A Mocrefield 3-0701 horn 6-2277 Jones ft Robins Inc Realtors 26 FOREST HILL New brick bunga-low 5 rooms and bath utility room stairway to second floor space fnr two extra rooms 9UAOO Taurmn 8-1011 home 5-7351 Pollard 4k Bagby Inc Realtors Exclusive agents 37 i 1 FOREST HILL Modern bungalow consisting of living room dining room kitchen bed- rooms tile bath oil hot-water heat screened terrace porch and Venetian blind Mr Moates with Horner A Kmi1 Realtor 62-4619 home 7 Wg-4403 25 -'Forest HILL (Stonewall Ave) t'--This brick 2 -story full basem*nt home Is a wonderful example of living comfort The full length living room with fireplace large screened porch dining room three full bedrooms tile bath full attic and slat roof will fulfill your yvere wish For relaxation the large paneled playroom i perfect Convince yourself by calling Hogan 88-4458 nr A Covey 6-2714 Richeson ft Co Realtor 3-9ilI 2j i'OREST HEIGHTS The home that can have 4 bedrooms and 2 baths new brick construction: 5 large rooma tile bath with shower: fireplace: side screened porch open Stairway to second floor: heat ducts and hath connections already in-dialled and ready to be completed Automatic forced air heat beautiful wooded kit 37675 cash to vet-' cram and approximately 87848 monthly including taxes and Insurance Prlred SI 1975 Call Frank I Holt 7-4501 or home 82-14301 Ralph Dudley Inc Realtors 405 Travelers BuUdin FOREST VIEW HEIGHTS New 3-bedroam ranch-type brick bungalow! modem kitchen and bath large living room oil duct heat Price 1112501 Directions: Out Jahnke Road turn left third street past railroad 3 blocks to houses on Byswlck Lane Call A Moore-fleld 8-0201: home 6-2277 or Dunn home 6-7965 Jones ft bin Tnc Realtors 25 VuLTON HILL Garber" Street: new bungalow 4 large noma and tile bath modern Price: 67675 Will consider lot as part payment Call Smith 8-91 9 1 hrime 8-1907 A Connelly Realtor 28 -Snl GEORGIA AVE 5-room bungalow newly decorated modem kitchen with stove refrigerator tile bath storm window screened porrh big beautiful fenced-ln lot rO0 Cash nd Cl loan Direct Trftm owner nj Attractive --bedroom brick bungalow conven-Jrntly located and in good condition 2Me PTh and storm windows Prjre 88750 Call Call Soyar 5-6688 or 3-7373 with Thomas 3 Massey ft Co Inc Realtors 25 CINTER PARK Lovely-ft-rnom brick bungalow Oil heat 2 bedrooms beautiful lot Hart S-Sljf1 k-hmldt Wilson Inc Realtors Home 2-8624 25 HANOVER Grocery-store service si si ion combination- targe (AUN'ty Approx! 7 miles from Richmond unusually fine brick home tmiudes one bedroom and bath down: Vpstafr 2 large bedrooms and btth full basem*nt cupper piping oil rest other desirable feature If you are Interested In a fine home moderately priced In the country call Mr Oslte fey 3-0735 or horns 6-833 Snyder Porter Realty Co Highland sprIKS5T53 Rn Ave targe corner lot: 8 rooma and I bath $500 cash Balance arranged 1 Melvin Gibson Real Estate g-1709 home 7-1692 HULL ST Brick bungalow 5 rooms and bath pil peat good ioratiun Will help you in financing A crafts Son 7-8523: rile 6-8085 2(5 MECHANTCSVlLLlS New mod-cm 2-bedroom houses built-in kitchen cabinet 52-galion flecjric hot-water healer oil heaf I HA fi nanred Price $7350- Owner 3-4007 26 NORTH 4ta miles) New modem 5-roum bungalow- Immediate mos-eoslon Oil automatic heal Riaht price Call 5-171 Elltnrton or Miss Tlmberlake Northslde Real-tv Co Realtor Home 7-6397 or ilk 3762 26 NUKTII Suburban A miniature estate ranch-style brick custom-built for owner This bentifui home is located on a1 14 ge beauti-fully tandw'HDrd wnwr lot flower RMrdens mt- door uven and flaiwion terrace The hnrne has a large living room witn beamed roiling fireplace a sun room or den with picture windows overlooking the stream snd flower garden dining room ultra mod-em kitchen with built-in breakfast alcove master bedroom (extra targe) powder room wuaat room full tile bath and gaaaiaw ail ached full basem*nt recreation room with fireplace and bar workshop and bath laundry tub oil hot-water heat The location Is rxcrlleent and nuiJt but convenient to everything Near golf course Call Mar lev Hubbard 2-4741 Rucker ft Rich-srdoon for appointment: 25 SNEAD ROAD Hi Bore hottaje 4 rooms and bath oil heaf and Storm windows Svono S2-37W6 59 SUBURBAN HOMES THACKER BROKE If 6-2 84-2593 6-251 30 FURNISHED: For rent ona '7-room bungalow all modern: rhlckrn houses long lease On Route SfiO at Kentclili Vs So!) per month Wrlla or phone Norfolk 8-61165 A Unsner 1304 Berkley Ave So Norfolk Va 27 LONGDALE $8500 Located within two otockl ff achon! and one block from bu This attractive frame home has entrance ball large living room full dining room and big kitchen 3 large bedrooms and hath stafrway to stor age attic Approximately -one area corner tot Garage and rlubhous Owner Moving Out of State Priced for QuickTSaTe CALL HARRY COPLEY 2-8307 or 3-7373 THOMAS MASSEY ft 00 INC 917 Main St Cad Real Estate 140 BUNGALOW I will buy-before Jura 3 -bed room bungalow Lakeside or (Vest End SIOUiNl to $J8UV0 4 loan preferred direct or through Hgent 3-3368 27 Selling yourai CaU 5-3640 James Douglas-broker 31 BUNGA LL)W8 And homes wanted In aU aartton D1I 7-239 Harriaoa ft Bales Realtor BUNGALOWS House city or suburban prompt service Dab- or term Mr McMahon agent 78633 28 10 to 850 acres 20 miles from city Broker 6-1470 10 FARM Large or smsU wanted Writs C-R-842 cars this paper- 27 FARMS Wanted by gchmidt ft Wilson Inc 401 East Franklin street: 40 years experience and 20 salesmen Will inspect upon-receipt of full description FARMS WANTED I need fkrms Isrge nr small fnr cash customers also timber and cut-over land Your listing will be anpreciated and aiwvlee rendered See call or writ Johnson 82-1268 A- Adamson Realtor Ifuil For rash customer In West hampton John Royer 7-2080 HOME Private owner desires 8 bed' room Lakeside section Dsh sale Not an agent 6-9739 25 Home Clry nr suburb Will pay all or part rash and taka ovrr-ynur loan Baughman 7-0365: home 6-6165 Tlmberlake ft Son 1 White and colored AS sections of the city Tyler ft Bradley 24 Eighth SL 8-6703 $1 TIMBER Standing pin Cash at once Box 55 WIHW S' DGA Oil STINSON broker and liutlde 309 qovellr Rd 3-2038- LIST your property with Darles A Rose CO Inc Realtor 72365 OST your property for quick uls with Ehel ft Sow 2-6023 LIST your property with Foates Lawrence Realty 6-1536' 26 Ll8T your prepwty for sala or' rant Sawyer ft gmlth Inc 6-6766 LlST your property for sale or rani with Chewning ft Boxley 3-6056 LIST your suhurbnn property wills Horner ft Newell Realtors 82-4519 LIST your property with Lin wood Ford Inc 7-3006 LIST your property wfltiW Todd Jr Realtor 4-9160 26 WE sell home 8 Dnnlel Die- Realtor 5-7464 3029 Dry St LIST your property with John Ingram 84-2016 26 LIST your property with Mr Woody Massie Woody Realty Ca 4-2809 26 LIST your property tow rent er aalo with Thompson Realtor 2-0103 Brown ft Inc CASH fnr your property any rondt-tton: any location any Fries rang tnnij mu wvaipqii any Vk tv iqitam 7-0294: evening 82-8537 16 WANTED old type property with nr without bath: rash or trader Writ CR-641 ears this paper (Broker) 16 I have client for water frost Jnrm timber tract anywhere In VfrRlnin Benurhnten broker The ter Building Call 908 Wlillamshurg LIST your property for sale or rent with us tor auiek snd satisfactory result Rav Daniel ft Co- Realtor Dial 7-4588 IS SUBURBAN homa with from tp arras within 10 miles of Rlehnjn Cal l- or writ Mantay Realtor 20 id Richmond RICMralM IMMEDIATE attention to aU listings of Chesterfield farms and suburban pmpertle Olln Taylor 8S-4592 Lindsey ft Sheppard Realtor 1138 Hull St LIST your dairy or stork farm for quirk sal Act quickly- Write -call or aee Wynn 3-6421 EIHsnn Gauldlngl Bank Bide Main Sts Richmond Va 25 WESTHAMPTON home wanted for cash client 3 or 4 bedroom two bath 320000 to 332500 Dll Manley Hubbard 2-474J JRUfkrr ft Richardson Realtor 25 Westhampton section dsh aiicnt desires 8 bedroom brick home with oil heat for Immediate sal Please call (' Keeton Realtor 7-4501 8-8796 29 HAE out of town client who will pay up to $15000 cash for-3-ped-room hrtn Would like 30- to 4idy possession Plesse rail rTark 5-1781 Norlhslrie Realty CP Ba1- tora: hjjm4-475V SMALL home with at least art acre of Iqnd wanted for rash rUent'ritny liK'Mtlon except South -Ride- Catr at once far quick sale Walter Grlgg 5-181 Kigthsfde Realty CoW)ca1-tors Home 4-6i94 27 WANTED WERT END SUBURBAN HOktE With 4 bedrooms Have clients desiring to purchase at once CALL HOWARD JR 2-1631 Rose Lafoon Car Bellevue Section For cash client' 3 of 4 bedrooms 14 or 2 baths For a quick sale please call 1 Mrs Fitzhugh II T- Richeson Co Realtor 29 WESTHAMPTON $8600 Frame semibungalow 6 rooms and bath oil circulator heat good condition lot 100x200 To inspect this excellent buy call Frank wentzel 3-6881 or horn 6-6001 Morton Thal-hlmer In Realtor Exclusive Agent 25 WESTHAMPTON SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW $9000 A beautiful home at a bargain prti Corner lot Living room dining room kitchen 8 bedrooms and tile bath Perfect condition Owner out of State Poeieulon by March 1 Term To inspect rail Georg Dirk 2-4741 Rucker A Richardson Realtor WESTHAMPTON (County Taxes) Full Two-Story Brick 21 Living Room 3 Bedrooms 1 Baths Price $15500 Attractive full two-story brick and shingle situated on high lot with tree perfect condition throughout living room full dining room gpacloua kitchen 8 bedroom 1 (i bath 3 etoeeta oil hot-water beet You went to see this today D1I Ray Crawley 58688 or 3-7173 Tho Massey ft Co Inc Realtor 1 25 Westhampton RANCH TYPE Brick B-room one-floor plan knotty pine kitchen nice sixa room plenty clnaeta disappearing stairway to the atU Price 812500 WESTHAMPTON NEW HOMES Brick 5 room utility room stairway to the attic Excellent buy at 9u0 WESTHAMPTON BRICK 6 room 3 bath fireplace oil heat utility room 31575a CALL Burnett 3-9191: bom 88-3064 A Connelly Realtor 23 Westhampton 7700 Block $16750 Located on a high beautifully landscaped lot With mature tree slirubs and floral busho this two-story brick home has large living room full-size dining room modem kitchen full basem*nt with oil heat Three bedrooma with ceramic tile bath Big attic that ran be used as playroom Screened side porrh Refrigerator stove end Bcndix In-riuded priced owner trana- Act Quickly Harry Copley 2-8107 or 3-7373 Thomas Massey ft Ca inr Realtors 26 WESTHAMPTON First lime Offered 3 Bedrooms Brick Semi-Bungalow Located In a lovely suburban neighborhood this hom*o offers a gracious Uving room dining room kitchen bedroom or don and half bath down 3 lane bedrooms and full tile bath up: Priced right at $13750 OII hot-water heat with Summer-Winter hookup aluminum storm window county taxes One block to city bu This house will neli Better act fast Dll MrDia-hnil Poarch 2-8307 or 1-7373 Thomas Muxey ft Co Ine Realtors S6 WESTHAMPTON Clarke Road 4-bedroom s-etory Colonial brick home la excellent and convenient oration tong center ball lavatory 25-foot living room with fireplace large dining room modern kitchen breakfast room secluded side porch full basem*nt with flrenlaoe and maid's farllities: permanent stain to full attic: Paved driveway to overalls garage- Well-shruhhed tot Early possession and financing available MARSTELLER JR 4-3361 Phillips-Hall Inc 3-7461 25 WESTHAMPTON FIRST OFFERING COUNTY TAXES CITY TRANSPORTATION ONLY 811950 BRICK ONE-FLOOR PLAN 2 BRIGHT BEDROOMS (DOUBLE CLOSETS IN EACH) OIL HEAT BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED CORNER LOT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION CALL IRBY 3-9011 OR 5-7075 POLLARD ft BAGBYi INC REALTORS WESTHAMPTON Are Brirk home like new bedroom 2 tile bath entrance hail living room (fireplace) dining room kitchen utility porch extra torn lot Fenced rear lot nice 323650 Dll John Dudley Jr T-430S: home 6-8181 Ralph Dudley In Realtor 405 Travelers Bldg 31 WESTHAMPTON AREA 3 Bedrooms 1 Baths $3000 CASH DOWN This brirk Dpe Cod eeml-bungalow offers 6 large room oil hot-water heat fireplace In living room and high and dry large lot Assume 4 GI loan $88 monthlv tor everythin Immediate possession County taxe Dll Winn Power 5-8688 or 84-6993 Thnrnaa Maa-eey ft Co Inc Realtor 26 Westhampton area First offering Handsome 2 -story brick home with elate roof ranter hall living roam with fireplace den with tile lavatory Gracious dining room "up to the minute" kitchen with plenty of cabinet 8 spacious bedrooms (all will take twin beds easily) 2 tile bath aituated on well elevated lot beautifully shrubbed and landscaped In a neighborhood of fine home Price $'14500 so don't wait Dll Ray Crawley 5-8688' 3-7873 Thomas Massey ft Co Xnr Realtors S5 WESTltAMPTON (SECTION New cozy brick bungalow In a quiet traffic-free neighborhood living-room dining-room 2 bedroom full tile bath bright cheerful kitchen stairway to 2nd floor and gpace tor 2 additional bedrooms tot 70 It by 150 ft Price $11575 Veteran 31315 cash Including dosing cost 86346 Including alL Cill Bill Millar 7-4503 home 4-0601 Ralph Dudley In Roalf 405 Travelers Buudln Westhampton Section New ranch-type home Pine-paneled living room and dining room fireplace 3 bedroom 1 If bath breeaeway to attached garage oil hot-water heat Corner tat This to really a dream house with a surprisingly taw price tag Call Alvin Talley 2-4741 Rucker ft Richardson Realtor 25 Westhampton Section (ROLLINGWOOD) Brick full two-story home located on lovely lot Living room with fireplace full dining room modern kitchen 8 bedroom 16 bath screened side porch driveway on side Immediate poascaaion Completely redecorated on inside Excellent value Shown by appointment 1 Dll A Traynham 3-2841: home 88-2071 Muhleman Kayhoe Inc Realtor 26 Wsl)VER HILLS 160': Prime Edward Rd Modern new bungalow nearing completion: 6 nice room tile bath and shower Utility room torced sir heat terrace beautiful lot price $16SOa Cell Frank Holt 7-4503: home 82-1 42a Ralph Dudley Inc Realtor 405 Trav-eleraBuildlng 81 WESTOVER HILLS Ranch-type Located on lovely tat Living room with fireplace dining roan with terrace to rear modem kitchen large utility room three double bedroom Purchaser ran chooee on dee-oration Priced far quirk sale DU A Trayham 3-2841: home 8 8-207 1 Muhleman ft Key ho Ine Realtor 23 WESTOVER HILLS BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL UUCK ON CORNER LOT This home to in perfect eoodltloo Inside and out has a lare beautiful living room with fireplace dining room modem kitchen 3 Urge bedrooma and tile bath full basem*nt with recreation room and fireplace automatic hot-water heat attached garag Dll Alvin Talley or John Holt 2-4741 Rucker ft Richardson Realtor 25 WEST -Brick modern 4-bedroom bungalow 6 rooms and bath downstairs finished rooms up 44 basem*nt In very nice condition Only SI 8650 Act now DU Marcel Hollander 3-3121 ham 6-4563 Banner Realty Co Realtors 35 WEST END (County) Is your rent working lor you? For $1400 down and like rent pay only $4767 monthly you can actually own your own attractive 3-bedroom bungalow with a 26' living room and mods kitchen Only 5 months old: excellent condition Near shopping center and transportation It will be a real pleasure to show you this home Priced low only 88993 DU Oakley Roach Jr 28307 or 3-7373 with Thomas Massey ft Ca Inr Realtor 25 WEST END 4600 block Here Is a fine home in an excellent location Priced between -8180(H) Constructed of old brick It contains three bedroom two tils baths and den living room with fireplace oil hot-water heat 1 full-sized dining room lot 70x143' la well elevated and contains maature shade and fruit tree Thla la the home for a family that want something out of the ordinary There is not another like It in the city of Richmond It is extremely well-built and beautiful in exterior and interior appearance If you are Interested la a home in this price range be sure to see this today A Marshall 5-8688 or 3-7373 Thomas Massey ft Co Inr Realtors West-End Bungalow Long living room with fireplace dining room kitchen 2 nice bedroom tile bath duct heat nice yard 115oa John Holt Jr 2-4741 Rucker ft Richardson Realtor 25 WEST END GROVE AVE CREST Brick home with slate roof IMng room dining room kitchen breakfast nook One 8 bedroom 2 tile bath One 4-bedroom 2 tile bath radiator heat full basem*nt Located in excelent neighborhood For appointment rail LLOYD FRY OR HILLIARD 2-1631 Rose Lafoon Co Realtors 25 WEST END 3-BEDROOM BRICK Thla new ranch-type home features all rooms on one floor 17 living room with fireplace and picture window specious modem kitchen with exhaust fan full tila bath oil hot-water heat large utility room Price $13900 Du now for an appointment and compare this with what you have seen A Blackley 8688 or 4-1478 with Thomas Massey ft Coi Inc Realtor 25 WEST END 4600 Block First offering 5-room bungalow steps to expansion attic tile bath automatic hot-water beat screened porch and patio Complete General Electric kitchen with $1500 worth of equipment Perfect condition Priced at $13500 for a quick sale CHAS SHIELDS JR 88-4251 Phillips-Hall Inc a-7461 26 WEST END One of the Finest Homes on the Boulevard First floor: Has entrance halt living room dining room paneled library powder room large kitchen fully equipped full basem*nt oil hot-water heat Second floor: Has 5 nice bedroom 2 tiled bath excellent dnset nonce 2 rooms and bath on thlFd floor 8-rar garage Price $27500 DII Alex Ryland Jr Va Real Es tate Realtor 5-7433 home 6-5404 28 WEST END 3100 Block Brick 4 bedroom basem*nt date roof garage $13750 4100 Block Brirk 3 bedroom elate roof eU heat fuU basem*nt $21000 6500 Block 5-ronm bungalow storm window tile bath Nice lot $9750 HOGAN 3-9111 88-4458 Richeson Co Realtors 23 West Ginter Park Beautiful prewar brick bungalow on corner lot It has living room with fireplace dining room modern kitchen with tile drain board 2 bedrooms end tile bath and small den hardwood floor slate roof oU hot-water heat storm windows and agent 25 WESTHAM PARKWAY Brick 8 bedrooma 2 til baths full basem*nt Dll John 8 Edward 7-4597 Freeman ft Edward Ine New brirk low Geo Mancoe 4-4022 buna- tVESTHAMFTON 1000 Pepper Ave 5-room brick bungaow newly decorated County taxe sewerage Owner 6200 block between Patter-arm Monument Avenue 4 WfSTHAMPTON 5 room bunga-low tile bath: expandable 2nd floor oil duct neat picture window Immediate possession 7-8903 Fannie A Harri Broker 25 WESTHAMPTON Libbte Ave near Grove 6 room oil heat lane lot $7850 First time offered See this Immediately Mr Mehsne 5-4366 or 4-0738 Thomas Bur-nett On Realtor WESTHAMPTON Just the home you Kt looking for 3 bedrooms end th on each floor oil beet ultramodern kitchen A very large lot Priced Dll 8 Riga 3-3568: home 4-8251 Elam ft Funsten Realtor Exclusive agent 25 $4800 per month and $1500 cash will buy this practically new 8-bedroom bungaow including stove: storm windows and Venetian blind Dial 6-1605 Gairigan ft Col Realtors exCIu-elve 25 WESTHAMPTON Brick 3 bed-room one and half bath county taxe excellent condition Alio beautiful 4-bedroom 2 bath brick residence large lot with garage in best lection of Westover Hill Allen 84-2493 Realty Bale Inc Realtors: evening 5-6128 28 WESTHAMPTON Modem ranch-type home ta good location Living room dining room modem kitchen den lavatory two bedrooma and bath Attached garage corner lot oil hot -water heat For appointment caU Showalter with Alfred Blake ft Son Inc Realtor Phone 2-8303 25 WESTHAMPTON 64T7 Fltzhugh Ave Fine convenient location 4 large bright room acreened aide porch Big tat Immediate possession Hone Is less than 2 years old and a good buy for $7450 $1200 down 345 month A Levering 4-4123 or A Covey 6-2714 Rlehe-aon ft Co Realtor 3-9111 25 New b-room bun-galow built of old brick Nice living-room with picture window and fireplace dining-room modem spacious kitchen utility room tile bath and 3 bedrooms Permanent stairs to lare- expendable attic The price is 31500 and can be financed under FHA for tally 33500 cash DU Frank Wyatt 5-7750 or 4-9584 Westhampton Really Co Realtor 25 WESTHAMPTON HILLS Nearing completion: brick Colonial home with entrance hall large Uving room with fireplace full-size dining room modem kitchen on first floor: 4 bedroom 3 baths on second floor half basem*nt extra large utility and storage room side porch baseboard beat large lot This is truly a nice home Kira 32325a Call Douglas Schulthci 7-4503 home 84-0773 Radph Dudley Inc Realtor 405 Travelers Building 31 WESTHAMPTON Cutihaw 4000 block 2-atary brick home Large living room open fireplace lovely dining room modem kitchen 3 bedroom tile tub and shower bath up Full basem*nt oil hot-water heat: recreation room Excellent condition and the price ie under $17-OOOl Better eaU early Ted Freeman 7-4597: evenings 5-531 Freeman ft Edward Inc 38 SOUTH SIDE (Larchmonl Lane) neat 5-reom bungalow with permanent stairway to attic hot-air duet heat 2 blocks from transportation This is a apod buy at 363(6) DU Phil Pinchbeck 2-1666 62-7679 Bailey ft Childress Realtor 27 SOUTH (Near du Pont) Tiv tag room dinette roomy kitchen two bedrooma bath and utility room nice lot Mra Hamilton 82-8520 Blankenship Realty Realtors 2-4483 25 SOUTH BIDE Near du Pont lovely A 4 -room bungalow Modem bstn ana kitchen oil mate hardwood floor Venetian blind garage crt lot fenced $7950 Only $1 350 rain $4663 per month Mr Baughman 7-0105: home 6-6165: Jaa Tlmberlake ft Soil Realtor 25 South Side HERB TODAY GONE TOMORROW Lovely 2-atary First offering Nice location Cash and assuma GI loan Only $1095a Under eonitructlon bunga- low Owner selling at ahout cost 3 specious bedroom Only 310500 8 lot On es-h we can build a 3-bedroom bungalow for less than $85(10 and guarantee delivery within 90 day i Batte ft Son Ine Realtor DU John Batte 2-5437 Hon 4-4046 South Side 6302 Short SL very attractive 5-room bungalow in excellent enrdi tlnn low county taxe $1000 cash and assume existing loan pevable 35279 monthly Including everything Quiet street in AmpthiU Height 570- Walnwrlsht Drive: in Westover Pm frame bunHiow only two blocks to the new Forest- View School Extra large living room roomy kitchen pnnlry 2 bright bedrooms tile bath Several nice closet $800 cash and assume loan payable 84808 monthly Oik Grove attractive B-room bunaa-Inw near new Oak Grove School 37350 Low down payment can be arranged Immediate possession of either of the above DII 3 Poarch or McDus-land at 2-8307 or 3-7373 Thomas Massey ft Co Inc Realtor 23 STRATFORD HILLS Attractive modern 6-room brick ranch with oil hut-water heat Jnhns-Man villa ashes toe roof Urge screened aide porch located on wooded knoll Dll Stuart Schmidt or Walter Pregnant 2-5801 Schmidt ft Wilson Inc Realtor 25 STUART AVE A new modern j-room bungalow Price only 10750 Better hurry DU 84-0295 Bell ft Co 27 WELLINGTON AVE (HIGHLAND PARK) $7750 5 mom modwn bungalow excellent condition Convenient to srhoOl churches and bu Poe sees Ion 90 day CALL 7-2135 Richeson Co Realtor 3-9111 27 WEST AVENUE 8 room 3 bath automatic heat 90-day possession Price 313000 Dll Roe 7-2365 Charles A Rose Ca Inc Realtor WEST END $8000: 8 furnished apartmenti: tenting $44 weekly Ed Jones 84-3077 88-0578 27M WEST END Several new brick bun-galows choice location Choose yours today by railing 84-0295 Bell ft Ca 27 WEST 6-room brick semidetached hot-water beat 2-rar garage excellent condition $9750 Owner 4-5515 1 27 WEST Modern 6-room brick bungalow 2 tile bath fireplace oil hot-water heat Lovely condition Dll 64-0205 Bell ft Ca 25 WEST END 3115 Greyland Ave Brick 6 room bath Excellent condition Dll 7 Pott 6-6788 Geo Reilly 8-8258 27 WEST 2400 block 4 room and bath on each floor Separate entrances: oil heat Now rented Dll A Manning 3-9191: home 4-1349 A Connelly Realtor 26 WEST END Duplex 8 rooms and bath up 5 rooma and bath down: everything separate Renting S130 a month Robert Jone broker 84-11744 25 West end This is a fine brick home of 3 bedrooma and 2 bath plus a den The location excellent end the price right Call Harry Rezab 2-5801 Schmidt ft Wilson Inc Realtor WEST (West of Belt Line) Five-room bungalow In perfect condition Permanent atnirway to attic Lartn1 corner kit Call william I) Snoddy with Phlllips-HalL Inc 1-7461: home 84-5768 27 WEST END Colonial brick Home three bedroom two tile bath oil hnt-water beat slate rooT garaice with storage spec Convenient to Thomas Jefferson School Gabriel Hall with Phlllips-HaU Inc 8-7401 home 5-23(19 WEST Near High School attractive brick horn 8 bedroom ltt bath priced S14950 Present nan ran be assumed with 4850 rash CaU Alex Rylsnd Virginia Real Estate Ox Real-tor 5-7433 home 6-5404 26 WEST END 2302 West Main St- lovely 2-family home completely redecorated Immediate pnvsesslnn Rent one flat and live In the other Only $8750 on term Dll Dunn 3-020) home 6-7965: Jones Robin Inc Realtor 26 WEST END Convenient to Boulr-vard: fine 4-bedroom brirk with baths attractive downstairs arrangement grand home or Idrallv located for of fire Dll Jack Burd at 7-1969 or 6-6193 Everett New Realtor 25 WESTEND Nrar Thomas Jefferson 3 bedroom brick: $14900 bath good heating plant state roof full aim dining-room large kitchen This home la in perfect rondiUon and good buy DII today A Marshall 5-86H8 or 3-7371 Tho Massey ft Co Inc Realtor WEST END 3706 Ellwood Avenue new 5-room brick bungalow basem*nt with hot-water heat tile bath completely decorated Asbestos roof Immediate possession Only 12500 Call Dunn 3-0201: none 6-7965 or A Moorefleld home 6-2277 Jones ft Robin Inc Realtor 25 WEST END SUBURBAN Tri-level home Has center hail 3 bedroom recreation room 2 hath basem*nt 2-rar garage A lovely modem home Call Burnett 8-9181 or hum 88-8664 A Connelly Realtor 25 WEST END 107 Roland Two-story brick 8H rooms and hath down rooms and bath up Part basem*nt Double garage New furnace Immedlata possession $9500 Terms ran be arranged A Covey 8-9111 or home 62714 Richeson ft Co- Realtor 25 WEST END 3400 block West Franklin St attractive S-hedroom apartment in brand new duplex attractive living-room spacious modem kitchen tile bath excellent neighborhood with every conwnl-encr Immediate possession 385 Dll Ta EUet with Thos Masscj ft Co Inc Realtor 5-8688 27 WEST END 4300 clock brick 6 rooms tile bath large utllity room floored attic oil duct heat kitchen with Youngstown cabinets and ventilating fan lovely lot well shrubbed A buy at $12550 DU DcroUw Chewning 3-3019 bom 6-3630 realtor 20 WEST END East of 8 Chopt Road Modern 3-bedroom frame bungalow Living room dinette modern kitchen including refrigerator and electric stove Lane lot $2500 down and $5625 month and assume pies-ent FHA loan of $7500 To Inspect call a Wright 2-16SL Rose 5 Lafoow Co Realtors 25 WEST END New ranch home on corner lot 500 block west Very large living room with big picture windows: dining area! 3 bedroom tile bath: big kitchen basem*nt: lame porch Early possession Price 516-SH)0 DI1 John Dudley Jr £40J: horn 6-31 8L Ralph Dudley In Realtor 405' Travelers Bid ol WEST END (West of Blvd) Brirk custom built living room dining room kitchen breakfast room and bath first floor Four bedroma lit bath 2nd floor rull basem*nt with oil hot water heat Three-car garage This property hi splendid condition mnd posseisinn at once Price $18400 Call Taylor 2-474L Rucker ft Richardson Realtor 25 WEST END 700 Block Rothesay Rd 1W -story brick living room dining room modem kltcben one bright bedroom den and ceramic tile bath down two nice bedrooms up Full dry basem*nt screened pirch storm window duct heat fenced in lot Owner moving to country All this far only 313230 Dll Roy Shelton Jr or Cecil Sacra 2-8307 or 3-7873 Thomas Massey ft Co Ine Realtor 25 NORTH SIDE Brick bungalow Urge living-room with fireplace dining-room modern kitchen 2 bedrooms tile bath: steps to attic large utility room oil hot-water heat screened porch Excellent and convenient location DU Manley Hubbard 2-4741 Rucker ft Richard' son Realtors NORTH Noble Ave 2-famlly stucco hone in excellent condition two kitchens 2 baths Each apartment consists of 4 rooms full base-ment 8-oar nrati alec back yard If you only need ona of tlww apartments to 11 va the ticniaa will pay far Itself Call Wise 5-1781 Northslde Really Co Realtors Home 7-1038 NORTH SIDE Near Ladies Mile Road: in excellent condition: entrance hail lane living room (fireplace) dining room kitchen down: 4 bedrooms bath up Full basem*nt oil heat: side porch Urge attic Price SIS 500 FHA loan available: Only 33300 cash Call Douglas Schuitheis 7-4503 home 4-0773 Ralph Dudley Inc Realtor 405 Travelers Build-tat 30 North Side Us city limits Modem 8-room bungalow in good condition Steps to large flowed attic Convenient to stores transportation and Gin ter Park School 810600 For appointment call Ray Edwards or SIio-waltsr witn Alfred Blake ft Bone Inc Realtors 8-830 25 NORTH BIDE SUBURBAN Naw 3-bedroom and tils bath ranch-style home on large lot GE oil hot-water heat Youngstown kitchen ample storage spare beautifully decorated good neighborhood convenient to schools Mew 513760 FHA loan DU 6-9750 26 North Side Suburban $8250 ASSUME LOAN IMOO CASH $5079 MONTH OR 8700 CASH 80760 MONTH Attractive aabestoa ihlncte hun-sralow Large 11 vine ana Inina combination room kitchen 3 bedrooma bath oil beat side porch Fenced yard Call Manley Hubbard 2-4(41 Rucker ft Richardson Realtors 31 OAK GROVE u-room frame bungalow and two-stay 6-room frame Good buy Cali Autry 82-8307 evenings 82-7416 Gee Bros Realtors 33 Oak Hill OWNER TRANSFERRED 5-room bungalow permanent slain to large attic stove storm windows Fenced-ln yard nice lot Only 31350 rash 347 per month Dll Ray Edwards 64-3681 or Joe Southward 6-6856 with Alfred Blake ft Bone Inc Realtors 2-8303 25 OSBORNE ROAD Near city limits 6 rooms sleeping pwdi bath pantry basem*nt Newly modernised and redecorated Lot 80x370 feet: good chirken house: rich land for garden 31100ft DU Mr Crump 2-28 Jl home 3-0098 Allan Snead ft Whlttet Inc Realtors PARK 1500 Mock 4 bedrooms 2 baths brick dwelling for sale with immediate possession For appointment eaU A Adamson 83-1368 913 Hull dt 35 PATTERSON AVE Attractive 5-room modern bungalow like new on 6200 block Permanent stain to attic Oil heat Price 81075a DU Sutton Sutton ft Co Inc 8-9001: home 8-2548 25 PLUM -Charming home Dn be used for two families Oil brat two modern kitchens CaU Edna Bailey 3-1839 25 POPE AVE Attractive home on large well-shrubbed lot double garage: 9 rooms 114 baths (5 bedrooms): large living-room with fireplace den screened side porch recreation room modern throughout oil hot-water heat Hulce 7-3037: home: 4-4595 Commonwealth Beal Estate Con Realtors 30 RIVER (Near! A most interesting 7-room home with much desired first floor king-size den-bedroom and bath hospitable living room with deep fireplace bright dining room and a kitchen to rave about: 3 comer bedrooms and tile bath upstairs Only 325500 and you ran move in Immediately Bee It today! John Royer Realtor 7-2080: home 6-6635 28 ROLLINGWOOD 2-story 3-bedroom home with full basem*nt Perfect condition High lot Owner transferred Priced far immediate sale Assume 4 loan Dll Tea Ellelt IIL with Thornes 7 Massey ft Co Ine Realtors Exclusive agent 6-8686 or 3-7373 26 ROSE DALE 3K02 Hermitage Road Soon completed Buy now and select your own decorations Dll 7-8977 for particular Lewis Ginter Land Co Owners SANDSTON Rhodes Ave: 8-hed-room home: large lot Early pna-aesslnn Call John Edwards 7-4507 Freeman ft Edwards Inc SANDSTON 5-room bungalow hardwood floors automatic oil heat storm windows large fenced lot Priced to sell Dll Deyerie Penlev Real Estate and Insurance Co 97-4800 or 97-1549 10 SANDSTON Lovely 5-room bungalow modern bath and kitchen hardwood floors stairs to Is res attic aide porch large lot fenced Nice condition S690 Already financed at 4 Sir Baughman 7-0365 home 6-6165 Jas Tlmberlake ft Son Realtors 25 Five rooms bath: full basem*nt: stairway to attic $6950 Dll 97-4407 Matthews ft Fobs Real Estate 25 ADDITION Home or investment Well-built 6-room brick home basem*nt hot-watrr heat For Suick sale only S6500 Davis Dmeal ft Sons Inc Rcsl-tora 2-6154 evening 6-0526 26 SOUTH Brandon Lane 5 rooms hath and hardwood floors oil heat nice and clean Immediate possession Low down payment Thos Burch Broker 82-8606 25 SOUTH SIDE 5- and B-room homes Hamilton ft Martiiv Inc 82-4511 29 SOUTH RIDE 2-bedroom bungalow ail kitchen appliances storm windows etc move now DU 82-93S6 26 SOUTH SIDE 3 houses 4500 and S420O Direct from owner 3 bedrooms living-room kitchen and bsth each 3-P58a 2 SOUTH Convenient to DuPont 4-room brick bungalow tile bath oil heat Corner kit Price $860000 Autry 82-2307 evening 82-7416 Gee Bros Realtor 25 SOUTH SIDE Twelve acres and a 6-mom liouse with water and electricity 5 miles from city on good road SI 500ft Mrs Hamilton 82-9520 Blankenship Realty Real tors 2-4483 25 SOUTH SIDE Fairfax Ave Frame 7 room and 2 baths 8-car garage This home la in excellent condition and priced to aelL D11 Smith 8-9191 home 2-1907 A Con-nelly Realtor 27 SOUTH SIDE Attractive cosy five-room bungalow: mi circulator: large lot Small cash payment balance monthly Hart 2-5801 Schmidt ft Wilson Inc Realtor Home 2-8634 SOUTH SIDE 5-rqom brick bungalow tile bath oil heat: stairway to large floored attic with dormer windows Easy terms Wade Hadder 7404: home 6-8173 I 8 Daniel Realtor 26 SOUTH 215 Mardlrk Rd 5-room brick step to floored attic Cbmer lot double garage Will consider trade DU A Monre-fleid 3-0201: home 6-2277 Jonee Robin Ine Realtors 26 SotiTH SIDE 19 11th St Very attractive 2-etory home 6 rooms and bath (inrluding some furniture If desired) Very nice fenced lot come outbuildings Priced right for quick sale Dll Wjjtn 3-8421 night 8-1003L Ellison Gaulding 2o Realtor SOUTH SIDE Immediate possession near du Pont and Bellwood nice clean premar 5-room bungalow all new plumbing: large lot and garden: convenient to everything A nice buy at 8675a Term James Timherlake ftk Son 1 7-0365' home 4-8073 25 SOUTH SIDE 2106 Fettus Road Economy home of 4 rooms cinder block beautifully decorated Youngstown kitchen jtood location attractively priced Loan ran be assumed Clvde Jemlgan 62-6756: home 8-5868 Sowers Realty Co Realtor 29 SOUTH SIDE 1708 Gordon Ave Attractive bungalow containing tour large room Modern bath conking range garage and many other desirable feature Priced at only 87 WKX Easy term Dll Robt Grlgg 5-1 1 81: home 4-0850 Northslde Realty Company Realtor SOUTH SIDE (West 22nd Street) A wonderful buy! Living room modern kitchen two nice bedrooms and ceramic tile bath Attic storage space storm window nice porch Owner transferred CsU Roy Shelton Jr or recti Seers 2-8307 or 3-7373 Thomas Massey ft Co Ine Realtor 25 Hoosos for Solo 134 New 8-bedroom borne oil duct heat near bus and echooL 39450 on FHA terms call Mr Baldwin 5-1688: home 6-734L Hubbard ft Son Int Realtor 25 LAKESIDE 5 -room brick bungalow Bcndix wither range and refrigerator in kitchen Under $12000 Open now 2932 Dumbarton Road Owner 27M 3-bedroom bungalow Oil heat utility mom Priced low Dill WL Burnett 3-9191 or hotna 8 1-3664 A Connelly Realtor 25 LAKESI fProhm frame bungalow attic screened side porch oil radiator heat For further details call Mra Murphy 6-2175 or Mrs Anderson 6-2214 Seay Realty Corn Realtors 6-6511 25 LAKESIDE Beautiful 3-bedroom bungalow comer lot oil duct heat near bus and school $10600 Easily financed Winn Powers 6-8688 Thomas Massey ft Co Ine Realtors 26 Modem 5-room bunga-low in excellent condition has tile bath and decorated Interior Can be bought furnished Priced for auiek sale: owner leaving State Call Johnson 2-7283 or 84-2585 Whitlow ft Frayser Realtor LAKESIDE Attractive 5-room bun-galnw on comer lot Storm windows oil heat nice fenced back yard: large attic Convenient to chool tranuportMtlon ami whopping (HU walm dapartmente 6-7435 Thca Goodman Inc Realtor 25 LAKESIDE 640B Smith Avanue Asbestos shingle bungalow contain Ing 414 room and bath Close to store and transportation Priced for Immediate sale at 35150 Including new GE cook stove and apace heater Call Walter Griggs 5-1761 Norths! de Realty Ca Realtors Home 4-8594 LAKESIDE Dellrose Avenue living room dining room kitchen two nice bedrooms and ceramic tile bath Storage attic oil heat storm win dom Furnished or unfurnished Owner transferred Dll Roy Shelton Jr or Cecil Sacra 2-6107- or 8-7373 Thomas Massey ft Com-pany Inc Realtors S5 LAKESIDE "New frame bungalow large living room 3 bedroom din- Inr room kitchen and hath permanent stairway side porch large lot 2 blocks from elementary school Fleet Ave Also have new brick homes In this section under construct ion Lawrence Realty Corn Lee Paata Jr builder 64-6730 or K-lfitlH 27 Lakeside 2509 KENWOOD AVENUE ASSUME LOAN SMALL CASH PAYMENT Well-built 6-room and tile bath bungalow good condition garage fenced yard near school and bua Call Manley Hubbard 2-474L Rucker ft Rlcbardson 35 Lakeside ASSUME GI LOAN 8-bedroom bungalow one year old like new nice lot Dll Ray Edwards home 84-3681 or Joe Southward home 6-6356 with Airred Blake ft Sons Inc Realtors -5 LAKESIDE SECTION Ellis Ave 61101 Prewar frame bungalow living room with fireplace dining room modern kitchen 2 lovely bedrooma tarn closets screened side porch wiih Ruko steel awnings storm windows aluminum screens oil heat nice lot with beautiful shrubbery Price $10 Win Bessie A Pleesanu Real Estate: 2-4565 or 5-1933- 25 LAKESIDE SECTION Club Road facing the golf course: A beautiful location Brick home living room full dining room large modem kitch en 3 large bedrooma one down Beautiful shrubbery fenced lot Perfect condition oil beat See this one before you buy Dll Ted Freeman 7-4997: eyenlnea 28 LORRAINE AVE Bellevue 6-room brick home with full basem*nt Occupancy within 60 days Dll A Smith Jr 2-9091 A IX Smith ft Co Inc 25 MAIN STREET (Near Robinson) Brick duplex 4 rooma bath each floor 31000 cash balance less than rent Income $990 per year Dll Roy Tapper 8-9001 home 6-1256 Sutton ft Co 27 MAPLE SHADE LANE First offering of this choice modem prewar well built brick bungalow- 5 rooms and tiled bath stairway to unfinished attic slate roof Bunt on contract for present owner and in splendid condition throughout Price 816500 Exclusive listing For appointment to inspect call Mrs Nnftsincer 2-2851 home 88-1830 Allan Snead ft Whlttet Inc Realtors 1 25 MrGILL 2-bedroom mod-cm home S70H5 GI Iota available Call Jonn 8 Edwards or XX Nanny 74597 Freeman A Ed-wardi Inc 25 McGuire Section New 2-bedroom bungalows pine-paneled living room with dining space modern kitchen and bath County taxes Convenient to bus and school 37700: GI and FHA financed Drive out Broad Rock Rood to Old Broad Rock School turn left 3 blocks Call A Moore field 3-0701 home 6-2277 Jonn ft Robins Inc Realtors 26 MechanicsviUe Farms Strain Ave 5-room bungalow with large dining room and kitchen assume 4 GI loan and approximately 31560 rash Early possession Owner being transferred to Norfolk Va Dll Lon erst 2-830 with Alfred Blake ft Sons Realtors 25 Montrose Heights 2300 BLOCK NATIONAL STREET New 8-bedroom brick bungalows modem kitchen tile bath utility room completely decorated county taxes gas heat All this for only 810950 DU Dunn 8-0201 home 6-7965 or A Moorefleld home S-2277 Jones ft Robins Ine Realtors 35 AVE 3200 block Semidetached brick first floor 4 rooms 2nd flnr 4 bedrooms 3 baths 3rd floor 2 bedrooms 1 bath Oil hot-water heat Studio over double garage Priced to sell Dll David Goff 4-5346 or Tyler ft Bradley Inc Realtors 3-6703 25 Nine MILE ROAD (Near) Three homes one 7 rooms one 5 roans end aw 3 rooms lights Plenty of outbuildings Some fruit About 8 acres of land Price only 86750 for ail Call Wynn 3-8421 night 3-1003 Ellison Gauidlng Realtor 25 North RIDE (Near Acca Yards) Attractive brick 3-bedmom home for only 88750 Dll Oakley Roach Jr 2-8807 or 8-7378 with Thomas Massey ft Co Inc Realtors 25 NORTH Near Ladies Mile Rd well built prewar modem 3-bed room bungalow recreation room 1 baths Throckmorton Broker 7-2626 or 7-8474 27 NORTH RTDE Biltmor 2-brdmom home living rom modem kitchen large utility room oil heat 8700ft Easy term Dll Ravee Norris Ray Daniel ft Co Realtors 31 NORTH SIDE Suburbs near Laurel Attractive 4-room bungalow in excellent condition Inside and out Automatic heat storm windows large fenced-in lot and many other desirable features Priced less than $100(1 Dll Robert Griegs 6-1781 Northslde Really Co Realtors home 4-ft8-iO: NORTH SIDE Attractive 5-room brick bunealow Flreolare in living room automatic heal disappearing stalrwav to attlr Nice vard and many ether desirable features Priced at only 810750 Call Robt Griggs 6-17M Nnrthslde Realty Co Real-tors: home 4-owV) NORTH Price 89050 Griffin Ave near Ladles Mile Road) Four-lirdroom home In excellent condition Basem*nt nil hnt-water heat Slate roof FHA financed with 32000 cash Dll James Snoddy with Phlllipe-HaiL Inc 8-7461: home 84-0555 27 NORTH Above Boulevard at-tractive 2-family arrangement 4 rooms end tile bath down: 5 rooma and full bath up Th'e property la in excellent condition inside and out Besides being a nice home It Is a real investment Reasonably priced Dll Clark 5-1781 Northstde Realty Co Realtors home 4-475L NORTH SIDE (Near Meadow-bririge Road) qualify for loan? Buy this $950 and assume GI loan on this modern well-kept bungalow Payments only ahout 842 monthly includes everything Call Wood 3-5437 home 5-8898 Batte ft Sona Inc- Realtors exclusive 25 Westover Hills Attractive Dutch Colonial-style home a nice rooms end tila bath basem*nt with oil heat fireplace In living room acreened aide porch electric dishwasher: 1-car garage nicely decorated throughout Only $16300 Thrall 3-2841 home 4-5185 Muhleman ft Kayhoe Ine West Seminary Avenue Brick with slate roof reception hell with guest closet large living-room with attractive fireplace lovely din-tag-room with chair rail ultramodern kitchen 3 bright bedroom nil with clneets tile bath tub with shower with linen closet adjoining Venetian blind large utility room oil hot-water heat with Summer end Winter hookup (stone steel tenk corner pipe large side porrh: lot well shrubbed and fenced: 3-car garage with overhead doer Early possession can be arranged Dll 3-3143 WALTON ft COL WESTVIEW MANOR Attractive brick and frame home of 6 rooma: 3 bedroom 1 (4 bath large lot with tall pine Dll Riggs 3-356N home 3-8231 Elam ft Funsten Realtor 25 Westview Manor 0209 DUSTIN DRIVE Nvo-Btory brick SI llvlnjr room large dining room modern Kitchen hath aid screened porch ire ulllity room with GE oil hnt-waler bent Upstair 3 nice bedroom tile bath ample rloxeU Large fenced yard County taxe dty convenience Owner moving out of State Assume GI loan Price SI 5710 Exclusive Joe Call 2-1 ti(8 84-4760 Bailey ft Chlldres Realtor Westwood MORNINGSIUE DRIVE Beautiful two-story brick Large living room with open fireplace full-size dining room with rhalr rail bedroom or den with lavatory modern kitchen and pantry on first floor Second floor has two spacious bedrooms (three bedrooma in all) and tile bath Lara utility r6om oil hot-water heat with summer and winter hookup aide porch Venetian blind Large well-equipped lot Dll 3-314J Walton Co Inc WESTWOOD SECTION Nearing completion- brick ranch -type Imme: 6 room lty bath utility room porch Big closets nice loL $16750 Call John Dudley Jr 7-4503 home 6-3 81 Ralph Dudley Inc Realtor 405 Travelers Build-in 25 WESTWOOD TERRACE Beautiful 6-room bungalow Living room dining room kitchen two bright bedrooms end ceramic tile bath Expandable attic: See this home today! Dll Roy Shelton Jr or call Ddl Sacra 2-8307 or 3-7373 Thomas Massey ft Company Inc Realtor WINDSOR FARMS 2-atorv brick bom Living room and fireplace: dining room den kltcten powder room 2nd floor: 3 large bed rooms and 2 bath Full basem*nt with recreation room: screened porch Dll Walter Preseant or Dirk Shannon 2-5801 Schmidt ft Wilson Ine Realtor WINDSOR This most at tractive brick home was under con traction far man who has been transferred out of town Second floor has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths: den end Vi bath on first floor 885600: Clemens ft Smith Broker 84-6478 6-0494 or office 7-1SW 25 WINDSOR FARMS 4 bedroom baths fl twin-size bedroom and full tiled bath first floor) 3 bedroom 2 tiled baths up storage space utility room screened porch convertor heat: garag Far further detail call MR STINNETT 6-5896 Seay Realty Corp REALTORS 6-5511 WOODLAND HEIGHTS Forest H1U Ave 7 room bath See heat Arranged for families 10500 West 29th St Brick 8 room bath basem*nt oil heat May be used for 2 famllie $14000 West 29th St 8 room bath bailment coal hot-wa icr heat $10500 Baker evening 83-6696 Gee Brot Realtors 35 WOODLAND HILLS Six rooms and bath hardwood floor oil heat basem*nt near Hermitage School and transportation Immediate possession Price Sn500 Small cash payment and assume loan Call Rohert-aon 2-4741 Rucker ft Richardson Realtor 28 WOODLAND HEIGHTS 6-bedroum home two bath full basem*nt oil beat: 2 -car Karaite Can be used for two famllie Priced for qulrtc sale and possession Hadder 5-7464: home 6-8173 Daniel Inc Realtor 26 WOODROW 6 room and basem*nt hot-water coal heat Home in excellent condition Will finance A Crafts ft Son 7-8523 night SB t'JNU ST NORTH 513 Brirk 6 FROM $5750 TO $17500 8 rooma bath 5750 4 room bath 5 room bath niinitos BMIIII 6 room hath 175(H) Otey Realty Service 82-9127 27 McGl'IRE'R: This fine "-bedroom bouse with a screened brrezeway and attached garage: located mi a large corner lot la a good buy at only $10000 DU Hogan 88-4458 or 3-9111 Richer son ft Co Realtor 25 451)0 WEST Fun 2-story home in good condition First flora- has living-room with fireplace dininsvroom modern kitchen and den Second floor has 4 bedroom sleeping porrh and bath Basem*nt Hot-water heat For appointment call Meador or Showalter with Alfred Blake ft Son Inc Real-tor 2-8303 S6 JEFFERSON AVE 2300 Mock 8-room home IK baths house needs some repair Prior only S3WHI 61 (MM) casb about 830 per month Marshall St 3315 brick home 6 rooms and bath priced low lor quirk sale 12(10 Mock 23rd St 10 rooms 2 baths 2-family home extra lot Priced low for quick sale 2000 block Rosewood Ave hrirk home 7 room 1 14 baths full basem*nt d1 hot-water heat Priced low Good term Immediate possession Call Wynn 8-8421 night 3-1003 Ellison Gaulding Realtor 25 Only $1750 Cash A good Westhampton location Nearly new 5-room frame bungalow Oil heat In perfect condition Large lot Well shrubbed Only $9750 $63r monthly covers all Dll Whitlock 7-3047 evening 84-5191 Whitlock ft Ca 26 HOME OWNERS If You Wish a Free Honest Opinion 'As to the Value Of Your Property BACKED BY 35 YEARS' EXPERIENCE CALL BAYLISS Home 7-2135 Office 8-9111 Richeson Co Realtors 28 COLORED: South Side cottage Ill Him St 5 rooms and bath ex-reliant condition 27 COLORED: South Side Boston Ave 6 room I bath good condition 86750 Term Chewning ft Smith Inc 3-4938 25 COLORED: Church Hill: 7 room 2 baths also five rooms and bath easy term Thurken Realty Co 2-0030: home 5-8296 25 COLORED: Griffin Ave (2900 block) Corner house 7 room basem*nt heat garage Price reduced Will finance Koastot'b Beally 7-7377 25 COLORED: North Ode FendalL 7 rooms and bath (frame) kitchen on each floor slate roof and oil heat DU A Manning 3-9191 home 4-1349 3 A Connelly Realtor 26 COLORED: Griffin Ave Nice 2-family house rooma and bath each reel stoker double garage targe yard First time offered for sale Miss Roark 6-7371 with Mr Inge 6-3107 25 COLORED: North Side: Nice clean two-family home Live In one flat and let the rent from the other pav g' It Near school and bus DU Powell 3-1668 Bailey ft Udreas Realtor COLORED: Griffin Ave 7 room 1(4 bath oil heat arranged for 2 famllie Possession February 1 Open tor Inspection Sunday 2 to 5 M- A Burrow 2-3830 Chapin ft Clark 25 COLORED: Near Hull Street B-room frame bungalow bath floor furnace beat lmrg lot good neighborhood Priced to allow fnr acme needed decoration Certainly a Bond buy I Dll Roy Burd 7-1969 or 97-4536 Everett New Realtor 25 COLORED: South Side $750 cash includes closing cost balance monthly payment will get you a 2-itory aiheslna shingle house 5 rooms with I bath automatic oil circulator heat fine neiahborhnnd don't delay Call Roy Burd 7-1 969 or 97-4536 Evcrett New Realtor 25 COLORED 3512 Midlothian Pike 2 bedrooms and bath up: living room dining room large kitchen pantry down basem*nt oil heat Good condition Sign on property Exclusive EDWARDS HAMILTON ft MARTIN Inc 82-1511 Realtors 5-385 Opes for Inspeetioa 135 Open for Inspection Today I TO 5:30 Green Park Bmnkland Parti Boulevard ta Hotchkiss Field turn south 1(4 blocks to Foarqurean Lane New 3-bedmom bungalow Price 9S 250 Liberal GI or FHA loan Small monthly payment! bmludea principal interest taxes and in-iurance 2-5801 Schmidt Wilson Inc REALTORS Walar Ft Resort far Sal 1X7 URBANNA Exclusive water frontage lot homes and Income piopcr-tic Owner Eddie Rcwa I'rvanna Va 30 WATERFRONT properly ST Brook Realtor isppshannock Va Wanted: Northern Nark water-front property Hire Realtor Warsaw Va 23 WANTED 40 to 100 acres water front properly HJ Boe 1615 Franklin 8L Washington 2 Lots and Acrtoq 138 FOR SALI ANO WANTED bHAMBERLAYNE HEICHTS 160 6-0440 evening 4 EVELYN BYRD West of Boulevard- beautiful 0x140 font lot: big tree view of river Tlmberlake 7-0365: home 25 GLEN BROOKE HILLS $3000 lovely elevated lot Over fl frontage lots of tree This beautiful lot will go In burrv so call early Tax Eilett with Thomas Masse)' ft Co Inc Realtors fi-b6g nr 27 GLENBLRNIE 65x140 The last one for sale Mr Frazier 4-623U Bailey ft Rueger Inc Realtor SUM NINE MILE Stop 6 builri-ing lots for sale 2-0780 27 PARK AVE Sacrifice quick aale by 147 4-6104 29 JtKXNIE AVE Sherwonod Park 65x168 8155(1 McCarthy ft En-roughly Inc 2-6058 ROSE DAI E- Where you enjoy aub-urban Ufa in tbs city Large lot Original prices obtain be glad to show you the property at any time DU 7-6977 tor appointment Ginter Land 0 SHER'-'OOD Let us show you our lot Same price No down payment required A look means a lot DU 7-8977 tor appointment Sherwood Land Ca SHERWOOD Drive by $322 Lnxley Road and see this beautiful lot 65x180 in the old section of Sherwood Park Ohs Shield Jr with PhllUpc-IlaU Inc 3-7461 exclusively 25 WERT END Desirable lots: Cut-haw at Monument Heights (4MOQ block): Grace at Chantilly: 4(Mi4 Wythe Ave Also lota at Gian Rock near Virginia Bearh CaU 8 Potts 6-6788 Georgs Reilly 8-8258 27 WESTHAM Lot $2000 up 6-2357 Bird ft Noell Inc 25 WESTHAM (Old Several choice hillside and level lots: big trees and dogwoods: frontage 130 and 3V Buy now They will be gone next Spring Mr Stinnett Seay Realty Corp Realtor 6-5511 WESTHAM Beautiful elevated loti near new Tucks hoe School: $20 a front foot Easy term Low taxe Electricity telephone water and bua available WesUiam Cor 7-2367: night 88-3161 WESTHAMPTON PROPER 44 acre city water and sewer streets around three sides near bus and tores just right for subdivision James Tlmberlake ft Son 7-056-V A CHOICE acreage and house sites Cox Rd 7 miles west 5-781 26 CASH for Lakeside tot CaU 88-0337 or 88-2032 29 ONE acre and larger 8250 and up E- Hicks agent 3-6949 2R BUILDING site 2 acre near Highway 360 miles out $600 cash 82-8440 after 6 28 HAVE several building lots In rtly Will sacrifice to building contractor Hicks agent 3-6X49 28 LARGE hulldlng tots west of Richmond Reasonable Cash nr term Hick Agent 81-0479 28 2 NICE LOTS fronting on Hopkins Rd near McGuire Hospital Call Mr Ladd 7-1969 or 2-5166 Everett New Realtor 25 HAVE several tala In nice section 1 acre or more north of Richmond Reasonable eamy term Dll Baker 7-1044 borne 4-9836 26 BUILDERS ATTENTION: West of Richmond 124 choice building tot located In Richmond's fastest growing section between Patterson Ave and River Rond Will sell as a whole or tor the block Gail Holly 7-7283 30 Saburbon Coantry for Sola 139 BON Attractive ranch-type home bedrooms den oil hnt-water best on Z-scre lot Bon Ar Realty Ca 88-0129: home 2-4300 BROAD ST Near Oilville attractive 5-ronm frame bungalow 1 acre 1 Excellent location fnr residence or business S45U0 Mr Inge Broker 6-3107 23 ChKSYBrfiEL'd" Modern 6-room bungalow tile bath open atalrway to floored attic storm windows: excellent condition acre Mr Monte Horner ft Newell Rcnl-tora 82-4519: home 82-440-1 25 CHESTERFIELD 5 room full tile bath: modern design excellent condition Lot 60 bv 15 Near Mlnntljurya Farm GI loan: 81550 cash payments 878 monthly Best buy In Chesterfield George Andrew broker 4-0736 26 CHESTERFIELD Close in modern 5-ronm bungalow connection fnr automatic washer and electric range steps to attlr: atnrm window $834 rash assume loan monthly payments 853 Mrs nates with Horner ft Newell 82-4519 82-4403 25 CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 17 Road: attractive prewar bungalow of 6 rooms and bath stairway to targe attic: hot-water heat: basem*nt All In excellent condition GI loan that may be assumed Call Olin Taylor Phone 82-45U2 Llnasey ft Sheppard Inc CI I ESTERFIELD COUNTY Near modern 6 -room bunca-lnw with bedroom nil heat nice kitchen with built-in cabinets beautiful hardwood floors througliout This home Is in perfect condition A special buy at 88950 Call Massey 82-658: home 82-2206 Sowers Realty 27 CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 1 MILES NORTH dO MILES EAST MILES SOUTH With entrance from No 1 Highway This newly restored home offers convenience aa wall as gracious living: living room with fireplace dining room kitchen bedroom utility room oU heat 1 to 10 acres open land Fishing and swimming privileges In large fresh spring-water pond Dll Cheater 7574 Tucker or 2-7283 Whitlow ft Fray-aar Realtor 25 DARBYAOWN Modem 5 rooms and bath hardwood floor hot-water heat tile kitchen flre- 5lace part basem*nt white hoard encc around yard Good outbuilding 710 acre 5 miles -from dty limits Owner 27 CORDON AVE rooms bath: automatlf beat Very aonrl -Condition 8 '3-2947 26 (jREEN Creencourt Rdt IOC 3 rooms bath automatic oil heat cabinet sink ass rum newly dee- ssiiiJBa jfgrs bs5- CrOvE AVE Detached brick 9 moms 5 bedrooms 2 4 baths full basem*nt stoker heat very nice condition Immediate possession Call Riggs 3-8568 home 4-8251 Elam ft Pun ten Realtors Hampton GARDENS Early Amer ican hom*o with alato mot 4 bed-- 'lywis 3 baths garage large at-tti'cUw lot Immediate possession Call Riggs 3-3568 home 4-8251 Elam ft Funsten Realtors 25 Hanover AVEi Two-story brick home near schools and bus line This borne affords living room dining room bedroom kitchen with range and bath on each floor all room are large and In good condi- 1 tton It ran be a source of income for you by renting it at a duplex renting rooms Owner must sell May be bought for a reasonable offer Shown by appointment only fall Frank Wyatt or Chat Yar- rough HI -5-7750 day or night westhampton Realty Cat Realtors 27 HANOVER COUNTY Just of! No' 2 Highway splendid R-room bungalow Pxvn for bath modern kitchen sink oil circulator 1 acre of tick land garage chicken house Bargain at 84500 Mr Baughman 7-0165: home 6-61 B5 Jas Timber lake ft Son Realiors 25 HIGHLAND PARK (East) 3914 Pemberton Ave New bungalow Small down payment will flnanre '-Kessler's Realty 7-7877 84-1365 HIGHLAND PARK New bungalow 6 rooms Can he financed either CI nr FHA Cash payment $(0 to 81350 CaU A Smith Jr 2-9091 A Smith ft Co Inr 23 HIGHLAND PARK Assume GT loan on six-room home Down payment '-approximately 31500 Monthly pay- mente 35600 Call William -T Snoddy with Phllllpa-Hull Ine 3-7461: home 64-5766 27 IlIGHLAND Lee Avenue across Confederate Terrace 5 rooms and bah: large lot: 87230 Terms Call 97-4197 Matthews ft Foils Real Estate 25 I Highland springs off stop 2 modern 5-room bungalow with one i aire In lovely setting Priced rleht fur quick sale John Butte 2-5437 borne 4-4046 Batte ft Sons Inc- Realtor 25 HIGHLAND SPRINGS New 3-bed mom bungalow bath automatic ctl heat hardwood floors electric water heater town water and sewerage: near bus stores school and churches 37905 FHA 'loan with 31400 down Including closing mst 84750 per month Call Jimmie Nunrally with TABB REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE CO 67-4842 OFFICE 97-2328 HOME 27 llTLLCKEST AVENUE Just oft Riverside Drive Two-story brick living mom dining room kitchen three nice bedrooms bath full basem*nt side porch screened Owner transferred Call Roy Shelton Jr or Cecil Sacra 2-6307 or 8-7373 Thomas Massey A Co Tnc Realtors 23 HOPEWELL Near Appomattox River: splendid 5-mom bungalow modem bath and kitchen nil heat acre comer lot Immediate pos- session Only 87000 James Tlmberlaks ft Sim 7-0365 home 4-6073 25 I'kENSTNGTON AVENUE West of the Boulevard very desk-able 4-ned- room 2-tile-bath brick borne Full basem*nt hot-water oil heat Kire condition and priced at only 815750 Call Herbert Martin 3-2841: home 4-706L Muhleman ft Kavhoe Inc KINGS HILL Off Williamsburg 1 Road Practically new bungalow on large lot Beuutifully decorated --perfect condition 82000 rash and -assume FHA loan payable 840 a month Call Alvin Talley 2-4741 Rurkrr ft Richardson 25 Splendid 9-- mom home with bath Arranged for two families HO1 comer lot Nice condition 7350 Good rental prop ertv Mr Baughman 7-0365: home 6-6165 Jaa Timberlaka ft Son Realtors 25 Lakeside avenue Frame rooms and tile bath steps to floored attic utility mom oil hot-water bekt A lovely home and priced to aeR $10500 Call Louis Smith borne 2-1907r: office 3-919L A Connelly Realtor 27 Xa RESIDE (Avenue) This attrae-tive well-kept bungalow with moms partly finished attic lf bath and rain hoard oil hot- rater radl-itnr hc-it Would be Ideal or a voung couple or any elderly ciijpIc The price Is only $1050(1 and with only 87 500 rash It can be yours Call now to inspect Chat Yarbrough III 5-7750 or 84-0186 i West ham ptnp Realty Realtors 23 not tost until you have tried he Classified Columns to find 1L.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.