Determining the Hand or Handing of A Door (2024)

I've been asked so many times how to determine the swing of a door, or its "handing", that I havefinally broken down and posted this explanation. My appreciation to the BrockwaySmith Company , a.k.a. Brosco, for allowing us the use of their text and graphics.

Some sites have tried to explain handing in reference to your location inside or outside the room. Thiscan be confusing since there are circumstances when it is difficult to determine which room to use as a reference point(such as doors between adjacent rooms). This is the best graphical explanation I've seen, including graphics. Thanks, Brosco!!

If you are determining the handing of an exterior door before ordering one, be sure to read my notebelow in the "Exterior Door" section!

Regarding the installation of locks...

Most common round-handled locksets are reversible. However, if you are installing curved lever-style locks, knowing your door's hand is important. Both privacy (bedroom - bathroom) and keyed locksets have different inside and outside handles. The lockset should have the hand noted on the packaging. There is more info about lock handing at the end ofthis article...

First, the SIMPLE WAY to determine door handing...

IF YOU ARE REPLACING AN EXISTING DOOR: With the dooropen, stand with your back against the hinge jamb. If your left hand isnearer the doorknob, then the door is LEFT-HANDED. If your right hand isnearer the doorknob, then the door is RIGHT-HANDED.

IF YOU ARE INSTALLING A NEW DOOR AND JAMB IN A ROUGH OPENING:Decide which side of the frame will have the door hinges. Stand with yourback against the hinge-side of the frame and extend an arm in the direction youwish the door to open. If you extended the left arm, then you need toorder a LEFT-HANDED door set. If you extended the right arm, then you needto order a RIGHT-HANDED door set.

IF THE DOOR IS GOING TO BE AN EXTERIOR DOOR... Thoughexterior doors typically swing inward, outswinging exterior doors are available.So be sure to add "inswinging" or "outswinging" to your notes before ordering!

And, for those of you who like pictures, a Graphical View Of Interior Door Handing...

When the door opens toward you and the knob is on the left hand side, it is a LEFT HAND DOOR.
When the door opens toward you and the knob is on the right hand side, it is a RIGHT HAND DOOR.

Exterior doors... slightly different specifications from interior doors

To order the correct exterior door, you need to know both thedesired handing and whether it is inswing oroutswing.

You are standing inside the house...

When the door opens toward you and the knob is on the left handside, it is a LEFT HAND INSWING DOOR.
When the door opens toward you and the knob is on the right handside, it is a RIGHT HAND INSWING DOOR.

When the door opensaway from you (towards the outside) and the knob is on the right hand side, itis a LEFT HAND OUTSWING DOOR.
When the door opens away from you (towards theoutside) and the knob is on the left hand side, it is a RIGHT HAND OUTSWINGDOOR.

(Note from NH: Most interior doors are identical on both sides, but virtually all modern exterior doors have a definite inside andoutside. So it is important to know not only the handing but whether the door is "inswing" or "outswing"when ordering.)

A final word about door handing...

Some knowledgeable do-it-yourselfers use other methods to determine door handing. One common alternative is to note the location of the hinges as opposed to the location of the lock. To summarize this method...

1) If the hinges are on the left side when you walk through a door, it is a left-hand door.
2) If the hinges are on the right side when you walk through it, it is a right-hand door.

This is a perfectly fine method if it helps you remember.However, to be true to our handymen ancestors, the terms "handing" and "hand" of a door refer to the hand you pull the door open with.

Otherwise, they would have called it "hinging".


One reader had some confusion about the description of door handing on a doorlock website....

Dear NH,

I am confused by the term left hand door and right hand door evenafter your rather clear explanation. The reason I am still confused isthat this directly contradicts the information on .I want to place a lever handle on an interior door. The door pulls towardyou from the outside. The handle is on the left indicating a left handdoor.

The hinges are on the right. The siteexplains this as a right hand door. I want to get a lever handle fromthem. Which is it?


Dear JO,

The problem is in their description of "handing". They aredetermining handing based on the locksetorientation you need to choose, not using the typical industry standard forhanding.

The diagram below courtesy

What they call "left-hand outswing" is (in the door industry) actually"right-hand outswing". The left hand inswing and outswing (per theirdiagrams) use the exact same lockset (with the key on the outside). Inother words, the lockset handles look the same but the latch plate is rotated180 degrees so it latches properly.

I guess they changed the standard handing conventions to make is easier forthe customer who doesn't know anything about handing to order. Otherwise,they would have to call each lock both left and right handed, adding to theconfusion. Based on the description of your door, it is indeed a left-handoutswing, but for ordering purposes from this company, indicating "right hand"in the order follows their modified convention.


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Determining the Hand or Handing of A Door (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.